Disclaimer: I just wanted to write an Rx-Layer for Go. I don't think that you need an abstraction like this in Go code. Even though I tried to make it as idiomatic as possible. I still think, that the implementation is interesting (to read), but if you want to use or extend this code, you are on your own. No bugfixes or pull requests. Use at your own risk.
package daisychain
import "fmt"
func Example() {
//Create an Observable that emits 0..9 ints
o1 := Create(
Just(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
//Create another Observable by composition
o2 := Create(
// o1 emits 0..9!
// map adds 1 to each number
Map(func(ev Event) Event {
return ev.(int) + 1
// skips 1..5
// takes 6,7,8
// filters even numbers: 6,8
Filter(func(ev Event) bool {
return ev.(int)%2 == 0
// sums 6 and 8
Reduce(func(ev1, ev2 Event) Event {
return ev1.(int) + ev2.(int)
}, 0),
//Subscribe to an Observable to execute it
SubscribeAndWait(o2, nil /*onNext*/, nil /*onError*/, onComplete)
// 14
func onComplete(ev Event) {