diff --git a/integration-tests/smoke/ccip_test.go b/integration-tests/smoke/ccip_test.go
index 007a3c37e52..8b737d2035e 100644
--- a/integration-tests/smoke/ccip_test.go
+++ b/integration-tests/smoke/ccip_test.go
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 package smoke
 import (
+	"github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/v2/core/gethwrappers/shared/generated/burn_mint_erc677"
@@ -112,54 +113,36 @@ func TestInitialDeployOnLocal(t *testing.T) {
 func TestTokenTransfer(t *testing.T) {
-	lggr := logger.TestLogger(t)
-	ctx := ccdeploy.Context(t)
-	tenv, _, _ := testsetups.NewLocalDevEnvironmentWithDefaultPrice(t, lggr)
+	tenv, state := setupEnvironment(t)
-	e := tenv.Env
-	state, err := ccdeploy.LoadOnchainState(e)
-	require.NoError(t, err)
-	output, err := changeset.DeployPrerequisites(e, changeset.DeployPrerequisiteConfig{
-		ChainSelectors: e.AllChainSelectors(),
+	output, err := changeset.DeployPrerequisites(tenv.Env, changeset.DeployPrerequisiteConfig{
+		ChainSelectors: tenv.Env.AllChainSelectors(),
 	require.NoError(t, err)
-	require.NoError(t, e.ExistingAddresses.Merge(output.AddressBook))
+	require.NoError(t, tenv.Env.ExistingAddresses.Merge(output.AddressBook))
-	// Apply migration
-	output, err = changeset.InitialDeploy(e, ccdeploy.DeployCCIPContractConfig{
+	// Deploy CCIP contracts
+	output, err = changeset.InitialDeploy(tenv.Env, ccdeploy.DeployCCIPContractConfig{
 		HomeChainSel:   tenv.HomeChainSel,
 		FeedChainSel:   tenv.FeedChainSel,
-		ChainsToDeploy: e.AllChainSelectors(),
+		ChainsToDeploy: tenv.Env.AllChainSelectors(),
 		TokenConfig:    ccdeploy.NewTestTokenConfig(state.Chains[tenv.FeedChainSel].USDFeeds),
-		MCMSConfig:     ccdeploy.NewTestMCMSConfig(t, e),
+		MCMSConfig:     ccdeploy.NewTestMCMSConfig(t, tenv.Env),
 		OCRSecrets:     deployment.XXXGenerateTestOCRSecrets(),
 	require.NoError(t, err)
-	require.NoError(t, e.ExistingAddresses.Merge(output.AddressBook))
-	// Get new state after migration and mock USDC token deployment.
-	state, err = ccdeploy.LoadOnchainState(e)
-	require.NoError(t, err)
-	srcToken, _, dstToken, _, err := ccdeploy.DeployTransferableToken(
-		lggr,
-		tenv.Env.Chains,
-		tenv.HomeChainSel,
-		tenv.FeedChainSel,
-		state,
-		e.ExistingAddresses,
-		"MY_TOKEN",
-	)
+	require.NoError(t, tenv.Env.ExistingAddresses.Merge(output.AddressBook))
+	state, err = ccdeploy.LoadOnchainState(tenv.Env)
 	require.NoError(t, err)
-	// Ensure capreg logs are up to date.
-	ccdeploy.ReplayLogs(t, e.Offchain, tenv.ReplayBlocks)
+	// Replay logs
+	ccdeploy.ReplayLogs(t, tenv.Env.Offchain, tenv.ReplayBlocks)
-	// Apply the jobs.
+	// Apply the jobs
 	for nodeID, jobs := range output.JobSpecs {
 		for _, job := range jobs {
-			// Note these auto-accept
-			_, err := e.Offchain.ProposeJob(ctx,
+			_, err := tenv.Env.Offchain.ProposeJob(ccdeploy.Context(t),
 					NodeId: nodeID,
 					Spec:   job,
@@ -169,104 +152,234 @@ func TestTokenTransfer(t *testing.T) {
 	// Add all lanes
-	require.NoError(t, ccdeploy.AddLanesForAll(e, state))
-	// Need to keep track of the block number for each chain so that event subscription can be done from that block.
-	startBlocks := make(map[uint64]*uint64)
-	// Send a message from each chain to every other chain.
