- get your AWS account. see https://aws.amazon.com/ .
- get your IBM Q account. see https://www.ibm.com/quantum-computing/technology/experience/ .
- get your Slack account. see https://slack.com/ .
- install Node.js. see https://nodejs.org/en/ .
- install Python 3.7. see https://www.python.org/ .
- install AWS Command Line Interface(AWS CLI). see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-welcome.html .
- configure AWS CLI profiles.
In a standard configuration, use the stage dev
and prd
stage | purpose of use |
dev | to deploy the development environment(for test) |
prd | to deploy the production environment |
$ aws configure --profile <your_profile>-<stage>
AWS Access Key ID [None]: <your_access_key>
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <your_secret_key>
Default region name [None]:
Default output format [None]:
- get qctokyo source codes.
$ git clone https://github.com/snuffkin/qctokyo.git
From now on, the directory where qctokyo is cloned is written as <qctokyo>
- create coding environment by pipenv.
$ cd <qctokyo>
$ pip install pipenv
$ pipenv install --dev
- install Serverless Framewok. see https://www.serverless.com/ .
$ npm install -g serverless
$ cd <qctokyo>/serverless/common
$ npm install
$ cd <qctokyo>/serverless/apps
$ npm install