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2062 lines (1553 loc) · 68.9 KB

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2062 lines (1553 loc) · 68.9 KB

Upgrading from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0

For a full diff of necessary changes, please see LuckyDiff.

  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (homebrew)
brew update
brew upgrade lucky
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (Linux)

Remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

  • Update versions in shard.yml

    • Lucky should be ~> 1.2.0
    • Avram should be ~> 1.2.0
    • Carbon should be ~> 0.5.1
    • Carbon Adapter should be ~> 0.5.0
    • LuckyFlow should be ~> 0.10.0
  • Run shards update

  • Upgrade Lucky CLI on Windows (Scoop)

scoop bucket add lucky
scoop install lucky

General updates

  • Add: the annotation @[DB::Field(ignore: true)] to any instance variables you've added to your models. See PR
  • Remove: the Nexploit NPM package from your Github Actions if you're using SecTester. See PR

Optional update

  • Replace: any use of with IGNORE. See PR

Upgrading from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0

For a full diff of necessary changes, please see LuckyDiff.

  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (homebrew)
brew update
brew upgrade lucky
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (Linux)

Remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

  • Update versions in shard.yml

    • Lucky should be ~> 1.1.0
    • Avram should be ~> 1.1.0
    • Authentic should be ~> 1.0.0
    • Carbon should be ~> 0.4.0
    • LuckyTask should be ~> 0.3.0
    • LuckyFlow should be ~> 0.9.2
    • LuckySecTester should be ~> 0.3.2
  • Run shards update

General updates

  • Add: Avram.initialize_logging to your config/ file near the bottom. See PR
  • Update: all LuckyTask tasks. See PR
# All help_message instance methods are macro calls
def help_message
  "my help message"

# is now
help_message "my help message"

# Calls to `name`, `summary`, or `help_message` from your task `call` method are now classes.
def call
  # `name` is now
  # `summary` is now
  # `help_message` is now

Optional update

  • Add: allow_blank: true on String columns you want to allow empty strings to be saved. See PR
class Post < BaseModel
  table do
    column title : String

    # Field is required, but storing "" is ok
    column sub_title : String, allow_blank: true

Upgrading from 1.0.0-rc1 to 1.0.0

For a full diff of necessary changes, please see LuckyDiff.

  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (homebrew)
brew update
brew upgrade lucky
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (Linux)

Remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

  • Update versions in shard.yml

    • Lucky should be ~> 1.0.0
    • Avram should be ~> 1.0.0
    • Authentic should be ~> 1.0.0
  • Run shards update

General updates

  • Update: to at least Crystal 1.6 or later.
  • Update: Any use of a DeleteOperation that assumed the record could be nil should now assume the record will always exist in the block. See PR for more details

Optional update

Upgrading from 0.30 to 1.0.0-rc1

For a full diff of necessary changes, please see LuckyDiff.

  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (homebrew)
brew update
brew upgrade lucky
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (Linux)

Remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

  • Update versions in shard.yml

    • Lucky should be ~> 1.0.0-rc1
    • Avram should be ~> 1.0.0-rc1
    • Authentic should be ~> 0.9.0
    • Carbon (and carbon_sendgrid_adapter) should be ~> 0.3.0
    • LuckyFlow should be ~> 0.9.0
  • Run shards update

General updates

  • Add: Avram to your shard.yml as a dependency.
  • Add: require "avram/lucky" to src/ right below require "lucky". See PR
  • Add: require "avram/lucky/tasks" to right below require "lucky/tasks/**". See PR
  • Update: to Crystal 1.4 or later.
  • Add: include Lucky::RedirectableTurbolinksSupport in your BrowserAction if you are using turbolinks.
  • Add: live_reload_connect_tag to your src/components/shared/ and reload_port: 3001 to your config/watch.yml file for live browser reloading. See this PR and this PR
  • Update: now takes Hash(String, Array(String)) instead of Hash(String, String). See PR
  • Update: arg names in validate_numeric from less_than and greater_than to at_least and no_more_than. See PR
  • Update: your LuckyFlow configuration...
# spec/
# ...
require "spec"
# ...
require "lucky_flow"
require "lucky_flow/ext/lucky"
require "lucky_flow/ext/avram"
# ...

# spec/setup/
# ...

Optional updates

  • Update the lucky_sec_tester shard to version 0.1.0
  • Replace turbolinks with Turbo
  • Replace laravel-mix with Vite

Upgrading from 0.29 to 0.30

For a full diff of necessary changes, please see LuckyDiff.

  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (homebrew)
brew update
brew upgrade lucky
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (Linux)

Remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

  • Update versions in shard.yml

    • Lucky should be ~> 0.30.0
    • Authentic should be ~> 0.8.2
    • LuckyFlow should be ~> 0.7.3 NOTE: 0.8.0 is released, but may not be compatible yet
  • Run shards update

General updates

  • Update: spec/support/ with app defined in the class.
class ApiClient < Lucky::BaseHTTPClient

  def initialize
    headers("Content-Type": "application/json")

  def self.auth(user : User)
    new.headers("Authorization": UserToken.generate(user))
  • Update: the request.remote_ip method now pulls from the last (instead of first) valid IP in the X-Forwarded-For list. See PR for details
  • Update: All primary repo branches are now main. Adjust any references accordingly.
  • Update: ./script/system_check and remove mentions of ensure_process_runner_installed. Nox is built-in See PR for details

Optional updates

# in spec/
require "./setup/**"

# Add this line

include Carbon::Expectations
include Lucky::RequestExpectations
include LuckyFlow::Expectations
  • Remove: the spec/setup/ file. This accompanies the transactional specs update
  • Update: the spec/setup/ file. This file is no longer needed if your action specs make standard calls, and are not using LuckyFlow. See PR for details

Upgrading from 0.28 to 0.29

For a full diff of necessary changes, please see LuckyDiff.

