Manages data chunks availability for the workers. This is the only interface that should be exposed to the workers.
- spawn future tasks for downloading and deleting data chunks using Tasks Manager
- lists available data chunks and finds a chunk responsible for a given block number are provided blocking methods
- data chunks are stored in the
directory - orchestrates background tasks, data sources and data catalogue
Manages tasks that needs to be done in background with just 2 methods:
- owns thread pool of tasks(IO Operations)
- method to spawn a future task in thread pool for background tasks
- static method for waking up the task threads
- possible to extend with mpsc channel for communication between tasks
An async task for background operations
- implements polling from Futures for IO operations
- basically this is async wrapper for tasks that needs to be done in background
Image, because it's better describing than words:
Manages in memory registry of data chunks and their availability.
- loads stored data chunks from the
directory - provides methods to list available data chunks and find a chunk responsible for a given block number
- uses RwLock for data chunks registry to prevent multiple threads from accessing the data at the same time
Implements data source for local file system
- provides methods to download and delete data chunks
- can read available data chunks from the
Nice to have: We might implement common trait and various implementations for different data sources like local file system, S3, etc.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use data_manager::data_manager::DataManagerImpl;
use data_manager::data_chunk::DataChunk;
// instantiate data manager
let data_manager = DataManagerImpl::default();
// download a chunk
let chunk = DataChunk {
id: [1u8; 32],
dataset_id: [1u8; 32],
block_range: 0..35,
files: HashMap::from([
("file.parquet".to_string(), "".to_string())
// find a specific chunk
let the_chunk = data_manager.find_chunk([1u8; 32], 0);
// delete available chunks
data_manager.delete_chunk([1u8; 32]);
// list available chunks
let chunks = data_manager.list_chunks();