-	expectedSeqNum := make(map[uint64]uint64)
-	twoCoins := new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(1e18), big.NewInt(2))
-	tx, err := srcToken.Mint(
-		e.Chains[tenv.HomeChainSel].DeployerKey,
-		e.Chains[tenv.HomeChainSel].DeployerKey.From,
-		new(big.Int).Mul(twoCoins, big.NewInt(10)),
-	)
-	require.NoError(t, err)
-	_, err = e.Chains[tenv.HomeChainSel].Confirm(tx)
-	require.NoError(t, err)
-	tx, err = dstToken.Mint(
-		e.Chains[tenv.FeedChainSel].DeployerKey,
-		e.Chains[tenv.FeedChainSel].DeployerKey.From,
-		new(big.Int).Mul(twoCoins, big.NewInt(10)),
-	)
-	require.NoError(t, err)
-	_, err = e.Chains[tenv.FeedChainSel].Confirm(tx)
-	require.NoError(t, err)
+	require.NoError(t, ccdeploy.AddLanesForAll(tenv.Env, state))
+	// Deploy and approve tokens
+	srcToken1, dstToken1 := deployAndApproveTokens(t, tenv, state, "Token1")
+	srcToken2, dstToken2 := deployAndApproveTokens(t, tenv, state, "Token2")
+	// Define your scenarios
+	scenarios := []struct {
+		name         string
+		srcChain     uint64
+		dstChain     uint64
+		tokenAmounts []router.ClientEVMTokenAmount
+		receiver     common.Address
+		data         []byte
+	}{
+		{
+			name:     "Send token to EOA",
+			srcChain: tenv.HomeChainSel,
+			dstChain: tenv.FeedChainSel,
+			tokenAmounts: []router.ClientEVMTokenAmount{
+				{
+					Token:  srcToken1.Address(),
+					Amount: big.NewInt(1e18),
+				},
+			},
+			receiver: tenv.Env.Chains[tenv.FeedChainSel].DeployerKey.From,
+			data:     []byte(""),
+		},
+		{
+			name:     "Send token to contract",
+			srcChain: tenv.HomeChainSel, // Will be set in the test
+			dstChain: tenv.FeedChainSel, // Will be set in the test
+			tokenAmounts: []router.ClientEVMTokenAmount{
+				{
+					Token:  srcToken1.Address(), // Will be set in the test
+					Amount: big.NewInt(1e18),
+				},
+			},
+			receiver: state.Chains[tenv.FeedChainSel].Receiver.Address(), // Will be set in the test
+			data:     []byte(""),
+		},
+		{
+			name:     "Send 2 tokens to receiver",
+			srcChain: tenv.HomeChainSel,
+			dstChain: tenv.FeedChainSel,
+			tokenAmounts: []router.ClientEVMTokenAmount{
+				{
+					Token:  srcToken1.Address(),
+					Amount: big.NewInt(1e18),
+				},
+				{
+					Token:  srcToken2.Address(),
+					Amount: big.NewInt(2e18),
+				},
+			},
+			receiver: tenv.Env.Chains[tenv.FeedChainSel].DeployerKey.From,
+			data:     []byte(""),
+		},
+		{
+			name:     "Send N tokens to contract",
+			srcChain: tenv.HomeChainSel,
+			dstChain: tenv.FeedChainSel,
+			tokenAmounts: []router.ClientEVMTokenAmount{
+				{
+					Token:  srcToken1.Address(),
+					Amount: big.NewInt(1e18),
+				},
+				{
+					Token:  srcToken2.Address(),
+					Amount: big.NewInt(2e18),
+				},
+				{
+					Token:  srcToken1.Address(),
+					Amount: big.NewInt(3e18),
+				},
+			},
+			receiver: state.Chains[tenv.FeedChainSel].Receiver.Address(),
+			data:     []byte(""),
+		},
+	}
-	tx, err = srcToken.Approve(e.Chains[tenv.HomeChainSel].DeployerKey, state.Chains[tenv.HomeChainSel].Router.Address(), twoCoins)
-	require.NoError(t, err)
-	_, err = e.Chains[tenv.HomeChainSel].Confirm(tx)
-	require.NoError(t, err)
-	tx, err = dstToken.Approve(e.Chains[tenv.FeedChainSel].DeployerKey, state.Chains[tenv.FeedChainSel].Router.Address(), twoCoins)
-	require.NoError(t, err)
-	_, err = e.Chains[tenv.FeedChainSel].Confirm(tx)
-	require.NoError(t, err)
+	for _, scenario := range scenarios {
+		scenario := scenario // Capture range variable
+		t.Run(scenario.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-	tokens := map[uint64][]router.ClientEVMTokenAmount{
-		tenv.HomeChainSel: {{
-			Token:  srcToken.Address(),
-			Amount: twoCoins,
-		}},
-		tenv.FeedChainSel: {{
-			Token:  dstToken.Address(),
-			Amount: twoCoins,
-		}},
-	}
