diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor.ftl deleted file mode 100644 index 7ded3ecb02c..00000000000 --- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor.ftl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -ent-ClothingOuterAtmosianBomberJacket = atmosian bomber jacket - .desc = A thick, well-worn atmosian leather bomber jacket. - .suffix = Sponsor -ent-ClothingMaskGasAtmosian = atmosian gas mask - .desc = Improved gas mask utilized by atmospheric technicians. It's flameproof! - .suffix = Sponsor -ent-ClothingCloakAtmosian = atmosian's cloak - .desc = The cloak of a legendary Atmosian. - .suffix = Sponsor -ent-ClothingMaskSkull = skull mask - .desc = Spooky skull mask. - .suffix = Sponsor -ent-ClothingCloakGamer = legendary gamer's cloak - .desc = Worn by the most skilled professional gamers. - .suffix = Sponsor -ent-ClothingUniformJumpsuitSkeleton = skeleton jumpsuit - .desc = A black jumpsuit with a white bone pattern printed on it. Spooky! - .suffix = Sponsor -ent-ClothingBackpackSatchelHoS = head of security's satchel - .desc = Stylish, leather black satchel - .suffix = Sponsor -ent-ClothingBeltHoS = leather security belt - .desc = Stylish, leather black belt - .suffix = Sponsor -ent-ClothingHandsGlovesLeatherHoS = leather gloves - .desc = Stylish, black leather gloves - .suffix = Sponsor -ent-ClothingHeadHatCapLeatherHoS = leather head of security's cap - .desc = Pretty old stuff for these times, bringing back old memories... - .suffix = Sponsor -ent-ClothingOuterCoatHoSOvercoat = armored overcoat - .desc = Pretty old stuff for these times, bringing back old memories... - .suffix = Sponsor -ent-ClothingUniformJumpsuitHoSOld = old head of security's jumpsuit - .desc = Pretty old stuff for these times, bringing back old memories... - .suffix = Sponsor -ent-ClothingHandsWatchDivine = divine watches - .desc = This watch can only be worn by a divine person -ent-ClothingHandsGlovesLeatherUSSPBlack = old ussp leather gloves - .desc = Black leather gloves from USSP - .suffix = Sponsor -ent-ClothingHeadHatCapUSSPBlack = old ussp leather cap - .desc = Pretty old stuff from USSP - .suffix = Sponsor -ent-ClothingOuterCoatUSSPOvercoatBlack = old ussp armored overcoat - .desc = Pretty old stuff from USSP - .suffix = Sponsor -ent-ClothingUniformJumpsuitUSSPBlack = old ussp jumpsuit - .desc = Pretty old stuff from USSP - .suffix = Sponsor -ent-ClothingShoesUSSPBlack = old ussp boots - .desc = Pretty old stuff from USSP - .suffix = Sponsor diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/back/satchel.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/back/satchel.ftl deleted file mode 100644 index 0561e6090a9..00000000000 --- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/back/satchel.ftl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -ent-ClothingBackpackSatchelHoS = head of security's satchel - .desc = Stylish, leather black satchel - .suffix = { "" } diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/belt/belts.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/belt/belts.ftl deleted file mode 100644 index 25c75c99baf..00000000000 --- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/belt/belts.ftl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -ent-ClothingBeltHoS = leather security belt - .desc = Stylish, leather black belt - .suffix = { "" } diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/hands/gloves.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/hands/gloves.ftl deleted file mode 100644 index ce046f8a4f6..00000000000 --- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/hands/gloves.ftl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -ent-ClothingHandsGlovesLeatherHoS = leather gloves - .desc = Stylish, black leather gloves - .suffix = { "" } diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/head/hats.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/head/hats.ftl deleted file mode 100644 index 836fcf520a4..00000000000 --- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/head/hats.ftl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -ent-ClothingHeadHatCapHoS = leather head of security's cap - .desc = Pretty old stuff for these times, bringing back old memories... - .suffix = { "" } diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/outerclothing/coats.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/outerclothing/coats.ftl deleted file mode 100644 index ac1cfe8fa3f..00000000000 --- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/outerclothing/coats.ftl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -ent-ClothingOuterCoatHoSOvercoat = armored overcoat - .desc = Pretty old stuff for these times, bringing back old memories... - .suffix = { "" } diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/uniforms/jumpsuit/jumpsuits.