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psilo909 edited this page Jan 27, 2017 · 38 revisions


Requirements / Basic Information (location of README)

This plugin requires lib requests. You can install this lib with:

sudo pip3 install requests --upgrade

You need your own personal API key for TankerKoenig. For your own key register to

BASIC Information on Configuration etc see:
Thread im KNX-User-Forum:

Further possibilities: Integration of petrol station list into SmartVISU:


    filename =
    cycle = 360
    crontab = init

Logic "":

import csv

with open('/var/www/smartvisu/temp/petrol_stations.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
    fieldnames = ['place', 'brand', 'houseNumber', 'street', 'id', 'lng', 'name', 'lat', 'price', 'dist', 'isOpen', 'postCode']
    writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)

    for element in sh.tankerkoenig.get_petrol_stations(sh._lat, sh._lon, 'diesel', 'price', rad='10'):


New file: /var/www/smartvisu/lib/fuel/service/fuel_tankerkoenig.php

require_once '../../../lib/includes.php';
require_once const_path_system.'fuel/fuel.php';

 * This class reads the petrol station list
class fuel_tankerkoenig extends fuel
	private $csv;

	private function my_str_getcsv($input, $delimiter = ',', $enclosure = '"', $escape = null, $eol = null)
		$temp = fopen("php://memory", "rw");
		fwrite($temp, $input);
		fseek($temp, 0);
		$r = array();
		while (($data = fgetcsv($temp, 4096, $delimiter, $enclosure)) !== false)
			$r[] = $data;


		return $r;

	private function handlecsv()
		// cut off the first header line
		$this->csv = preg_replace("/^(.*\n){1}/", "", $this->csv);

		// convert into array
		$this->csv = $this->my_str_getcsv($this->csv);   
		$this->debug($this->csv, "csv");

		$i = 1;
		foreach ($this->csv as $parts)
                        $this->data[] = array(
                            'pos' => $i++,
                            'place' => $parts[0],
                            'brand' => $parts[1],
                            'housenumber' => $parts[2],
                            'street' => $parts[3],
                            'id' => $parts[4],
                            'lng' => $parts[5],
                            'name' => $parts[6],
                            'lat' => $parts[7],
                            'price' => round($parts[8],3),
                            'dist' => $parts[9],
                            'isOpen' => $parts[10],
                            'postCode' => $parts[11]

	public function run()
		// get csv
		$this->csv = file_get_contents('/var/www/smartvisu/temp/petrol_stations.csv');

		// handle csv
		if (strlen($this->csv) > 10)

		// free vals	
		$this->csv = '';

} // class end

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// call the service
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

$service = new fuel_tankerkoenig(array_merge($_GET, $_POST));
echo $service->json();


New file in /var/www/smartvisu/lib/fuel.php

require_once const_path_system.'service.php';

 * This class is the base class of all fuel data systems
class fuel extends service
	 * initialization of some parameters
	public function init($request)
		$this->debug = ($request['debug'] == 1);

	 * prepare the data
	public function prepare()
		foreach ($this->data as $id => $ds)
			if ($ds['name'] != '')
                                if ($ds['brand'] == '' || $ds['brand'] == 'Freie' || $ds['brand'] == 'Freie Tankstelle') {
                                    if (strpos($ds['name'], "BK-Tankstelle") !== false ) {                          
                                        $ds['brand'] = 'BK';
                                    } else if (strpos($ds['name'], "AEZ") !== false ) {                          
                                        $ds['brand'] = 'aez';
                                    } else if (strpos($ds['name'], "Sued") !== false ) {                          
                                        $ds['brand'] = 'ST';
				if ($ds['brand'] != '' and is_file(const_path.'pics/fuel/'.$ds['brand'].'.jpg'))
					$ds['pic'] = $ds['brand'].'.jpg';
				elseif ($ds['brand'] != '' and is_file(const_path.'pics/fuel/'.$ds['brand'].'.png'))
					$ds['pic'] = $ds['brand'].'.png';
					$ds['pic'] = 'fuel_station.svg';
                                if (strlen($ds['name']) > 22) {
                                    $ds['text'] = substr($ds['name'],0,22)."...";
                                } else {
                                    $ds['text'] = $ds['name'];
                                $ds['gmaps_link'] = "".$ds['lat'].",".$ds['lng'];
				if ($ds['isOpen'] == 'True')
					$ds['openpic'] = 'open.png';
					$ds['openalt'] = trans('fuel', 'open');
				} else
					$ds['openpic'] = 'closed.png';
					$ds['openalt'] = trans('fuel', 'closed');
                                $ds['address'] = $ds['place'].", ".$ds['street']." ".$ds['housenumber'];
				$ret[] = $ds;
		$this->data = $ret;

Neues Widget fuel.html:

* Displays the list of petrol stations from a fuel data provided
* @param unique id for this widget
* @param a title to display
* @param the number of displayed lines, default 10
* @param the refresh interval for this widget (using relative time format), default 15m
{% macro list(id, title, count, repeat) %}
	{% set uid = uid(page, id) %}

	<div id="{{ uid }}-phonelist" data-widget="fuel.list" class="phonelist" data-repeat="{{ repeat|default('15m') }}">
		{% if title %} <h2>{{ title }}</h2> {% endif %}
		<ul data-role="listview">

	<script type="text/javascript">
		$(document).delegate('div[data-widget="fuel.list"]', {
			'init' : function (event) {
				$.getJSON('lib/fuel/service/fuel_tankerkoenig.php', function (data) {
					var ret;
					var line = '';
					var sum = 1;

					for (var i in data) {
						data[i].price = data[i].price.toString()
                                                ret = '<img class="icon ' + data[i].openalt + '" src="pics/fuel/' + data[i].pic + '" />';
                                                ret += '<img class="dir" src="lib/fuel/pics/' + data[i].openpic + '" />';
                                                ret += '<h3>' + data[i].text + '&nbsp;</h3>';
                                                ret += '<p>' + data[i].address + '&nbsp;</p>';
                                                ret += '<span class="ui-li-count fuelpreis">' + data[i].price.substr(0, 4) + '<sup>' + data[i].price.substr(4, 1) + '</sup>' + data[i].price.substr(5) + ' €</span>';
                                                ret = '<a ' + (data[i].gmaps_link ? 'href="' + data[i].gmaps_link : '') + '">' + ret + '</a>';

                                                line += '<li data-icon="false">' + ret + '</li>';
                                                if (sum++ == {{ count|default(10) }}) {

					$('#{{ uid }}-phonelist ul').html(line).trigger('prepare').listview('refresh').trigger('redraw');

			'repeat': function(event) {
				$('#{{ uid }}-phonelist').trigger('init');

		$('#{{ page }}').on('pagecreate', function (event, ui) {
			$('#{{ uid }}-phonelist').trigger('init');
{% endmacro %}

New localized texts, e.g. in lang\lang_de.txt:

// ----- Fuel -----------------------------------------------------------------
$lang['fuel']['open']			= 'offen';
$lang['fuel']['closed']			= 'geschlossen';

Store Logos (named as .png or .jpg) in \pics\fuel
Store two images for closed (closed.png) and open (open.png) - e.g. a small red and green circle - in \lib\fuel\pics

Usage, e.g. in index.html:

{% import "fuel.html" as fuel %}
{{ fuel.list('fuellist', 'Benzinpreise (Diesel)', 3) }}