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Getting started with Docker

These instructions describe getting started with soterd using the docker and/or docker-compose tools, as an alternative to compiling/installing with the golang tooling.

Building the docker image

  1. If soteria-dag projects aren't publicly available yet, you need to clone the private dependencies of soteria-dag before building the container image.

    mkdir soteria-dag
    git clone soteria-dag/soterwallet
  2. Clone the soteria-dag soterd git repository

    git clone soteria-dag/soterd
  3. Build the docker image for soteria-dag/soterd

    Run this command the soteria-dag directory, not the soterd directory. When building a container image for a private project, we need to run the docker build command from a directory that has access to the private project and all of its private dependencies.

    cd soteria-dag
    docker build --tag soteria-dag/soterd:latest -f soterd/Dockerfile .

Using the docker image to demonstrate block-dag generation

  1. Run dagviz to generate a sample dag and step through its creation

    docker run --rm --volume=`pwd`/demo:/srv/demo soteria-dag/soterd:latest dagviz -duration 10 -output /srv/demo
  2. Open the ./demo/dag_0.html file in your browser, and navigate through the dag (if -stepping was specified for the dagviz run).

  • Blocks are colored based on the node that generated them.

  • You can hover your mouse over a block to see more information about it.

  • You can step forward/backward through snapshots of dag-generation with prev and next hyperlinks (if -stepping was specified for the dagviz run).

    /opt/google/chrome/chrome --new-window file://`pwd`/demo/dag_0.html

Running a soterd node using the docker command

docker run --rm --publish "5070-5071/tcp" soteria-dag/soterd:latest soterd --testnet --datadir=/srv/soterd/data --logdir=/srv/soterd/logs --listen= --rpclisten= --rpcuser=USER --rpcpass=PASS --miningaddr=mrqvnRT17uBvozaaZXZJb2LSeWiWadx96N

After the docker instance is started, you can use docker ps to see which ports on the host are mapped to listen and rpclisten, then publish the host ports to other nodes so they can connect to your node.

Running several soterd nodes using the docker-compose command

These steps show how we can use docker-compose to run and control 2 simnet nodes. Simnet is used in these steps instead of testnet, to demonstrate block generation without having to wait very long for results.

  1. Spin up simnet and testnet soterd nodes with docker-compose

    cd soterd
    docker-compose up -d
  2. Check the dag tips on simnet1

    docker-compose exec simnet1 soterctl --simnet --rpcuser=USER --rpcpass=PASS --rpcserver= --skipverify getdagtips
  3. Create a connection between simnet1 and simnet2

    docker-compose exec simnet1 soterctl --simnet --rpcuser=USER --rpcpass=PASS --rpcserver= --skipverify addnode simnet2:18565 add
  4. Show that simnet1 is now connected to simnet2

    docker-compose exec simnet1 soterctl --simnet --rpcuser=USER --rpcpass=PASS --rpcserver= --skipverify getpeerinfo
  5. Start mining on simnet

    docker-compose exec simnet1 soterctl --simnet --rpcuser=USER --rpcpass=PASS --rpcserver= --skipverify setgenerate true 1
    docker-compose exec simnet2 soterctl --simnet --rpcuser=USER --rpcpass=PASS --rpcserver= --skipverify setgenerate true 1
  6. You can see if it's generated blocks by repeating the getdagtips rpc call or by tailing soterd logs with docker-compose

    docker-compose logs --follow --tail=10 simnet1 simnet2
  7. Once it has, stop mining on simnet

    docker-compose exec simnet1 soterctl --simnet --rpcuser=USER --rpcpass=PASS --rpcserver= --skipverify setgenerate false 0
    docker-compose exec simnet2 soterctl --simnet --rpcuser=USER --rpcpass=PASS --rpcserver= --skipverify setgenerate false 0
  8. Check dag state on each node

    # Check simnet1 tips
    docker-compose exec simnet1 soterctl --simnet --rpcuser=USER --rpcpass=PASS --rpcserver= --skipverify getdagtips
    # Check simnet2 tips
    docker-compose exec simnet2 soterctl --simnet --rpcuser=USER --rpcpass=PASS --rpcserver= --skipverify getdagtips
  9. Render the dag as an SVG file

    docker-compose exec simnet1 /bin/bash -c "soterctl --simnet --rpcuser=USER --rpcpass=PASS --rpcserver= --skipverify renderdag | jq --raw-output .dot | dot -Tsvg" > dag.svg
  10. We can open the SVG file in our browser

    /opt/google/chrome/chrome --new-window file://`pwd`/dag.svg
  11. Stop the nodes

    docker-compose down

Running a testnet node using the docker-compose command

The docker-compose.yml file contains a testnet node definition, which you can target with:

docker-compose up -d testnet

Control of this node works the same as with simnet, except that you're likely to want to connect the node to Soteria's testnet:

docker-compose exec testnet soterctl --testnet --rpcuser=USER --rpcpass=PASS --rpcserver= --skipverify addnode add