The balance utility iterates through the dag, determining the SOTER coin balance of a given address.
$ balance -h
Usage of balance:
-address string
Address to check balance of
Output in JSON format
Use mainnet params for rpc calls
-rpccert string
Soterd RPC server cert chain
-rpcpass string
Soterd RPC server password to use
-rpcserver string
Soterd RPC server to scan for transactions
-rpcuser string
Soterd RPC server username to use
Use simnet params for rpc calls
Use testnet params for rpc calls
balance -simnet -rpccert /home/cedric/.soterd/rpc.cert -rpcserver -rpcuser USER -rpcpass PASS -address SQoJvhmt6QkK7itCgy4S12JN2CkVMoqNf5