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/uniforms/jumpsuit/jumpsuits.ftl deleted file mode 100644 index 35e16e8a604..00000000000 --- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/uniforms/jumpsuit/jumpsuits.ftl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -ent-ClothingUniformJumpsuitHoSOld = old head of security's jumpsuit - .desc = Pretty old stuff for these times, bringing back old memories... - .suffix = { "" } diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor.ftl deleted file mode 100644 index d2e8216f499..00000000000 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor.ftl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -ent-ClothingOuterAtmosianBomberJacket = куртка-бомбер атмосианина - .desc = Плотная, поношенная куртка-бомбер атмосианина. - .suffix = Спонсор -ent-ClothingMaskGasAtmosian = противогаз атмосианина - .desc = Улучшенный противогаз, используемый атмосианинами. Огнеупорный! - .suffix = Спонсор -ent-ClothingCloakAtmosian = плащ атмосианина - .desc = Плащ легендарного атмосианина. - .suffix = Спонсор -ent-ClothingMaskSkull = маска черепа - .desc = Зловещая маска черепа. - .suffix = Спонсор -ent-ClothingCloakGamer = легендарный плащ геймера - .desc = Его носят самые опытные профессиональные геймеры. - .suffix = Спонсор -ent-ClothingUniformJumpsuitSkeleton = комбинезон скелета - .desc = Черный комбинезон с напечатанным на нем белым узором из костей. Жуть! - .suffix = Спонсор -ent-ClothingBackpackSatchelHoS = сумка главы службы безопасности - .desc = Стильная чёрная кожаная сумка. - .suffix = Спонсор -ent-ClothingBeltHoS = кожаный пояс охраны - .desc = Стильный чёрный кожаный пояс. - .suffix = Спонсор -ent-ClothingHandsGlovesLeatherHoS = кожаные перчатки - .desc = Стильные чёрные кожаные перчатки. - .suffix = Спонсор -ent-ClothingHeadHatCapLeatherHoS = кожаная фуражка главы службы безопасности - .desc = Довольно старая вещь для этих времён, навевающая старые воспоминания... - .suffix = Спонсор -ent-ClothingOuterCoatHoSOvercoat = бронированная шинель - .desc = Довольно старая вещь для этих времён, навевающая старые воспоминания... - .suffix = Спонсор -ent-ClothingUniformJumpsuitHoSOld = старый комбинезон главы службы безопасности - .desc = Довольно старая вещь для этих времён, навевающая старые воспоминания... - .suffix = Спонсор -ent-ClothingHandsWatchDivine = божественные часы - .desc = Эти часы может носить только божественная личность - .suffix = Спонсор -ent-ClothingHandsGlovesLeatherUSSPBlack = старые кожаные перчатки СССП - .desc = Чёрные кожаные перчатки прямиком из СССП. - .suffix = Спонсор -ent-ClothingHeadHatCapUSSPBlack = старая кожаная фуражка СССП - .desc = Старая вещица, прямиком из СССП. - .suffix = Спонсор -ent-ClothingOuterCoatUSSPOvercoatBlack = бронированная шинель СССП - .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadHatCapUSSPBlack.desc } - .suffix = Спонсор -ent-ClothingUniformJumpsuitUSSPBlack = старый комбинезон СССП - .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadHatCapUSSPBlack.desc } - .suffix = Спонсор -ent-ClothingShoesUSSPBlack = старые ботинки СССП - .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadHatCapUSSPBlack.desc } - .suffix = Спонсор diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/back/satchel.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/back/satchel.ftl deleted file mode 100644 index b1eca2772f2..00000000000 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/back/satchel.ftl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -ent-ClothingBackpackSatchelHoS = сумка главы службы безопасности - .desc = Стильная кожаная чёрная сумка. - .suffix = { "" } diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/belt/belts.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/belt/belts.ftl deleted file mode 100644 index 10a4da3c46c..00000000000 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/belt/belts.ftl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -ent-ClothingBeltHoS = кожаный ремень главы службы безопасности - .desc = Стильный кожаный черный ремень - .suffix = { "" } diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/hands/gloves.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/hands/gloves.ftl deleted file mode 100644 index 85f1f11fc31..00000000000 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/hands/gloves.ftl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -ent-ClothingHandsGlovesLeatherHoS = кожаные перчатки - .desc = Стильные чёрные кожаные перчатки. - .suffix = { "" } diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/head/hats.