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File metadata and controls

444 lines (233 loc) · 11.6 KB


Series of projects which I plan on building for the next 30 days without fail 🤨

Day 1: Bin2Dec

Built a Binary 2 Decimal converter


What I learned so far (Pros)

  • I learned the parseInt() function and how it takes in string/number argument and returns an integer of the specified radix (the base in mathematical numeral systems)
  • In the above app I passed a radix or base of 2 specifying functions should return a Decimal value

What I should've also done (Con's)

  • I should've added regex validation for the input field rather than alerting a message when keycode is not 0 or 1

Day 2: Border Radius Previewer

Built a Border Radius Previewer

Border Radius Previewer

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • I learned the getComputedStyle() method and how it returns an object containing the values of all CSS properties of an element, after applying active stylesheets and resolving any basic computation those values may contain.
  • In above project I used getComputedStyle() to get current styling properties of border-radius which I was able to target through the getPropertyValue() method

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • Maybe I should've used functions to change border styling instead hard coding values 😅
  • Also I should've added the ability to copy the border-radius property on click

Day 3: Calculator

Today I built a calculator (I was barely able 😅)


What I learned so far (Pros)

  • I learned about the eval() method evaluates JavaScript code represented as a string

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • I initially started out thinking of implementing switch cases for each operation, but eventually I got lazy and used the eval() function to return the calculated result

Day 4: GitHub Profiler

Built a GitHub Profile loader, used GitHub users API 😃

GitHub Profiler

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • I learned not to be lazy 😅, learned about GitHub Users API

What I should've also done (Con's)

  • Should've added better error handling operation. A better way to handle DOM manipulation

Day 5: Markdown Previewer

Built a Markdown Previewer

Markdown Previewer

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Learned about the marked package which I used to convert raw text into markdown syntax

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • I took a break of two days, just wasn't feeling like coding anything at all
  • Should've been more focussed and determinant
  • Also I felt like I should've built my own Markdown parser

Day 6: Rock Paper Scissors Game

Built a Rock Paper Scissors Game. Used design resources from @frontendmentorio challenge

Rock Paper Scissors

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Learned about rules of Rock Paper Scissors Game, there wasn't much in tech I could learn programmatically

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • Maybe simplified how we toggle UI elements
  • Store the score in localStorage and make it persistent
  • Add animation to DOM manipulation

Day 7: Color Scheme Toggler

Built a Color Scheme Toggler

Color Scheme Toggler

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Learned about color schemes, how we can use it in our applications etc

What I should've also done (Con's)

  • Should've used CSS variables to defines primary/secondary colors
  • Store the toggles mode in localStorage to make it persistent and render it whenever we load the page

Day 8: Random Meal Generator

Built a Random Meal Generator

Random Meal Generator

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Learned about the themealdb API, and how we can use this API to build apps for food-related stuff

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • Should've added CSS transition for smooth animation

Day 9: Random Programming Quote Generator

Built a Random Programming Quote Generator

Random Programming Quote Generator

What I learned so far (Pros)

What I should've also done (Con's)

  • Make more accessible UI (voiceOver)

Day 10: Simple FAQ accordion

Built a simple FAQ accordion

Random Programming Quote Generator

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Not much actually, this project is me trying to do a come back from a long gap

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • I should be more consistent

Day 11: Easy Pagination

Built a simple pagination component

Easy Pagination

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Learnt a bit about array manipulation

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • Built a complex pagination UI with multipage support

Day 12: Random Cat Facts

Built a random cat facts page

Random Cat Facts

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Learnt about cat-facts endpoint which returns a random fact about cats
  • Re-used the same functional code in 2 differnt event handlers

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • NA

Day 13: Table of contents

Built a table of content generator from the html markup present in the page

Table of contents

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Learned about how we can add/append multiple child node to an element in DOM using appendChild method

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • Auto highlight table of content links whenever user scroll down the page showcasing the progress of the page

Day 14: Tooltip element

Built a Tooltip element

Tooltip Element

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Used mouseover & mouseleave event listeners
  • Learned about remove() built-in method to remove any child node from the dom tree
  • Started using querySelector to select element with different attributes

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • Should've applied the positioning of the tooltip automatically using the elements placement in the page
  • Added some transition to the tooltop

Day 15: Search Box

Built a search box component

Search Box

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Learned about Element.replaceChildren method, which replaces the existing children of a Node with a specified new set of children.

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • NA

Day 16: Feedback form

Built a feedback form component

Feeback form

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Learned about querySelector option to select input fields with same name attribute
  • Learned about how to select immediate sibling of element and apply style to it using + adjacent selector

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • Use some endpoint to post the feedback data asynchronously

Day 17: Cookie popup

Built a cookie popup component

Cookie popup

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Learned about document.cookie, how we can use it in any JS projects

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • Made some static changes when a cookie is stored

Day 18: Modal

Built a modal component


What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Learned about currentTarget of click event and how we can use it to check of which element is being clicked at the moment

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • Add some animation to the modal

Day 19: URL Shortner

Built a URL shortner

URL Shortner

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Learned about *:hover:enabled and *:hover:dinabled CSS pseudo-selectors to add hover state style when element is disabled on enabled

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • NA

Day 20: Menu component

Built a Menu component

Menu component

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Nothing new! ☹️

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • Component should've been dynamic
  • Should've used insertAdjacentElement method to add menu node to DOM
  • Should've added option to close menu when focus is moved away from the button

Day 21: Timeline component

Built a Timeline component

Timeline component

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Nothing new 🥲

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • Should've added transition

Day 22: Tabs component

Built a Tabs component

Tabs component

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Learned about Element.classList.add(), Element.classList.remove() and Element.classList.toggle() functions
  • Used Element.classList.add and Element.classList.remove to toggle active tab

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • Should've added transition
  • Should've tried to simplify class change using Element.classList.toggle() function

Day 23: Carousel component

Built a Carousel component

Carousel component

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Learned about Element.previousElementSibling, Element.firstElementChild, Element.nextElementSibling and Element.lastElementChild properties
  • Used above element properties to handle change in active carousel

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • Should've cleaned transitions

Day 24: Random Quiz

Built a Random Quiz App

Random Quiz

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Tried something new! Used filter: blur() CSS property to showcase the data loading effect

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • Should've disabled the form when data is loading

Day 25: Emoji Picker

Built a Emoji Picker with a slight pop up animation

Emoji Picker

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Tried something new 🔥
  • Used insertAdjacentElement method to insert emoji list to DOM
  • Used Math.random() to generate few unique position points in DOM for emoji drop animation

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • NA, I feel okay with overall result

Day 26: Highlight Words

Built a Word highlighter

Highlight Words

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Used some of the transform css properties

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • Need to learn more about transform and animation properties

Day 27: Like Heart Button

Built a Like Heart Button ✨

Like Heart Button

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Learnt a bit about svg and how we can use it to create interactive icons/button etc.
  • Used some of the transform css properties for repositioning some elements

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • Maybe I should've stored the like count in localStorage, I felt it wasn't required at this point in time.

Day 28: Drawer Component

Built a Drawer Component 📑

Drawer Component

What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Used transform: translatX() css properties to hide/unhide drawer section

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • NA

Day 29: Toast Notification

Built a Toast Notification


What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Used transform: translatX() css properties to hide/unhide toast section

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • NA

Day 30: Drag n Drop💥

Built a Drag n Drop handler


What I learned so far (Pros)

  • Learnt about drag events and how we can use em to build drag effects

What I should've also done (Cons)

  • Should've added some animations