This project maintains four commented disassemblies of the C64 ROM (BASIC and KERNAL), three in English and one in German.
The txt files are the parsable master versions that can be used to create more rich representations.
This is CBMBASIC only. The comments have been taken from
Microsoft's original BASIC for M6502 source,
Converted and formatted by Michael Steil [email protected]
The comments have been taken from
The almost completely commented C64 ROM disassembly. V1.01 Lee Davison 2012
Converted and formatted by Michael Steil [email protected]
This is CBMBASIC only. The comments have been taken from
Bob Sander-Cederlof: S-C DocuMentor for Applesoft,
Converted and adapted from Applesoft to CBMBASIC, as well as formatted by Michael Steil [email protected]
The comments have been taken from
Baloui, Said. Das neue Commodore-64-intern-Buch. Düsseldorf: Data-Becker, 1990. ISBN 3890113079
OCRed and formatted by Michael Steil [email protected] converts the txt version into cross-referenced HTML.
The most current HTML versions can be found at creates a cross-referenced HTML from all commentaries.
The most current version can be found at
Corrections (typos as well as content), translations etc. welcome.