+			// Prepare for message sending
+			startBlocks := make(map[uint64]*uint64)
+			expectedSeqNum := make(map[uint64]uint64)
-	for src := range e.Chains {
-		for dest, destChain := range e.Chains {
-			if src == dest {
-				continue
-			}
+			destChain := tenv.Env.Chains[scenario.dstChain]
 			latesthdr, err := destChain.Client.HeaderByNumber(testcontext.Get(t), nil)
 			require.NoError(t, err)
 			block := latesthdr.Number.Uint64()
-			startBlocks[dest] = &block
+			startBlocks[scenario.dstChain] = &block
+			// Fetch initial balances and aggregate total amounts
+			initialBalances := make(map[common.Address]*big.Int)
+			totalAmountsTransferred := make(map[common.Address]*big.Int)
+			for _, tokenAmount := range scenario.tokenAmounts {
+				dstToken := getDestinationToken(scenario, tenv, srcToken1, dstToken1, srcToken2, dstToken2, tokenAmount.Token)
+				require.NotNil(t, dstToken, "Destination token not found")
+				// Fetch initial balance
+				if _, exists := initialBalances[dstToken.Address()]; !exists {
+					balance, err := dstToken.BalanceOf(nil, scenario.receiver)
+					require.NoError(t, err)
+					initialBalances[dstToken.Address()] = balance
+				}
+				// Initialize and sum up total amounts
+				if _, exists := totalAmountsTransferred[dstToken.Address()]; !exists {
+					totalAmountsTransferred[dstToken.Address()] = big.NewInt(0)
+				}
+				totalAmountsTransferred[dstToken.Address()].Add(totalAmountsTransferred[dstToken.Address()], tokenAmount.Amount)
+			}
-			var (
-				receiver = common.LeftPadBytes(state.Chains[dest].Receiver.Address().Bytes(), 32)
-				data     = []byte("hello world")
-				feeToken = common.HexToAddress("0x0")
-			)
-			if src == tenv.HomeChainSel && dest == tenv.FeedChainSel {
-				msgSentEvent := ccdeploy.TestSendRequest(t, e, state, src, dest, false, router.ClientEVM2AnyMessage{
-					Receiver:     receiver,
-					Data:         data,
-					TokenAmounts: tokens[src],
-					FeeToken:     feeToken,
-					ExtraArgs:    nil,
-				})
-				expectedSeqNum[dest] = msgSentEvent.SequenceNumber
-			} else {
-				msgSentEvent := ccdeploy.TestSendRequest(t, e, state, src, dest, false, router.ClientEVM2AnyMessage{
-					Receiver:     receiver,
-					Data:         data,
-					TokenAmounts: nil,
-					FeeToken:     feeToken,
-					ExtraArgs:    nil,
-				})
-				expectedSeqNum[dest] = msgSentEvent.SequenceNumber
+			// Prepare message
+			msg := router.ClientEVM2AnyMessage{
+				Receiver:     common.LeftPadBytes(scenario.receiver.Bytes(), 32),
+				Data:         scenario.data,
+				TokenAmounts: scenario.tokenAmounts,
+				FeeToken:     common.HexToAddress("0x0"),
+				ExtraArgs:    nil,
-		}
+			// Send the message
+			msgSentEvent := ccdeploy.TestSendRequest(t, tenv.Env, state, scenario.srcChain, scenario.dstChain, false, msg)
+			expectedSeqNum[scenario.dstChain] = msgSentEvent.SequenceNumber
+			// Wait for commit and execution
+			ccdeploy.ConfirmCommitForAllWithExpectedSeqNums(t, tenv.Env, state, expectedSeqNum, startBlocks)
+			ccdeploy.ConfirmExecWithSeqNrForAll(t, tenv.Env, state, expectedSeqNum, startBlocks)
+			// Fetch final balances and assert
+			for tokenAddress, totalAmount := range totalAmountsTransferred {
+				dstToken := getTokenByAddress(dstToken1, dstToken2, tokenAddress)
+				require.NotNil(t, dstToken, "Destination token not found for address %s", tokenAddress.Hex())
+				finalBalance, err := dstToken.BalanceOf(nil, scenario.receiver)
+				require.NoError(t, err)
+				initialBalance := initialBalances[dstToken.Address()]
+				expectedBalance := new(big.Int).Add(initialBalance, totalAmount)
+				require.Equal(t, expectedBalance, finalBalance, "Incorrect balance for token %s", dstToken.Address().Hex())
+			}
+		})
-	// Wait for all commit reports to land.
