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Skycoin client libraries

Foundations of 3rd generation DApps

Copyright 2019 Skycoin project


  • How do cryptocurrencies work?
  • Skycoin Ecosystem
  • Understanding API sets
  • Node REST API endpoints
  • Open API specs
  • Future work



Replicated State Machines

  • Deploy replicas of the software
  • Receive client requests (i.e. inputs)
  • Order the inputs
  • Execute SM transition over and over
  • Monitor replicas for differences in State or Output


The scalability problem


Stats of the Bitcoin blockchain


Skycoin logo

  • Why Skycoin?
  • Core values
  • Five pillars of Skycoin
  • Understanding Skycoin transactions
  • Skycoin ecosystem
  • What's next?

  • Issues with Proof of Work
  • Proof of Stake: More Centralization Problems
  • Technical improvements
    • Security problems associated with other blockchain networks
    • Decouple coin creation from the "mining" process
    • Fast confirmation of transaction
  • Inflationary policies
    • The supply of Skycoin is fixed


Issues with proof of work

  • Control of the network => economic power
  • Monopolization of mining
  • Incentivized the purchase of hashing power
    • Disproportionate control over the network.
    • Bitcoin => SlushPool , Bitmain , BTCC
    • revert and falsify transactions 51% attack
  • Economic and environmental cost



Hash rate distribution


Bitcoin inflation

  • Transaction fees and inflation bleeding users dry.
    • Over $50, and go to centralized mining pools.
  • More expensive than international bank transfer

  • Skycoin a coin technically better than Bitcoin
  • Skywire a mesh network
  • Fiber, like Ethereum's ERC20, but better
    • Every coin their own blockchain
    • CX programming language
    • add your own features
  • DApps ecosystem
  • Our own hardware platform

Bitcoin - Problems with UTXO

![BTC TX c60e4dc5e69c19ff53a45954d8a8996fd9aac6fda317fd7238dec6a482c718cf](img/bitcoin.tx.c60e4dc5e69c19ff53a45954d8a8996fd9aac6fda317fd7238dec6a482c718cf.png)
  • Dust attack
    • Resource exhaustion
    • RAM and disk space

Skycoin UXTX Spending

UXTX graph

  • Pruning spent UX is easy
  • No mining, no fee (no mining, no fee ...)
    • Proof of burn - CoinHours


Skycoin Coin Hours

The Fuel for the Skycoin ecosystem
  • Holding Skycoin in a wallet
    • ... automatically generates Coin Hours
    • 1 SKY * 1 hour = 1 Coin Hour.
  • Keep the Skywire network free of transaction fees.
  • Virtual cat games can't skyrocket tx fees up 1600%
    • Recent issue in the Ethereum network.
  • Users never pay to access and use the network


Skycoin Coin Hours

What if ... ?

  • ... Coin Hours inflate dramatically
    • Max = 100 million Coin Hour per hour
    • Will be reached in decades
  • ... no transactions ever took place on the network
    • max Coin Hours would not exceed uint64 for centuries.


Skycoin Spending transactions

Proof of burn

Burn percents Coin Hours


Skycoin spend example

Comparison of number of purchases

Skycoin Purchases


Skycoin spend example

After 1 hour

Skycoin purchase results

Skycoin Protocol Overview

  • No DNS during P2P discovery

Skycoin P2P protocol

Skycoin logo

  • Wallets
    • Desktop (Electron), Android, iOS
  • Exchange integrations
  • CX programming language
    • Smart contracts
  • DApps

A community of developers

  • CX
  • Use your preferred programming language

Skycoin core libraries

Skycoin libraries overview


Skycoin core libraries

  • Transpiled
    • go src => transpiler => lang X src => ...
    • e.g. skycoin-lite
    • need maintenance
  • Crypto API
    • go src => cgo => binary + header => ...
    • go annotations => swagger => spec => lang X src => ...

What are API sets?