  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (homebrew)
brew update
brew upgrade lucky
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (Linux)

Remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

  • Update versions in shard.yml

    • Crystal should be ">= 1.0.0"
    • Lucky should be ~> 0.29.0
    • Authentic should be ~> 0.8.1
    • Caron SendgidAdapter should be ~> 0.2.0 if you're using SendGrid
    • LuckyEnv should be ~> 0.1.4
    • LuckyTask should be ~> 0.1.1
    • JWT should be ~> 1.6.0
  • Run shards update

General updates

  • Remove: any usage of the lucky build.release task. Use shards build --release --production instead. See PR for details
  • Update: to Crystal version 1.0.0 or greater. Versions below 1.0 are no longer supported. See PR for details
  • Update: your AppServer in src/ to have a listen method defined. This method is now abstract on Lucky::BaseAppServer. See PR for details
  • Update: if you use UUID for primary keys in your models, ensure you've added the "pgcrypto" extension to your DB. The id value will no longer be generated on the Crystal side. See PR for details
  • Update: any usage of the Status enums in your SaveOperations to be OperationStatus. See PR for details
  • Remove: any usage of route or nested_route from your actions, and replace them with the actual route. (Optionally, you can use the Legacy Routing Shard) See PR for details
  • Update: your src/, and move the requires for config/server and config/** to the top of the require stack. See PR for details
  • Update: your package.json (Full Apps only) to use yarn run mix instead of just mix. See PR for details
  • Update: your src/ middleware stack with at the top of the stack before See PR for details
  • Update: any usage of add_belongs_to with namespaced models to specify the references option. See PR for details
  • Update: the error_html method in src/actions/errors/ Replace the following code
- html Errors::ShowPage, message: message, status: status
+ html_with_status Errors::ShowPage, status, message: message, status_code: status
  • Rename: the status variable to status_code in src/pages/errors/

Optional updates

  • Add: a new config Lucky::RequestIdHandler in config/ to set a request ID.

Lucky::RequestIdHandler.configure do |settings|
  settings.set_request_id = ->(context : HTTP::Server::Context) {
Avram.configure do |settings|
  settings.database_to_migrate = AppDatabase

  # In production, allow lazy loading (N+1).
  # In development and test, raise an error if you forget to preload associations
  settings.lazy_load_enabled = LuckyEnv.production?

  # Disable query cache during tests
  settings.query_cache_enabled = !LuckyEnv.test?

Upgrading from 0.27 to 0.28

For a full diff of necessary changes, please see LuckyDiff.

  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (homebrew)
brew update
brew upgrade lucky
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (Linux)

Remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

  • Update versions in shard.yml

    • Crystal should be ">= 1.0.0"
    • Lucky should be ~> 0.28.0
    • Authentic should be ~> 0.8.0
    • Carbon should be ~> 0.2.0
    • Caron SendgidAdapter should be ~> 0.1.0 if you're using SendGrid
    • Dotenv should be replaced with LuckyEnv ~> 0.1.3
  • Run shards update

General updates

  • Remove: needs context : HTTP::Server::Context from any component, as well as passing it in to the mount() for the components. See PR for details
  • Rename: all DeleteOperation.destroy calls to DeleteOperation.delete
  • Update: avram_enum to use the Crystal enum. See PR for details
# Models get this update
- avram_enum State do
+ enum State

# Factories get this update
- state
+ state Thing::State::Started

# Operations get this update
- SaveThing.create(state: do |op, t|
+ SaveThing.create(state: Thing::State::Started) do |op, t|

# Queries get this update
  • Update: your config/ to this.
# Environments are managed using `LuckyEnv`. By default, development, production
# and test are supported.

# If you need additional environment support, add it here
# LuckyEnv.add_env :staging
  • Update: any use of Lucky::Env to use LuckyEnv. (e.g. Lucky::Env.test? -> LuckyEnv.test?). See PR for details
  • Update: any use of to use LuckyEnv.environment.
  • Update: any use of route or nested_route, and replace them with the generated routes. Use lucky routes to view all generated routes. If you still need this, you can use the Lucky Legacy Routing shard.
  • Add: the luckyframework/carbon_sendgrid_adapter shard if you're using Sendgrid to send mail. Be sure to require "carbon_sendgrid_adapter" in config/

Optional updates

  • Update: all routes to use underscore (_) instead of dash (-) as word separator. Include the Lucky::EnforceUnderscoredRoute module in your base actions. (e.g. /this-route -> /this_route)
class BrowserAction < Lucky::Action
  include Lucky::EnforceUnderscoredRoute
  # ...
  • Update: send_text_response() responses if you're passing a raw JSON string to use raw_json() instead.
  • Add: include Lucky::SecureHeaders::DisableFLoC to your BrowserAction to disable FLoC.
class BrowserAction < Lucky::Action
  include Lucky::SecureHeaders::DisableFLoC
  # ...
  • Remove: normalize-scss from your package.json and replace with modern-normalize if you're using normalize-scss.
  • Update: any query where you write code like if to if .any? returns a Bool instead of loading the whole object which has a small performance gain.
  • Add: the Breeze shard to your development workflow!

Upgrading from 0.26 to 0.27

For a full diff of necessary changes, please see LuckyDiff.

  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (homebrew)
brew update
brew upgrade lucky
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (Linux)

Remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

  • Update versions in shard.yml

    • Crystal should be ">= 0.36.1, < 2.0.0"
    • Lucky should be ~> 0.27.0
    • Authentic should be ~> 0.7.3
    • Carbon should be ~> 0.1.4
    • Dotenv should be ~> 1.0.0 or replace with LuckyEnv 0.1.0
    • LuckyFlow should be ~> 0.7.3
    • JWT (if you use Auth) should be ~> 1.5.1
    • LuckyTask needs to be added as a dependency
        github: luckyframework/lucky_task
        version: ~> 0.1.0
  • Run shards update

General updates

  • Add: the new lucky_task shard as a dependency.
  • Update: your file with the new require, and module name change:
    ENV["LUCKY_TASK"] = "true"
    # Load Lucky and the app (actions, models, etc.)
    require "./src/app"
    require "lucky_task"
    require "./tasks/**"
    require "./db/migrations/**"
    require "lucky/tasks/**"
  • Update: all tasks in your tasks/ directory to inherit from LuckyTask::Task instead of LuckyCli::Task. (e.g. Db::Seed::RequiredData < LuckyCli::Task -> Db::Seed::RequiredData < LuckyTask::Task)
  • Update: your config/ with a default cookie path of "/".
    Lucky::CookieJar.configure do |settings|
      settings.on_set = ->(cookie : HTTP::Cookie) {
        # ... other defaults
        # Add this line. See ref:

Optional updates

  • Update: to Crystal 1.0.0. You can continue to use Crystal 0.36.1 if you need.
  • Update: LuckyFlow to be a development_dependency.