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/head/hats.ftl deleted file mode 100644 index 006704b1822..00000000000 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/head/hats.ftl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -ent-ClothingHeadHatCapHoS = кожаная фуражка главы службы безопасности - .desc = Довольно старая вещь для этих времён, навевающая старые воспоминания... - .suffix = { "" } diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/outerclothing/coats.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/outerclothing/coats.ftl deleted file mode 100644 index a6012ae7cf4..00000000000 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/outerclothing/coats.ftl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -ent-ClothingOuterCoatHoSOvercoat = бронированная шинель - .desc = Довольно старая вещь для этих времён, навевающая старые воспоминания... - .suffix = { "" } diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/uniforms/jumpsuit/jumpsuits.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/uniforms/jumpsuit/jumpsuits.ftl deleted file mode 100644 index 5b26a28aeea..00000000000 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/corvax/sponsor/nekish/entities/clothing/uniforms/jumpsuit/jumpsuits.ftl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -ent-ClothingUniformJumpsuitHoSOld = старый комбинезон главы службы безопасности - .desc = Довольно старая вещь для этих времён, навевающая старые воспоминания... - .suffix = { "" } diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Corvax/Catalog/Loadout/sponsor.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Corvax/Catalog/Loadout/sponsor.yml deleted file mode 100644 index bd48965d537..00000000000 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Corvax/Catalog/Loadout/sponsor.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,123 +0,0 @@ -# OopsieDoopsie -- type: loadout - id: ClothingOuterAtmosianBomberJacketLoadout - entity: ClothingOuterAtmosianBomberJacket - sponsorOnly: true - -- type: loadout - id: ClothingMaskGasAtmosianLoadout - entity: ClothingMaskGasAtmosian - sponsorOnly: true - -- type: loadout - id: ClothingCloakAtmosianLoadout - entity: ClothingCloakAtmosian - sponsorOnly: true - -# Fezory -- type: loadout - id: ClothingMaskSkullLoadout - entity: ClothingMaskSkull - sponsorOnly: true - -- type: loadout - id: ClothingCloakGamerLoadout - entity: ClothingCloakGamer - sponsorOnly: true - -- type: loadout - id: ClothingUniformJumpsuitSkeletonLoadout - entity: ClothingUniformJumpsuitSkeleton - sponsorOnly: true - -# NEKISH -- type: loadout - id: OldHoSJumpsuitLoadout - entity: ClothingUniformJumpsuitHoSOld - sponsorOnly: true - whitelistJobs: [HeadOfSecurity] - -- type: loadout - id: OldHoSCoatLoadout - entity: ClothingOuterCoatHoSOvercoat - sponsorOnly: true - whitelistJobs: [HeadOfSecurity] - -- type: loadout - id: OldHoSCapLoadout - entity: ClothingHeadHatCapHoS - sponsorOnly: true - whitelistJobs: [HeadOfSecurity] - -- type: loadout - id: OldHoSGlovesLoadout - entity: ClothingHandsGlovesLeatherHoS - sponsorOnly: true - whitelistJobs: [HeadOfSecurity] - -- type: loadout - id: OldHoSBeltLoadout - entity: ClothingBeltHoS - sponsorOnly: true - whitelistJobs: [HeadOfSecurity] - -- type: loadout - id: OldHoSBackpackLoadout - entity: ClothingBackpackSatchelHoS - sponsorOnly: true - whitelistJobs: [HeadOfSecurity] - -- type: loadout - id: OldHoSBootsLoadout - entity: ClothingShoesBootsJack - sponsorOnly: true - whitelistJobs: [HeadOfSecurity] - -- type: loadout - id: OldHoSHeadsetLoadout - entity: ClothingHeadsetSecurity - sponsorOnly: true - whitelistJobs: [HeadOfSecurity] - -# ken41k -- type: loadout - id: DivineWatchLoadout - entity: ClothingHandsWatchDivine - sponsorOnly: true - -# jesuisunfou -- type: loadout - id: OldUSSPGlovesLoadout - entity: ClothingHandsGlovesLeatherUSSPBlack - sponsorOnly: true - whitelistJobs: [HeadOfSecurity, IAA] - -- type: loadout - id: OldUSSPCapLoadout - entity: ClothingHeadHatCapUSSPBlack - sponsorOnly: true - whitelistJobs: [HeadOfSecurity, IAA] - -- type: loadout - id: OldUSSPOvercoatLoadout - entity: ClothingOuterCoatUSSPOvercoatBlack - sponsorOnly: true - whitelistJobs: [HeadOfSecurity, IAA] - -- type: loadout - id: OldUSSPJumpsuitLoadout - entity: ClothingUniformJumpsuitUSSPBlack - sponsorOnly: true - whitelistJobs: [HeadOfSecurity, IAA] - -- type: loadout - id: OldUSSPShoesLoadout - entity: ClothingShoesUSSPBlack - sponsorOnly: true - whitelistJobs: [HeadOfSecurity, IAA] - -# ondapapers -- type: loadout - id: FancyCrownLoadout - entity: ClothingHeadHatFancyCrown - sponsorOnly: true