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211 lines (190 loc) · 8.61 KB


A chrome extension that replaces the new tab.

Example configuration: Example Image Example Button Settings Example Theme Settings


Download ext.crx and from here. Go to chrome://extensions in your browser, then drag ext.crx inside. Navigate to the settings page to add buttons, plugins, and themes.

IMPORTANT: Chrome 35 and above disallow installation of non-webstore extensions. See this for possible workarounds.

Building the extension

Run npm install then gulp pack, and the extension can be found packed in the ./build/dist directory, or unpacked in the ./build/src directory.

Creating plugins

With the plugin bundler

  • Run npm init in the plugin's folder and fill out the info
  • Use npm install --save to add your dependencies
  • Create a package.json like the one described below
  • Run the bundler (node bundler.js), with the first argument the plugin folder, and the second a path to write the compiled plugin file to

List of views for inserting HTML/CSS

  • main: the main page, the 'new tab'
  • settings: the extension's options page
  • global: matches any view

List of hooks for executing JS

Any of these can access a plugin api object called api.

  • main: runs on the main view
  • settings: runs on the settings view
  • global: runs on any view, but before the view-specific hook
  • init: is executed only on plugin install/update

Plugin api object

  • api.setting(settingName): get value of specified setting, or its default if it's unset
  • api.insertStyle(css): insert the given css string into an inline style element
  • api.registerAction(displayName, actionPathname, handler): register a handler for a custom button action. Run this in the global hook
  • api.insertView(htmlElement, order, alignment): (only in the main hook) insert a view to the default activity. alignment can be left, center or right. order is the order within each alignment, and it maps to the css property order
  • api.pushActivity(activityName, htmlElement): (only in the main hook) navigate to another activity. When called, the current activity's element will be hidden, the given element will be shown, the activityName will replace the tab title and navbar title, and a button to navigate back appears in the navbar
  • api.popActivity(): (only in the main hook) hide current activity, and show previous one. If the default activity is shown, this function is a no-op

Plugin package.json format

This file is used by npm and by the bundler. Paths are relative to the package.json's directory.

    "pluginName": "displayName",
    "description": "message",
    "author": "name",
    "version": "1.1.1",
    "settings": [],
    "dependencies": {},
    "webpackConfig": "path/to/webpack.config",
    "html": {
      "main": {
        "path/to/file1.html": "querySelector1",
        "path/to/file2.html": "querySelector2"
      "settings": {
        "path/to/file1.html": "querySelector1",
        "path/to/file2.html": "querySelector2"
      "global": {
        "path/to/file1.html": "querySelector1",
        "path/to/file2.html": "querySelector2"
    "css": {
      "main": ["path/to/file1.css", "path/to/file2.css", ...],
      "settings": ["path/to/file3.css", "path/to/file4.css", ...],
      "global": ["path/to/file5.css", "path/to/file6.css", ...]
    "js": {
      "main": "path/to/file1.js",
      "settings": "path/to/file2.js",
      "global": "path/to/file3.js",
      "init": "path/to/file4.js"
  • pluginName: (string) name of plugin
  • description: (string) plugin description
  • author: (string) self-explanatory
  • version: (string) semver version string
  • settings: (array of objects) setting format described below. Setting values are preserved during updates only if the name and type properties are unchanged
  • dependencies: (object) npm's dependencies field
  • webpackConfig: (path string) path to a webpack config to be require'd. The entry and output properties are handled by the bundler
  • html: (object) each property represents a view. For each view, there are html files associated with a query selector. The html will be inserted in the element obtained from the selector
  • css: (object) each property represents a view. The css files for each view are concatenated, and the merged data is appended to an inline stylesheet after the html has been inserted
  • js: (object) each property represents a hook. The js at the specified path for each hook is an entry point for webpack

Implementation details

Theme format

Themes are just JSON files:

  "name": "Default Theme",
  "isDark": false,

  "background": "#FAFAFA",
  "main": "#FF9800",
  "accent": "#B2FF59",

  "deleted": undefined
  • name: (string) name of theme
  • isDark: (boolean) whether or not the theme should be considered "dark", as dark themes trigger light styles for some elements/text
  • background, main, accent: (css color strings) base colors for the UI
  • deleted: (optional boolean) if true, it signals that this theme was "deleted" by the user; this element will be removed before saving to storage

Plugin format

Usually, this is to be generated by the bundler from the package.json above. This should be valid JSON.

    "name": "displayName",
    "desc": "message",
    "author": "name",
    "version": "1.1.1",
    "settings": [],
    "js": {
      "init": "(function (api) {})()",
      "global": "(function (api) {})()",
      "main": "(function (api) {})()",
      "settings": "(function (api) {})()"
    "css": {
      "main": "cssText",
      "settings": "cssText",
    "html": {
      "main": {
        "querySelector": "htmlToAdd"
      "settings": {
        "querySelector": "htmlToAdd"
    "deleted": undefined
  • name: (string) see above, is equivalent to pluginName
  • desc: (string) see above, is equivalent to description
  • author: (string) see above
  • version: (semver string) see above
  • settings: (array of setting objects) see above
  • js: (object) all functions are stringified IIFEs, each property is a hook
  • css: (object) the css from each property will be added to it's respective view
  • html: (object of objects) every property targets a view. For every view, htmlToAdd will be added at the position specified by the querySelector. There can be multiple querySelectors
  • deleted: (optional boolean) if true, it signals that this plugin was "deleted" by the user; this element will be removed before saving to storage

Setting format

    "name": "displayName",
    "desc": "message",
    "type": "type",
    "valid": [],
    "default": "",
    "value": undefined,
    "isVisible": true
  • name: (string) title of setting
  • desc: (optional string) description of setting
  • type: (enum string) input types, or enum
  • valid: (array of objects) if type is enum, this is a list of objects with a name and a value property, otherwise not defined
  • default: (any) if the value is not set, this value should be used as a default
  • value: (any) undefined until set
  • isVisible: (boolean) if false, it means this 'setting' is just storage

Button format

    "kind": "default",
    "pictureType": "image",
    "imagePath": "",
    "ligatureName": "",
    "href": "",
    "text": "Button",
    "position": 3.14,
    "hotkey": "K",
    "deleted": undefined
  • kind: (enum string) what kind of "button" it is; values are default, divider, subheader
  • pictureType: (enum string) if it is image, use the imagePath, if it is icon use ligatureName
  • imagePath: (uri string) path to image
  • ligatureName: (string) name of material icon
  • href: (uri string) where does it point to
  • text: (string) displyed text
  • position: (float) used to determine order of buttons
  • hotkey: (string) using alt+key triggers the button
  • deleted: (optional boolean) if true, it signals that this button was "deleted" by the user; this element will be removed before saving to storage

reddit API

This API is used in /plugins/reddit/main.js.
The page will perform GET requests for the user data associated with the given username.