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43% complete
For various reasons we need Sōzu to implement the HTTP2 protocol. This requires a great deal of tasks and refactoring everywhere.
We want Sōzu to be able to:
- passthrough HTTP1.1
- passthrough HTTP2
- translate from one to the other and vice-versa
An important piece of the solution lies in developping a library called Kawa, a generic HTTP representation, and…
For various reasons we need Sōzu to implement the HTTP2 protocol. This requires a great deal of tasks and refactoring everywhere.
We want Sōzu to be able to:
- passthrough HTTP1.1
- passthrough HTTP2
- translate from one to the other and vice-versa
An important piece of the solution lies in developping a library called Kawa, a generic HTTP representation, and integrate it into Sōzu. As of august 2023, Kawa handles HTTP1.1 in Sōzu.