  • Groups API endpoints
  • Related in intent
  • Enabled / disabled at once via CLI
    • --enable-api-sets
    • -disable-api-sets
    • -enable-all-api-sets

Skycoin 0.25.1 API sets

  • READ - Query data. Read only.
  • STATUS - A subset of READ exposing node status
    • Application
    • Network
    • Blockchain
  • PROMETHEUS - Node metrics in Prometheus text format

Skycoin 0.25.1 API sets

  • TXN - Transaction ops (no wallet)
  • WALLET - Local wallet files
  • NET_CTRL - Network admin
    • Used by desktop wallet only

Swagger a.k.a Open API

  • Model driven (Swagger spec)
  • Literate programming go-swagger
    • Generate Swagger spec from annotations
    • only v2, no v3 support
  • Auto-generate
    • REST client / server code
    • Documentation
    • Database models
    • ...


Why Open API v3

URI: /api/v1/transaction
Method: GET
    txid: transaction id
    verbose: [bool] include verbose transaction input data
    encoded: [bool] return the transaction as hex-encoded serialized bytes


        "inputs": [


        "inputs": [
                "uxid": "5287f390628909dd8c25fad0feb37859c0c1ddcf90da0c040c837c89fefd9191",
                "owner": "2K6NuLBBapWndAssUtkxKfCtyjDQDHrEhhT",
                "coins": "8.000000",
                "hours": 7454,
                "calculated_hours": 7454

Other projects

  • Skywire
  • Hardware wallet daemon
  • CXO
  • DApps (BBS, ...)

Swagger client libraries


  • Partially tested
    • Python, .NET, Java
  • Fully generated
    • Objective-C, C (libcurl), Ruby
    • PHP, Javascript (node + axios)
  • Work in progress

Hardware wallet daemon

finished before product itself

Skycoin hardware wallet architecture

REST API test suite - golang

TestVersion test case @ v0.26.0

TestVersion test case


REST API test suite - golang

newClient @ v0.26.0

newClient test function

Doing tests using docker



Setup library ruby

git clone http://[email protected]:30080/simelo/python-hackday.git

cd ruby-hackaday

docker run -it --network=host -v $(pwd):/app -w /app ruby-sky-meetup /bin/bash



Setup library python

git clone http://[email protected]:30080/simelo/python-hackday.git

cd python-hackaday

docker run -it --network=host -v $(pwd):/app -w /app skyapi-python-meetup /bin/bash



Setup library dotnet

git clone http://[email protected]:30080/simelo/python-hackday.git

cd dotnet-hackaday

docker run -it --network=host -v $(pwd):/app -w /app skyapi-dotnet-meetup /bin/bash

Testing with unittest in python

Unittest Example


import skyapi
import unittest

configuration = skyapi.Configuration() = 'http://localhost:6420'
api_instance = skyapi.DefaultApi(skyapi.ApiClient(configuration))

class TestSum(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_version(self):
        Test /api/v1/version
        result = api_instance.version()

        self.assertEqual(result['branch'], 'v0.26.0')
        self.assertEqual(result['commit'], 'ff754084df0912bc0d151529e2893ca86618fb3f')
        self.assertEqual(result['version'], '0.26.0')

if __name__ == '__main__':


Testing with RSpec in ruby

Rspec Example


require 'sky_api'

api_instance = = 'http://localhost:6420'

describe 'version' do
  result = api_instance.version
  it 'check branch' do
    expect(result.branch).to eq 'v0.26.0'
  it 'check version' do
    expect(result.commit).to eq 'ff754084df0912bc0d151529e2893ca86618fb3f'

  it 'check commit' do
    expect(result.version).to eq '0.26.0'


Testing with Xunit in Dotnet

Xunit Example


public class UnitTest1
    public void Version() {

    Configuration.Default.BasePath = "http://localhost:6420";
    var apiInstance = new DefaultApi(Configuration.Default);

    try {
        var result = apiInstance.Version();
        Assert.Equal("v0.26.0", result.Branch);
        Assert.Equal("ff754084df0912bc0d151529e2893ca86618fb3f", result.Commit);
        Assert.Equal("0.26.0", result.Version);

What's next?

Thanks for your attention!