-	ccdeploy.ConfirmCommitForAllWithExpectedSeqNums(t, e, state, expectedSeqNum, startBlocks)
+func getTokenByAddress(dstToken1, dstToken2 *burn_mint_erc677.BurnMintERC677, tokenAddress common.Address) *burn_mint_erc677.BurnMintERC677 {
+	if dstToken1.Address() == tokenAddress {
+		return dstToken1
+	} else if dstToken2.Address() == tokenAddress {
+		return dstToken2
+	}
+	return nil
-	// After commit is reported on all chains, token prices should be updated in FeeQuoter.
-	for dest := range e.Chains {
-		linkAddress := state.Chains[dest].LinkToken.Address()
-		feeQuoter := state.Chains[dest].FeeQuoter
-		timestampedPrice, err := feeQuoter.GetTokenPrice(nil, linkAddress)
-		require.NoError(t, err)
-		require.Equal(t, ccdeploy.MockLinkPrice, timestampedPrice.Value)
+// Helper function to determine the destination token
+func getDestinationToken(scenario struct {
+	name         string
+	srcChain     uint64
+	dstChain     uint64
+	tokenAmounts []router.ClientEVMTokenAmount
+	receiver     common.Address
+	data         []byte
+}, tenv ccdeploy.DeployedEnv, srcToken1, dstToken1, srcToken2, dstToken2 *burn_mint_erc677.BurnMintERC677, tokenAddress common.Address) *burn_mint_erc677.BurnMintERC677 {
+	if scenario.srcChain == tenv.HomeChainSel && scenario.dstChain == tenv.FeedChainSel {
+		if tokenAddress == srcToken1.Address() {
+			return dstToken1
+		} else if tokenAddress == srcToken2.Address() {
+			return dstToken2
+		}
+	} else if scenario.srcChain == tenv.FeedChainSel && scenario.dstChain == tenv.HomeChainSel {
+		if tokenAddress == dstToken1.Address() {
+			return srcToken1
+		} else if tokenAddress == dstToken2.Address() {
+			return srcToken2
+		}
+	return nil
-	// Wait for all exec reports to land
-	ccdeploy.ConfirmExecWithSeqNrForAll(t, e, state, expectedSeqNum, startBlocks)
+func setupEnvironment(t *testing.T) (ccdeploy.DeployedEnv, ccdeploy.CCIPOnChainState) {
+	lggr := logger.TestLogger(t)
+	tenv := ccdeploy.NewMemoryEnvironment(t, lggr, 2, 4, ccdeploy.MockLinkPrice, ccdeploy.MockWethPrice)
+	state, err := ccdeploy.LoadOnchainState(tenv.Env)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
+	return tenv, state
+func deployAndApproveTokens(t *testing.T, e ccdeploy.DeployedEnv, state ccdeploy.CCIPOnChainState, tokenName string) (*burn_mint_erc677.BurnMintERC677, *burn_mint_erc677.BurnMintERC677) {
+	srcToken, _, dstToken, _, err := ccdeploy.DeployTransferableToken(
+		logger.TestLogger(t),
+		e.Env.Chains,
+		e.HomeChainSel,
+		e.FeedChainSel,
+		state,
+		e.Env.ExistingAddresses,
+		tokenName,
+	)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
+	tenTokens := new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(1e18), big.NewInt(10))
+	mintAndApprove(t, e, state, srcToken, e.HomeChainSel, tenTokens)
+	mintAndApprove(t, e, state, dstToken, e.FeedChainSel, tenTokens)
+	return srcToken, dstToken
-	balance, err := dstToken.BalanceOf(nil, state.Chains[tenv.FeedChainSel].Receiver.Address())
+func mintAndApprove(t *testing.T, e ccdeploy.DeployedEnv, state ccdeploy.CCIPOnChainState, token *burn_mint_erc677.BurnMintERC677, chainSel uint64, amount *big.Int) {
+	tx, err := token.Mint(
+		e.Env.Chains[chainSel].DeployerKey,
+		e.Env.Chains[chainSel].DeployerKey.From,
+		amount,
+	)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
+	_, err = e.Env.Chains[chainSel].Confirm(tx)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
+	tx, err = token.Approve(
+		e.Env.Chains[chainSel].DeployerKey,
+		state.Chains[chainSel].Router.Address(),
+		amount,
+	)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
+	_, err = e.Env.Chains[chainSel].Confirm(tx)
 	require.NoError(t, err)
-	require.Equal(t, twoCoins, balance)