Upgrading from 0.25 to 0.26

For a full diff of necessary changes, please see LuckyDiff.

  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (homebrew)
brew update
brew upgrade lucky
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (Linux)

Remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

  • Update versions in shard.yml

    • Crystal should be 0.36.1
    • Lucky should be ~> 0.26.0
    • Authentic should be ~> 0.7.2
    • LuckyFlow should be ~> 0.7.2
  • Run shards update

General updates

  • Update: your Procfile web to point to ./bin/YOUR APP NAME instead of ./app. NOTE: this is dependant on how you deploy your app, so only required if you use the heroku_buildpack for Lucky. read more and more
  • Update: any references directly to an Avram::Attribute(T) generic. e.g. Avram::Attribute(String?) -> Avram::Attribute(String). read more
  • Update: any custom database types to include the class method adapter that returns the Lucky constant. read more
  • Update: any custom database types to include the class method criteria(query : T, column) forall T. read more
  • Remove: any call to after_completed in a SaveOperation. The after_save and after_commit now run even if no change is updated. read more
  • Rename: all Avram::Box classes, filenames, and the spec/support/boxes directory (sorry 😬) to Avram::Factory, etc.... e.g. UserBox -> UserFactory read more. view discussion
  • Notice: the Avram::Operation now avoids calling run if there were validation errors in any before_run. This may change some of your logic, or create surprised. read more

Optional updates

  • Update: any calls made in Github CI config to lucky db.create_required_seeds to lucky db.seed.required_data. read more
  • Update: any use of route or nested_route in your actions to explicitly specify the route. This isn't deprecated, yet, but will be in a future version and eventually removed.
  • Add: DB::Log.level = :info to your config/ file to quiet the excessive "Executing query" notices
  • Update: your Laravel Mix to version 6. read more
  • Add: a new migration to have UUID primary keys generated from the database for existing tables. read more
# in a new migration file
def migrate
  enable_extension "pgcrypto"
  execute("ALTER TABLE products ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT gen_random_uuid();")
  execute("ALTER TABLE users ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT gen_random_uuid();")
  • Remove: all calls to flash.keep in your actions. read more

Upgrading from 0.24 to 0.25

For a full diff of necessary changes, please see LuckyDiff.

  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (homebrew)
brew update
brew upgrade lucky
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (Linux)

Remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

  • Update versions in shard.yml

    • Crystal should be 0.35.1
    • Lucky should be ~> 0.25.0
    • Authentic should be ~> 0.7.1
    • LuckyFlow should be ~> 0.7.1
  • Run shards update

General updates

  • Update: all Avram::Operation to implement the new interface.

    • Your main instance method should be called run
    • The run method should return just the value you need. No more yield self, thing / yield self, nil.
    • Call the operation with instead of
    • The class method takes a block that yields the operation, and your return value. Similar to SaveOperation.
    # Before Update
    class RequestPasswordReset < Avram::Operation
      def submit
        if valid?
          yield self, user
          yield self, nil
    # Use in your Action do |operation, user|
    # After Update
    class RequestPasswordReset < Avram::Operation
      def run
        if valid?
    # Use in your Action do |operation, user|
  • Rename: all usage of with_defaults to tag_defaults

  • Update: query objects to no longer rely on mutating the query.

    # Before update
    q =
    q.to_sql #=> SELECT * FROM users WHERE age >= 21
    # After update
    q =
    q.to_sql #=> SELECT * FROM users
  • Rename: all usage of raw_where to where

  • Update: query objects that set a default query in the initializer to use the defaults method.

    # Before update
    class UserQuery < User::BaseQuery
      def initialize
    end #=> SELECT * FROM users WHERE admin = false
    # After update
    class UserQuery < User::BaseQuery
      def initialize
        defaults &.admin(false)
    end #=> SELECT * FROM users WHERE admin = false
  • Update: any has_many through model association to include the new assocation chain.

    # Before update
    has_many posts : Post
    has_many comments : Comment, through: :posts
    # After update
    # The first in the array is the association you're going through
    # The second is that through's association.
    has_many posts : Post
    has_many comments : Comment, through: [:posts, :comments]
  • Update: any query that used a where_XXX on a belongs_to from the pluralized name to singularized.

    # assuming Post belongs_to User
    # Before update
    # After update # Notice the 'where_user' is single now

Optional updates

  • Update: any mention of DB_URL that we told you to use should actually be DATABASE_URL
  • Remove: any include for include Lucky::Memoizable. This is now included in Object and available everywhere
  • Update: HTML tags that display a UUID no longer need to cast to String. link uuid, to: Whatever
  • Remove: any start_server or start_server.dwarf files in the top-level directory. These are now built to your bin/
  • Update: config/ to include a case for development to print emails.
    # config/
    BaseEmail.configure do |settings|
      if Lucky::Env.production?
        # ...
      elsif Lucky::Env.development?
        settings.adapter = true)
        # ...
  • Update: any call(io : IO) method in your tasks, and use the output property instead for testing. read more
  • Update: your package.json with all the latest front-end updates. read more
  • Rename: your seed tasks tasks/ -> tasks/db/seed/, and tasks/ -> tasks/db/seed/
  • Update: config/ to silence some of the query logging with DB::Log.level = :info.

Upgrading from 0.23 to 0.24

For a full diff of necessary changes, please see LuckyDiff.

