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IAM Key Rotator

Test Checkov

This terraform module will deploy the following services:

  • DynamoDB Table
  • IAM Role
  • IAM Role Policy
  • CloudWatch Event
  • Lambda

Note: You need to implement remote backend by yourself and is recommended for state management.

Important: cryptography library has issues with AWS lambda so use the below command to build the package whenever required

pip install --platform manylinux2014_x86_64 --implementation cp --python 3.9 --only-binary=:all: --target . cryptography


Name Version
aws >= 4.0.0


Name Description Type Default Required
region AWS region in which you want to create resources string "us-east-1" no
profile AWS CLI profile to use as authentication method string null no
access_key AWS access key to use as authentication method string null no
secret_key AWS secret key to use as authentication method string null no
session_token AWS session token to use as authentication method string null no
table_name Name of dynamodb table to store access keys to be deleted string "iam-key-rotator" no
enable_sse Whether to enable server-side encryption for dynamodb table bool true no
kms_key_arn ARN of customer owned CMK to use instead of AWS owned key for dynamodb table string null no
enable_pitr Enable point-in time recovery for dynamodb table bool false no
key_creator_role_name Name for IAM role to assocaite with key creator lambda function string "iam-key-creator" no
key_creator_function_name Name for lambda function responsible for creating new access key pair string "iam-key-creator" no
key_destructor_role_name Name for IAM role to assocaite with key destructor lambda function string "iam-key-destructor" no
key_destructor_function_name Name for lambda function responsible for deleting existing access key pair string "iam-key-destructor" no
cron_expression CRON expression to determine how frequently key creator function will be invoked to check if new key pair needs to be generated for an IAM user string "0 12 * * ? *" no
lambda_runtime Lambda runtime to use for code execution for both creator and destructor function string "python3.9" no
function_memory_size Amount of memory to allocate to both creator and destructor function number 128 no
function_timeout Timeout to set for both creator and destructor function number 10 no
reserved_concurrent_executions Amount of reserved concurrent executions for this lambda function. A value of 0 disables lambda from being triggered and -1 removes any concurrency limitations number -1 no
xray_tracing_mode Whether to sample and trace a subset of incoming requests with AWS X-Ray. Possible values: PassThrough and Active string "PassThrough" no
tags Key value pair to assign to resources map(string) {} no
rotate_after_days Days after which a new access key pair should be generated. Note: If IKR:ROTATE_AFTER_DAYS tag is set for the IAM user, this is ignored number 85 no
delete_after_days No. of days to wait for deleting existing key pair after a new key pair is generated. Note: If IKR:DELETE_AFTER_DAYS tag is set for the IAM user, this is ignored number 5 no
retry_after_mins In case lambda fails to delete the old key, how long should it wait before the next try number 5 no
encrypt_key_pair Whether to share encrypted version of key pair with the user instead of sending them in plain text. The encryption key will be stored in SSM paramter store in /ikr/secret/iam/USERNAME format bool true no
mail_client Mail client to use. Supported Clients: smtp, ses and mailgun string "ses" no
mail_from Email address which should be used for sending mails. Note: Prior setup of mail client is required string n/a yes
smtp_protocol Security protocol to use for SMTP connection. Supported values: ssl and tls. Note: Required if mail client is set to smtp string null no
smtp_port Secure port number to use for SMTP connection. Note: Required if mail client is set to smtp number null no
smtp_server Host name of SMTP server. Note: Required if mail client is set to smtp string null no
smtp_password Password to use with mail_from address for SMTP authentication. Note: Required if mail client is set to smtp string null no
mailgun_api_url Mailgun API url for sending email. Note: Required if mail client is set to mailgun string null no
mailgun_api_key API key for authenticating requests to Mailgun API. Note: Required if mail client is set to mailgun string null no
cw_log_group_retention Number of days to store the logs in a log group. Valid values are: 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 365, 400, 545, 731, 1827, 3653, and 0. To never expire the logs provide 0 number 90 no
cw_logs_kms_key_arn ARN of KMS key to use for encrypting CloudWatch logs at rest string null no


Name Description
table_name Name of dynamodb table created for storing access keys to be deleted
key_creator_function_name Name of lambda function created to create a set of new key pair for IAM user
key_destructor_function_name Name of lambda function created to delete existing key pair which has reached its expiry
cron_expression Interval at which key creator function will be invoked
mailgun_ssm_parameter_arn ARN of SSM parameter that stores mailgun API key. Available only if mail client is set to Mailgun
smtp_ssm_parameter_arn ARN of SSM parameter that stores SMTP password. Available only if mail client is set to SMTP