Programming questions solved in JavaScript
- Returns continous largest sum
- Finds kth largest element in an array of integers
- Finds sum of numbers falling inside a given rectangle area for a given matrix of integers
- Finds the maximum product from a contiguous sub array in a given array
- Implements merge sort
- Returns all pairs that sum up to a specific value in an integer array
- Returns the node at the begging of loop of a circular linked list
- Checks whether a linked list is a plaindrome
- Checks whether a linked list is cycle or has loop
- Finds kth last element of a singly linked list
- Modifies a linked list such that all nodes less than a value x comes before all nodes greater than or equal to x
- Adds two numbers represented by linked list where each node contains a single digit
- Binary search tree verification
- Create binary search tree from sorted array
- Creates a linked list of all the nodes at each depth for a given binary tree
- Find in order successor of a node in BST
- Finds common ancestor of two nodes in a binary tree
- Return all paths in a binary tree which sum to a given value
- Checks whether a binary tree is blanced
- Checks whether a tree T2 is a subtree of tree T1
- Number bits need to be changed to convert number A to number B
- Find missing number in tow given nun negative integer arrays where one array is formed by shuffling the elements of the first array and deleting a random element
- Returns next smallest and the next largest number that have the same number of 1 bits in their binary representation
- Inserts number M into number N such that M starts at bit j and ends at bit i
- Determines whether a string has all unique characters (ASCII)
- Swaps odd and even bits in an integer
- Binary search tree verification
- Create binary search tree from sorted array
- Find in order successor of a node in BST
- Finds common ancestor of two nodes in a binary tree
- Generate all valid pairs of parentheses for given count
- Checks whether a linked list is a plaindrome
- Checks whether a binary tree is blanced
- Finds kth largest element in an array of integers
- Finds kth last element of a singly linked list
- Checks whether a tree T2 is a subtree of tree T1