  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (homebrew)
brew update
brew upgrade lucky
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (Linux)

Remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

  • Update versions in shard.yml

    • Crystal should be 0.35.1
    • Lucky should be ~> 0.24.0
    • Authentic should be ~> 0.7.0
  • Run shards update

General updates

  • Rename: all instances of the m method to mount. e.g. m Shared::Footer, year: 2020 -> mount Shared::Footer, year: 2020.
  • Update: config/ with new Avram::Credentials.
AppDatabase.configure do |settings|
  if Lucky::Env.production?
    settings.credentials = Avram::Credentials.parse(ENV["DATABASE_URL"])
    settings.credentials = Avram::Credentials.parse?(ENV["DATABASE_URL"]?) ||
      database: database_name,
      hostname: ENV["DB_HOST"]? || "localhost",
      # NOTE: This was changed from `String` to `Int32`
      port: ENV["DB_PORT"]?.try(&.to_i) || 5432,
      username: ENV["DB_USERNAME"]? || "postgres",
      password: ENV["DB_PASSWORD"]? || "postgres"
  • Rename: all instances of AppClient to ApiClient in your spec/ directory.
  • Update: script/setup with shards install --ignore-crystal-version. Alternatively, you can set a global SHARDS_OPTS=--ignore-crystal-version environment variable

Optional updates

  • Update: redirect_back with allow_external: true argument if you need to allow external referers
  • Update: your database credentials with the new query option to pass query string options
# config/
settings.credentials =
  database: database_name,
  hostname: ENV["DB_HOST"]? || "localhost",
  port: ENV["DB_PORT"]?.try(&.to_i) || 5432,
  username: ENV["DB_USERNAME"]? || "postgres",
  password: ENV["DB_PASSWORD"]? || "postgres",
  # This option is new
  query: "initial_pool_size=5&max_pool_size=20"
  • Add: disable_cookies to ApiAction in src/actions/

Upgrading from 0.22 to 0.23

For a full diff of necessary changes, please see LuckyDiff.

  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (homebrew)
brew update
brew upgrade lucky
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (Linux)

Remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

  • Update versions in shard.yml

    • Crystal should be 0.35.0
    • Lucky should be ~> 0.23.0
    • Authentic should be ~> 0.6.1
    • LuckyFlow should be ~> 0.7.0
    • jwt should be ~> 1.4.2
  • Run shards update

General updates

  • Update: params.get now strips white space. If you need the raw value, use params.get_raw.
  • Rename: mount to m in all pages that use components. Note: This was reverted in the next version
  • Update: all mounted components to use new signature mount( 1, y: 2)) -> m(MyComponent, x: 1, y:2).
  • Remove: Lucky::SessionHandler and Lucky::FlashHandler from src/

Optional updates

  • Add: Avram::RecordNotFoundError to the dont_report array in src/actions/errors/
  • Update: def render(error : Lucky::RouteNotFoundError to def render(error : Lucky::RouteNotFoundError | Avram::RecordNotFoundError) in src/actions/errors/
  • Update: any CLI tasks that use ARGV to use the native args See implementation

Upgrading from 0.21 to 0.22

For a full diff of necessary changes, please see LuckyDiff.

  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (homebrew)
brew update
brew upgrade lucky
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (Linux)

Remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

  • Update versions in shard.yml

    • Crystal should be 0.35.0
    • Lucky should be ~> 0.22.0
    • Authentic should be ~> 0.6.0
    • jwt should be ~> 1.4.2
  • Run shards update

Upgrading from 0.20 to 0.21

For a full diff of necessary changes, please see LuckyDiff.

  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (homebrew)
brew update
brew upgrade lucky
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (Linux)

Remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

  • Update versions in shard.yml

    • Crystal should be 0.34.0
    • Lucky should be ~> 0.21.0
    • Authentic should be ~> 0.5.4
    • LuckyFlow should be ~> 0.6.3
  • Run shards update

General updates

  • Rename: config/ to config/
  • Update: config/ to use the new Log. See implementation
  • Update: and update the system_check to script/system_check && sleep 100000.
  • Update: all Lucky.logger.{level}("message") calls to use the new Crystal Log Log.{level} { "message" }
  • Remove: the following lines from config/
# Uncomment the next line to log all SQL queries
# settings.query_log_level = ::Logger::Severity::DEBUG

Updating Lucky.logger

Before this version, you would log data like this:

Lucky.logger.debug("Logging some message"){path: @context.request.path})

Now, you would write this like:

# Use the Crystal std-lib log for simple String messages
Log.debug { "Logging some message" }

# Use the Dexter extension for logging key/value data { {path: @context.request.path} }

Upgrading from 0.19 to 0.20

For a full diff of necessary changes, please see LuckyDiff.

  • Update .crystal-version file to 0.34.0
  • Upgrade to crystal 0.34.0
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (homebrew)
brew update
brew upgrade crystal-lang # Make sure you're up-to-date. Requires 0.34.0
brew upgrade lucky
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (Linux)

Remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

  • Update versions in shard.yml
    • Crystal should be 0.34.0
    • Lucky should be ~> 0.20.0
    • Authentic should be ~> 0.5.2
    • LuckyFlow should be ~> 0.6.2
  • Run shards update

General updates

  • Update: link no longer accepts a String path or URL, it must be an Action. Change link() to an a tag with an href (a "Google", href: ""), or use an action class with link (link "Home", to: "/" becomes link("Home", to: Home::Index).
  • Remove: the ? from any needs using a predicate method. e.g. needs signed_in? : Bool -> needs signed_in : Bool. Lucky now automatically creates a method ending with ? for needs with a Bool type.
  • Update: your development ENV["PORT"] to be ENV["DEV_PORT"] if you need to customize the port your local server is running on.
  • Update: all SaveOperation classes where a raw hash is being passed in. e.g.{"name" => "Gary"}) -> "Gary"), or if you must use a hash, wrap it in params first:{"name" => "Gary"})
  • Remove: the on: option from needs inside every Operation class. e.g. needs created_by : String, on: :create -> needs created_by : String. You will need to explicitly pass these when calling new, create, and update.

Optional updates

  • Update: all instance variables called from a needs on a page or component can now just use the method of that name. e.g. @current_user -> current_user
  • Add: include Lucky::CatchUnpermittedAttribute to the class Shared::Field(T) in src/components/shared/ This will raise a nicer error if you forget to permit a column in your SaveOperation
  • Add: the new to your app handlers in src/ just before
  • Add: robots.txt to your public/ directory.
    User-agent: *
  • Update: UserSerializer to inherit from the BaseSerializer if it doesn't already.
  • Add: cookie.http_only(true) to your config/ file. This goes inside your settings.on_set block.
  • Update: your node dependencies where needed
  • Update: the setup script in script/setup. See implementation. Be sure to remove the ECR tags.
  • Add: this line system_check: script/system_check && $SHELL to your
  • Add: the new system_check script in script/system_check. Note: you may need to chmod +x script/system_check. See implementation. Be sure to remove the ECR tags.
  • Add: the new function_helpers script in script/helpers/function_helpers. See implementation
  • Add: the new text_helpers script in script/helpers/text_helpers. See implementation

Upgrading from 0.18 to 0.19

For a full diff of necessary changes, please see LuckyDiff.

