Convert TimeTree calendar JSON to Google Calendar events and publish them into your calendar of choice.
Create a virtualenv if you wish to.
python3 -m venv .venv
Install the requirements.txt generated from (pip-compile).
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Pre-requisites: Set-up your access and Google Calendar API authentication and application. This guide will help
Make sure to have the TimeTree sync JSON calendar data in the data/ directory. You will be able to get this from the TimeTree web application. When you log into the website, inspect the page and open the network tab, you will see a 'sync' request. This will be from the TimeTree API and will contain the JSON version of your calendar. You can then copy the object out from the page and create a file to input.
TODO: TimeTree have an API that would avoid having to do the above ( However, I have not looked into this yet.
You need to specify which file to ingest using the argument parser. Along with what calendar for it end up in. Example:
python3 --input <FILENAME> --calendar <CALENDAR_NAME>
For help use:
python3 -h
MIT License