Documentation for Faust-Prometheus is available in the Faust-Prometheus repo
The Faust-Prometheus team is following a very simple branching model. We use master as the production branch and all other branches for features or bugs. We do not maintain a dev only branch, staging, etc.
Contributions will be accepted to the master only.
If it is a major feature, please create an Issue and discuss it with the project leaders.
If in step 1 you get an acknowledgement from the project leaders, use the following procedure to submit a pull request:
a. Fork Faust-Prometheus on github ( )
b. Create a topic branch (git checkout -b my_branch)
c. Make changes to code in your branch
d. Push to your branch (git push origin my_branch)
e. Initiate a pull request on github ( )
f. We'll review your pull request and merge when approved!
For minor fixes just create a patch to the master branch on GitHub.
If you have questions or want to report a bug please create an Issue