  • Update .crystal-version file to 0.33.0
  • Upgrade to crystal 0.33.0
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (homebrew)
brew update
brew upgrade crystal-lang # Make sure you're up-to-date. Requires 0.33.0
brew upgrade lucky
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (Linux)

Remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

  • Update versions in shard.yml
    • Crystal should be 0.33.0
    • Lucky should be ~> 0.19.0
    • Authentic should be ~> 0.5.1
    • LuckyFlow should be ~> 0.6.2
  • Run shards update

Recommended (but optional) changes

GZip static assets

  • Add the compression plugin to package.json
  • Make these changes to your webpack.mix.js file
  • In src/ add"./public", file_ext: "gz", content_encoding: "gzip") above the

GZip text responses

Upgrading from 0.17 to 0.18

For a full diff of necessary changes, please see LuckyDiff.

  • Upgrade to crystal 0.31.1
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (homebrew)
brew update
brew upgrade crystal-lang # Make sure you're up-to-date. Requires 0.31.1
brew upgrade lucky
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (Linux)

Remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

  • Update .crystal-version to 0.31.1

  • Update versions in shard.yml

    • Crystal should be 0.31.1
    • Lucky should be ~> 0.18
    • Authentic should be ~> 0.5.0
    • LuckyFlow should be ~> 0.6.0
  • Run shards update

General updates

  • Rename: all render calls in actions to html.

  • Update: the src/actions/errors/ file to the new format:

    class Errors::Show < Lucky::ErrorAction
      DEFAULT_MESSAGE = "Something went wrong."
      default_format :html
      dont_report [Lucky::RouteNotFoundError]
      def render(error : Lucky::RouteNotFoundError)
        if html?
          error_html "Sorry, we couldn't find that page.", status: 404
          error_json "Not found", status: 404
      # When the request is JSON and an InvalidOperationError is raised, show a
      # helpful error with the param that is invalid, and what was wrong with it.
      def render(error : Avram::InvalidOperationError)
        if html?
          error_html DEFAULT_MESSAGE, status: 500
          error_json \
            message: error.renderable_message,
            details: error.renderable_details,
            param: error.invalid_attribute_name,
            status: 400
      # Always keep this below other 'render' methods or it may override your
      # custom 'render' methods.
      def render(error : Lucky::RenderableError)
        if html?
          error_html DEFAULT_MESSAGE, status: error.renderable_status
          error_json error.renderable_message, status: error.renderable_status
      # If none of the 'render' methods return a response for the raised Exception,
      # Lucky will use this method.
      def default_render(error : Exception) : Lucky::Response
        if html?
          error_html DEFAULT_MESSAGE, status: 500
          error_json DEFAULT_MESSAGE, status: 500
      private def error_html(message : String, status : Int)
        context.response.status_code = status
        html Errors::ShowPage, message: message, status: status
      private def error_json(message : String, status : Int, details = nil, param = nil)
        json message, details: details, param: param), status: status
      private def report(error : Exception) : Nil
        # Send to Rollbar, send an email, etc.
  • Rename: title to message in src/pages/errors/

  • Add: BaseSerializer to src/serializers/.

    abstract class BaseSerializer < Lucky::Serializer
      def self.for_collection(collection : Enumerable, *args, **named_args) do |object|
          new(object, *args, **named_args)
  • Add: require "./serializers/base_serializer" to your src/ above require "./serializers/**"

  • Optional: Update all serializers to inherit from BaseSerializer. Also merge Show/Index serializers in to a single class.

    # Merge these two classes
    class Users::IndexSerializer < Lucky::Serializer
    class Users::ShowSerializers < Lucky::Serializer
    # in to this class
    class UserSerializer < BaseSerializer
      # Same contents as Users::ShowSerializer
      # Calls to Users::IndexSerializer now become:
      #    UserSerializer.for_collection(users)
  • Rename: Errors::ShowSerializer to ErrorSerializer

  • Update: ErrorSerializer to inherit from the new BaseSerializer

  • Update: ErrorSerializer contents with:

    class ErrorSerializer < BaseSerializer
      def initialize(
        @message : String,
        @details : String? = nil,
        @param : String? = nil # If there was a problem with a specific param
      def render
        {message: @message, param: @param, details: @details}
  • Add: Avram::SchemaEnforcer.ensure_correct_column_mappings! to src/ below!.

  • Update: any mention to renamed errors in this commit. You can likely ignore this as most people do not rescue these specific errors.

  • Add: accepted_formats [:json] to ApiAction in src/actions/

    abstract class ApiAction < Lucky::Action
      accepted_formats [:json]
  • Add: accepted_formats [:html, :json], default: :html to BrowserAction in src/actions/

    abstract class BrowserAction < Lucky::Action
      accepted_formats [:html, :json], default: :html
  • Update: src/ with explicit return type on the middleware method.

# Add return type here
def middleware : Array(HTTP::Handler)
    # ...
  ] of HTTP::Handler # Add this or app will fail to compile
  • Add: include Lucky::RequestExpectations to spec/ below include Carbon::Expectations
  • Add: Avram::SchemaEnforcer.ensure_correct_column_mappings! to spec/ below!
  • Update: Change at_exit do in spec/setup/ to Spec.after_suite do

Upgrading from 0.16 to 0.17

  • Ensure you've upgraded to crystal 0.30.1
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (homebrew)
brew update
brew upgrade crystal-lang # Make sure you're up-to-date. Requires 0.30.1
brew upgrade lucky
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (Linux)

  • Update .crystal-version to 0.30.1

Remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

  • Update versions in shard.yml
    • Lucky should be ~> 0.17
  • Run shards update

Example upgrade

If you're not sure about an upgrade step, or simply want to look at an example, see the lucky_bits upgrade.

