The following is based of the senate policy on course outlines at Saint Mary's University.
Students must be adequately informed of the following:
- topics covered and learning outcomes
- how their grade will be assessed
- methods of instruction
- important dates (tests, exams, projects)
- required and recommended readings
- course prerequeisites or recommendations
Feedback is incredibly important to both Students and Instructors. The following dates represent milestones where awareness of course evaulation will help students make informed choices.
3431 Operating Systems 3 credit hours Prerequisite: CSCI 2328
Students will study various aspects of operating systems with emphasis on the following topics: history, evolution, and philosophies; tasking and processes; process coordination and synchronization; scheduling and dispatch; physical and virtual memory organization; device management; file systems and naming; security and protection; communications and networking; distributed operating systems; and real-time concerns. Examples of two or more operating systems will be used to gain some systems programming experience.
Classes 3 hrs. and recitation 1 1/2 hrs. a week.
##September 3 2014
I am creating the course outline in LaTeX. It follows the SMU course outline guidelines. I am considering making it open source along with a great deal of the other course content and code.