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Web Edition

martin-henz edited this page Jun 29, 2019 · 5 revisions

Mobile-friendly Web Edition

For development & deployment:

  • Rails 5.0.2
  • Wget 1.19
  • Java (for YUI Compressor)
  • GNU Make 4.2

The generated web pages are static and can be hosted on any standard web servers.


The original text is stored as xml files in the xml folder.

The html pages are generated in two steps. In the first step, the xml pages are imported to a Rails application. The application has three models: Chapter, Snippet and Reference. Content from each xml file is stored in a corresponding chapter record, while each named snippet is stored as a snippet, and each named section, subsection, figure or exercise is stored as a reference. When a snippet is evaluated, all its requirements are executed at background and its examples would be executed to evaluate the functionality and correctness while the snippet itself is displayed in the Source Academy platform. When a page is loaded, the xml contents are formatted into html pages by Nokogiri.

After the rails server is up and running, a copy of the html pages are saved locally using Wget.


Set the server for the playground in: rails/app/controllers/chapters_controller.rb: var url

Before deploying, change the configurations at constants.rb.def.

IDE_PREFIX: The snippet and its requirements are sent through a GET request to the IDE. Change it to the correct URL and GET parameter name. Required snippets are sent by the name 'hidden'. To change this value, see the show method in chapters_controller.rb.

GCSE_CX: The search engine ID of Google Custom Search. Create a new one here.


Run make web. The generated html pages and assets are saved in rails-html folder.

Run make clean to remove all generated pages, logs and temporary files.

If the server is still running, try:

$ lsof -wni tcp:3000 Then, use the number in the PID column to kill the process:

$ kill -9 PID


The Rails project is located at rails. To test any changes made to the rails project itself, use the built-in server by running rails s. Specifically, the xml to html step is done by the Chapters controller, although in hindsight I realized it should be handled by model instead. Now it is at both the controller and model, but except for the index page, all other xml to html conversions are still handled by the controller. It would be a good idea to clean this part up before changing anything in those two files to ensure consistency.

If any changes are made to the xml file but you only want to test the dynamic/rails version of website, run rails runner app/helpers/import_textbook.rb to import the modified textbook to database.

Static site generation is handled by rails/Rakefile. It outputs the html pages to rails/out by default. Run rake static:generate to test this step.


  • Google Custom Search doesn't seem to be working.
  • The snippets containing '\n' would lead to newline rather than showing charater '\n' in the Source Academy platform. This problem is difficult to eliminate because the code encoder cannot differentiate them when reading content.
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