General updates

  • Rename: Action rendering method text to plain_text.
  • Update: use of number_to_currency now returns a String instead of writing to the view directly.
  • Delete: config/
  • Add: a new Lucky::LogHandler configure to the bottom of config/
  • Update: Avram::Repo.configure to Avram.configure in config/
require "file_utils"

logger =
  if Lucky::Env.test?
    # Logs to `tmp/test.log` so you can see what's happening without having
    # a bunch of log output in your specs results.
      io:"tmp/test.log", mode: "w"),
      level: Logger::Severity::DEBUG,
      log_formatter: Lucky::PrettyLogFormatter
  elsif Lucky::Env.production?
    # This sets the log formatter to JSON so you can parse the logs with
    # services like Logentries or Logstash.
    # If you want logs like in development use `Lucky::PrettyLogFormatter`.
      io: STDOUT,
      level: Logger::Severity::INFO,
      log_formatter: Dexter::Formatters::JsonLogFormatter
    # For development, log everything to STDOUT with the pretty formatter.
      io: STDOUT,
      level: Logger::Severity::DEBUG,
      log_formatter: Lucky::PrettyLogFormatter

Lucky.configure do |settings|
  settings.logger = logger

Lucky::LogHandler.configure do |settings|
  # Skip logging static assets in development
  if Lucky::Env.development?
    settings.skip_if = ->(context : HTTP::Server::Context) {
      context.request.method.downcase == "get" &&

Avram.configure do |settings|
  settings.logger = logger
  • Update: script/setup to include the new postgres checks.
# This must go *after* the 'shards install' step
+ printf "\n▸ Checking that postgres is installed\n"
+ check_postgres | indent
+ printf "✔ Done\n" | indent

+ printf "\n▸ Verifying postgres connection\n"
+ lucky db.verify_connection | indent

printf "\n▸ Setting up the database\n"
lucky db.create | indent

Database updates

  • Add: a new AppDatabase class in src/ that inherits from Avram::Database.
class AppDatabase < Avram::Database
  • Add: require "./app_database" to src/ right below the require "./shards".
  • Rename: Avram::Repo.configure to AppDatabase.configure in config/
  • Add: Avram.configure block.
database_name = "..."

AppDatabase.configure do |settings|
  if Lucky::Env.production?
    settings.url = ENV.fetch("DATABASE_URL")
    settings.url = ENV["DATABASE_URL"]? ||
      database: database_name,
      hostname: ENV["DB_HOST"]? || "localhost",
      # Some common usernames are "postgres", "root", or your system username (run 'whoami')
      username: ENV["DB_USERNAME"]? || "postgres",
      # Some Postgres installations require no password. Use "" if that is the case.
      password: ENV["DB_PASSWORD"]? || "postgres"

Avram.configure do |settings|
  settings.database_to_migrate = AppDatabase

  # this is moved from your old `Avram::Repo.configure` block.
  settings.lazy_load_enabled = Lucky::Env.production?
  • Move: the settings.lazy_load_enabled from AppDatabase.configure to Avram.configure block.
  • Add: a database class method to src/models/ that returns AppDatabase.
abstract class BaseModel < Avram::Model
  def self.database : Avram::Database.class
  • Update: Avram::Repo to AppDatabase in spec/setup/

  • Avram no longer automatically adds a timestamp and primary key to migrations. Add a primary key and timestamps to your old migrations.

    Also note that the syntax for a UUID has changed. You use primary_key id : UUID instead of an option on 'create'

    def migrate
      create :users do
        # Add these to your 'create' statements in your migrations
        primary_key id : Int64 # Or 'UUID' if using UUID
  • Note: Avram now defaults primary keys to Int64 instead of Int32. You can use the change_type macro to migrate your primary keys and foreign keys to Int64 if you need. Run lucky gen.migration UpdatePrimaryKeyTypes.

class UpdatePrimaryKeyTypesV20190723233131 < Avram::Migrator::Migration::V1
  def migrate
    alter table_for(User) do
      change_type id : Int64
    alter table_for(Post) do
      change_type id : Int64
      change_type user_id : Int64
  • Update: models now default the primary key to Int64. This can be overridden if your tables uses a different column type for your primary keys, such as Int32 or UUID
abstract class BaseModel < Avram::Model
  macro default_columns
    primary_key id : UUID

This also means that any model that uses UUID for a primary key can remove the primary_key_type option

class User < BaseModel
  # 0.16 and earlier
  table :users, primary_key_type: :uuid do
    column email : String

  # Now with 0.17 it will use the 'default_columns' from the 'BaseModel'
  table :users do
    column email : String

Updating queries

  • Rename: to Query.truncate. (e.g. => UserQuery.truncate)
  • Rename: all association query methods from the association name to where_{association_name}. (e.g. =>
  • Update: all association query methods no longer take a block. Pass the query in as an argument. (e.g. { |post_query| } =>
  • Update: where_{association_name} methods no longer need to be preceded by a join_{assoc}, unless you need a custom join (i.e. left_join_{assoc}). If you use a custom join, you will need to add the auto_inner_join: false option to your where_{assoc} method.

Moving forms to operations

  • Rename: the src/forms directory to src/operations.
  • Update: require "./forms/mixins/**" and require "./forms/**" to require "./operations/mixins/**" and require "./operations/**" respectively in src/
  • Rename: BaseForm to SaveOperation in src/operations. (e.g. User::BaseForm => User::SaveOperation)
  • Rename: fillable to permit_columns
  • Rename: form class names to new naming convention. (e.g. class UserForm < User::SaveOperation => class SaveUser < User::SaveOperation). This step is optional, but still recommended to avoid future confusion.
  • Rename: Avram::VirtualForm to Avram::Operation.
  • Rename: virtual form class names to new naming convention VerbNoun. (e.g. class SignInForm < Avram::Operation => class SignInUser < Avram::Operation).
  • Rename: virtual to attribute.
  • Update: all SaveOperation classes to call before_save prepare. The prepare method is no longer called by default, which allows you to rename this method as well.
  • Update: FillableField to PermittedAttribute in src/components/shared/. Check and
  • Update: all authentic classes and modules to use new operation setup. This may require renaming some files to fit the VerbNoun convention.
Files in src/operations/
# src/operations/mixins/
module PasswordValidations
+  macro included
+    before_save run_password_validations
+  end

# src/operations/
- class RequestPasswordReset < Avram::VirtualForm
+ class RequestPasswordReset < Avram::Operation

# src/operations/
- def prepare
-   run_password_validations
+ before do
    Authentic.copy_and_encrypt password, to: encrypted_password

# src/operations/
- class SignInUser < Avram::VirtualOperation
+ class SignInUser < Avram::Operation

# src/operations/
- def prepare
+ before_save do
    validate_uniqueness_of email
-   run_password_validations
  • Update to match the new template.
  • Rename the FindAuthenticatable mixin to UserFromEmail, again the Lucky CLI template is a helpful guide.

