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Martijn Bodeman edited this page Aug 24, 2023 · 4 revisions

Assuming you have the following domain and a DTO type:

namespace AutoMapperExample.Domain;
    public record Payment(Iban BankAccountNumber, decimal Amount, string Currency);

namespace AutoMapperExample.Dtos;
    public record PaymentDto(string BankAccountNumber, decimal Amount, string Currency);

To map the Iban type to string and vice versa with AutoMapper, create a mapping profile class and inject IIbanParser. Then, create a two-way mapping between string and the Iban type.

public sealed class IbanMappingProfile : Profile
    public IbanMappingProfile(IIbanParser ibanParser)
        CreateMap<string, Iban>().ConvertUsing(s => ibanParser.Parse(s));
        CreateMap<Iban, string>().ConvertUsing(s => s.ToString(IbanFormat.Electronic));

Next, have another mapping profile in which you map between your domain model and DTO:

public sealed class MyProfile : Profile
    CreateMap<Payment, PaymentDto>().ReverseMap();

Make sure to register both mapping profiles with AutoMapper, and you're done!