Upgrading from 0.15 to 0.16

  • Upgrade to crystal 0.30.0

No updates to Lucky itself are required. There may be Crystal 0.30.0 related changes you may need to make.

Upgrading from 0.14 to 0.15

  • Upgrade to crystal 0.29.0
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (macOS)
brew update
brew upgrade crystal-lang # Make sure you're up-to-date. Requires 0.29.0
brew upgrade lucky
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (Linux)

  • Update .crystal-version to 0.29.0

Remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

  • Update versions in shard.yml

    • Lucky should be ~> 0.15
  • Run shards update

  • Rename src/ to src/

  • Edit src/ by changing

    • app to app_server and App to AppServer.
    • delete the line that starts with puts "Listening on
  • Update src/{your app name}.cr to require ./start_server

  • Rename src/ to src/

  • Move the App class to a new file in src/

  • Rename App to AppServer and rename Lucky::BaseApp to Lucky::BaseAppServer in your new src/

  • Update src/ to require new ./app_server file

  • Update src/ to require new ./shards file

  • Replace usages of Lucky::Action::Status:: with the respective crystal HTTP::Status::

Upgrading from 0.13 to 0.14

  • Upgrade to crystal 0.28.0
  • Create new file config/ with the following content:
Lucky::ForceSSLHandler.configure do |settings|
  settings.enabled = Lucky::Env.production?

Upgrading from 0.12 to 0.13

  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (macOS)
brew update
brew upgrade crystal-lang # Make sure you're up-to-date. Requires 0.27.2
brew upgrade lucky
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (Linux)

  • Update .crystal-version to 0.27.2

Remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

  • Update versions in shard.yml

    • Lucky should be ~> 0.13
    • LuckyFlow should be ~> 0.4
    • Authentic should be ~> 0.3
  • Run shards update

  • Find and replace LuckyRecord with Avram

  • Add Lucky::AssetHelpers.load_manifest below require "dependencies" in src/ for browser apps. Skip for API only apps.

  • Query#preload with a query now includes the association name -> Query#preload_{{ assoc_name }}

  • Remove unexpose and unexpose_if_exposed from your actions. Pages now ignore unused exposures so these methods have been removed.

  • Change require "lucky_record" to require "avram" in src/dependencies

  • Rename config/ to config/

  • Replace config/ with this:

require "file_utils"

logger =
  if Lucky::Env.test?
    # Logs to `tmp/test.log` so you can see what's happening without having
    # a bunch of log output in your specs results.
      io:"tmp/test.log", mode: "w"),
      level: Logger::Severity::DEBUG,
      log_formatter: Lucky::PrettyLogFormatter
  elsif Lucky::Env.production?
    # This sets the log formatter to JSON so you can parse the logs with
    # services like Logentries or Logstash.
    # If you want logs like in development use `Lucky::PrettyLogFormatter`.
      io: STDOUT,
      level: Logger::Severity::INFO,
      log_formatter: Dexter::Formatters::JsonLogFormatter
    # For development, log everything to STDOUT with the pretty formatter.
      io: STDOUT,
      level: Logger::Severity::DEBUG,
      log_formatter: Lucky::PrettyLogFormatter

Lucky.configure do |settings|
  settings.logger = logger

Avram::Repo.configure do |settings|
  settings.logger = logger
  • If using is in queries, rename the calls to eq

  • App in src/ should now inherit from Lucky::BaseApp. See the changes you need to make.

  • Move bin/setup to script/setup

  • In your README replace bin/setup with script/setup

  • Replace bin/lucky in your .gitignore with just /bin/. Lucky projects should now put bash scripts in /script. Binaries go in /bin/ and are ignored.

  • id in actions using route now have the underscored version of the resource name prepended. You'll need to rename your id calls to <resource_name>_id.

# Example from v0.12
class Users::Show < BrowserAction
  route do
    # Using the 'id' param

# Would now be
class Users::Show < BrowserAction
  route do
    # Now it is 'user_id'

And you should now be good to go!

Upgrading from 0.11 to 0.12

  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (macOS)
brew update
brew upgrade crystal-lang # Make sure you're up-to-date. Requires 0.27
brew upgrade lucky
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (Linux)

Remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

Use your package manager to update Crystal to v0.27

  • In db/migrations, change LuckyMigrator::Migration -> LuckyRecord::Migrator::Migration for every migration

  • Remove lucky_migrator from shard.yml

  • Remove lucky_migrator from src/dependencies

  • Remove the LuckyMigrator.configure block from config/

  • Configuration now requires passing an argument. Find and replace .configure do with .configure do |settings| in all files in config

  • Update config/

    • Change Lucky::Session::Store.configure to Lucky::Session.configure do |settings|

    • Change your session key because signing/encryption has changed. For example: add _0_12_0 to the end of the key.

    • Remove settings.secret = Lucky::Server.settings.secret_key_base

  • If using cookies[] anywhere in your app, change the key you use. Lucky now signs and encrypts all cookies. Old cookies will not decrypt properly.

  • Change session[]= and cookies[]= to session|cookies.set|get

  • Change session|cookies.destroy to session/cookies.clear

  • cookies.unset(:key) and delete.unset(:key) should be cookies|session.delete(:key)

  • Remove unexpose current_user from src/actions/home/

  • Query#count has been renamed to Query#select_count. For example: is now

  • Change flash.danger to flash.failure in your actions.

  • Update Lucky::Flash::Handler to Lucky::FlashHandler in src/

  • Update usages of Lucky::Response to Lucky::TextResponse

  • Update usages of LuckyInflector::Inflector to Wordsmith::Inflector

  • Remove config/ and copy config/

  • Replace config/ with this one.

  • Add this line to (around line 19) ->!

  • In config/, copy the new block starting at line 15.

  • Update shard versions in shard.yml:

    • Lucky ~> 0.12
    • LuckyRecord ~> 0.7
    • Authentic ~> 0.2
    • LuckyFlow ~> 0.3
  • Change .crystal-version to 0.27.0

  • Run shards update to install the new shards

Upgrading from 0.10 to 0.11

  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (macOS)
brew update
brew upgrade crystal-lang # Make sure you're up-to-date
brew upgrade lucky
  • Upgrade Lucky CLI (Linux)

Remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

Use your package manager to update Crystal to v0.25

Upgrading from 0.8 to 0.10

Note: Lucky skipped version 0.9 so that Lucky and Lucky CLI are on the same version.

  • Upgrade Lucky CLI

On macOS:

brew update
brew upgrade crystal-lang # Make sure you're up-to-date
brew upgrade lucky

If you are on Linux, remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section

  • View the upgrade diff and make changes to your app

In previous upgrade guides (below) every change is listed individually. This was time consuming and error-prone. Now, you can view all changes in this GitHub commit.

  • Ensure node version is at least 6.0 node -v. Install a newer version if yours is older.

  • Move files in src/pipes to src/actions/mixins

  • Change allow to fillable in forms

  • Change allow_virtual to virtual in forms

  • Run shards update

  • Run bin/setup to run new migrations, Laravel Mix and seeds file

If you have any problems or want to add extra details please open an issue or Pull Request. Thank you!

Upgrading from 0.7 to 0.8

  • Upgrade Lucky CLI

On macOS:

brew update
brew upgrade crystal-lang
brew upgrade lucky

If you are on Linux, remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section:

  • Update dependencies in shard.yml
    github: luckyframework/lucky
    version: "~> 0.8.0"
    github: luckyframework/lucky_migrator
    version: ~> 0.4.0

Then run shards update

  • Update config/

You can probably copy this as-is, but if you have made customizations to your config/ then you'll need to customize this:

Lucky::Server.configure do |settings|
  if Lucky::Env.production?
    settings.secret_key_base = secret_key_from_env = ""
    settings.port = ENV["PORT"].to_i
    settings.secret_key_base = "<%= secret_key_base %>"
    # Change host/port in config/watch.yml
    # Alternatively, you can set the PORT env to set the port =
    settings.port = Lucky::ServerSettings.port

private def secret_key_from_env
  ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"]? || raise_missing_secret_key_in_production

private def raise_missing_secret_key_in_production
  raise "Please set the SECRET_KEY_BASE environment variable. You can generate a secret key with 'lucky gen.secret_key'"
  • Add config/watch.yml

This is used by the watcher so it knows what port the server is running on.

port: 5000
  • Update config/

Put this inside of the LuckyRecord::Repo.configure do |settings| block:

# In development and test, raise an error if you forget to preload associations
settings.lazy_load_enabled = Lucky::Env.production?

See a full example here:

  • You will need to preload associations now:

This will make N+1 queries a thing of the past.

# Will now raise a runtime error in dev/test
post =
post.comments # Must preload comments

# Now, you need to preload the comments
post =
  • Rename field to column in your models. For example
class Post < BaseModel
  table :posts do
    column title : String # was "field title : String" previously
  • Optionally include responsive_meta_tag in MainLayout

You can include this in head to make your app layout responsive.

  • Change abstract def inner to abstract def content in MainLayout

  • Change method call to inner to content in the render method of MainLayout

  • Change instances of def inner to def content in Pages

  • Change form needs to use on: :create

needs in forms should now use on: :save if you want the old behavior.

See for more info

  • Must pass extra params using create or update

You can no longer pass params to Form#new. You must pass them in the create or update. "Jane").save!
UserForm.create!(name: "Jane")

More info at

  • Change calls from form.save_succeeded? to form.saved?

  • Trap int in src/

Add this to your src/ before server.listen

Signal::INT.trap do
  • Add bin/lucky/ to .gitignore
# Add to .gitignore
  • Add nice HTML error page

Copy contents of the linked file to src/pages/errors/

  • Add default Error::ShowSerializer

This is used for serializing errors to JSON. Add this to src/serializers/errors/

# This is the default error serializer generated by Lucky.
# Feel free to customize it in any way you like.
class Errors::ShowSerializer < Lucky::Serializer
  def initialize(@message : String, @details : String? = nil)

  def render
    {message: @message, details: @details}
  • Update Errors::Show action

The error handling action now supports more errors and renders better output.

Copy the contents of the linked file to src/actions/errors/

  • Require serializers

Add the following to src/

require "./serializers/**"

Upgrading from 0.6 to 0.7

  • Update to Crystal v0.24.1. Lucky will fail on earlier versions
brew update
brew upgrade crystal-lang
brew upgrade lucky

If you are on Linux, remove the existing Lucky binary and follow the Linux instructions in this section:

  • Update dependencies in shard.yml
    github: luckyframework/lucky
    version: "~> 0.7.0"
    github: luckyframework/lucky_migrator
    version: ~> 0.4.0

Then run shards update

  • Configure the domain to use for the RouteHelper:
# Add to config/
Lucky::RouteHelper.configure do |settings|
  if Lucky::Env.production?
    # The APP_DOMAIN is something like
    settings.domain = ENV.fetch("APP_DOMAIN")
    settings.domain = "http:://localhost:3001"
  • Add csrf_meta_tags to your MainLayout
# src/pages/
# Somewhere in the head tag:
  • Remove needs flash from MainLayout
# Delete this line
needs flash : Lucky::Flash::Store
  • Remove expose flash from BrowserAction and add forgery protection
# src/actions/
abstract class BrowserAction < Lucky::Action
  include Lucky::ProtectFromForgery
  • Change Shared::FlashComponent to get the flash from @context
# src/components/shared/
# Change this:
# To:
  • Add *.dwarf to the .gitignore
# Add to .gitignore