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CHANGELOG for v2.x.x

This changelog consists of the bug & security fixes and new features being included in the releases listed below.

v2.0.0 (21st of October 2023) - Release


Full Page Cache Support

  • Implemented Full Page Cache support to improve performance.

Octane Support

  • Added support of Laravel Octane to enhance application speed and efficiency.


  • Added Dark theme support, providing users with the option to switch to a darker color scheme for improved visibility in low-light environments.


  • Added Visitors graph feature, allowing users to visualize website traffic and visitor trends over time.

Sales Reports

  • Added Total Sales graph feature, allowing users to visualize sales data over time.

  • Introducing Purchase Funnel analytics to track customer conversion stages.

  • Implemented Abandoned Carts report to monitor incomplete purchase attempts.

  • Introduced Total Orders tracking feature, providing insights into overall order volumes.

  • Added Average Order Value metric to help analyze customer spending habits.

  • Implemented Shipping Collected report, detailing shipping revenue collected from orders.

  • Added Refunds report, allowing users to track refunded orders and their values.

  • Introduced Top Payment Methods feature, displaying popular payment methods used by customers.

Customer Reports

  • Added Total Customers report, providing an overview of the total number of customers.

  • Implemented Customers With Most Sales report, highlighting customers with the highest sales.

  • Introduced Customers With Most Orders report, displaying customers with the highest order counts.

  • Added Customers Traffic report, providing insights into customer website traffic.

  • Implemented Top Customer Groups feature, showing the most active customer groups.

  • Introduced Customers With Most Reviews report, displaying customers who have submitted the most product reviews.

Product Reports

  • Added Sold Products Quantity report, detailing the total quantity of products sold.

  • Implemented Products Added To Wishlist report, tracking products added to users' wishlists.

  • Introduced Top Selling Products By Revenue report, highlighting products with the highest revenue.

  • Added Top Selling Products By Quantity report, displaying products sold in the highest quantities.

  • Implemented Products With Most Reviews report, showing products that received the most reviews.

  • Introduced Products With Most Visits report, providing insights into products visited most frequently.

Installer Package:

  • Introduced a separate installer package, providing users with a standalone tool to set up and configure the application easily through a user-friendly installation process.

  • Redesigned Installer UI: Revamped the user interface of the installer for a more intuitive and visually appealing installation experience.

  • Removed the Booking Product Package, discontinuing support for booking-related features in the application. Users will no longer be able to utilize booking functionality through this package.

  • #8623 [enhancement] - Footer Copyright Year Displays Previous Year Instead of Current Year

  • #8493 [enhancement] - we can remove the homepage configuration from the configuration.

  • #8443 [enhancement] - Add tooltip for height and width for the image carousel in the theme customization.

  • #8429 [enhancement] - On the customer profile edit page it should be shown dash (-) if the fields are blank.

  • #8421 [enhancement] - Not showing message with tax included on the product page.

  • #8319 [enhancement] - If the admin user have not permission to edit/delete other users so the option should be hide/disabled.

  • #8302 [enhancement] - On the shopping cart, move to wishlist option should disabled or hided for guest users.

  • #8713 [fixed] - The customer receives the shipment confirmation email twice, and the email sent to the inventory source contact address does not display the correct name.

  • #8705 [fixed] - When updating the logo from the channel settings, the change is not reflected on the shop as the new logo.

  • #8696 [fixed] - The customer is getting order confirmation mail twice.

  • #8691 [fixed] - If there is a pending order and delete that product. On the admin panel order history page, it continues to load but is not able to view the listing.

  • #8675 [fixed] - On the payment method page in configuration, A few fields are not dark in the Dark theme.

  • #8671 [fixed] - Shipping title and rate input fields should be dark in the dark theme.

  • #8666 [fixed] - Should hover on the Filter button in the Dark theme.

  • #8663 [fixed] - After creating the Customer group price with the Discount price type. It does not show quantity on the product edit page.

  • #8660 [fixed] - Compatible the admin panel calendar icon with multiple browsers.

  • #8659 [fixed] - Products are not visible on Shop if tax inclusive is enabled.

  • #8655 [fixed] - On the Admin panel review page, It should not be shown the extra (/) separator.

  • #8652 [fixed] - Increase the Clickable area of the Customer address menus.

  • #8651 [fixed] - If the image is added to the review, on the customer's review view page it shows the added image in the review instead of the product image.

  • #8649 [fixed] - Not getting phone number on customer address edit page which is saved from customer address create page.

  • #8648 [fixed] - The customer tried to date filter on the orders page, After selecting the date from the calendar the calendar redirected to the top-left for select time and the filter drawer was closed.

  • #8643 [fixed] - On the add/edit attribute page, Attribute options table heading should be in the Dark.

  • #8641 [fixed] - While adding the customer's address from the admin panel, getting a translation issue in the VAT ID input fields.

  • #8635 [fixed] - while creating configurable products Configurable Attribute options are going out to the option fields.

  • #8633 [fixed] - After deleting the category from mass action got a translation issue in the successfully deleted notification.

  • #8631 [fixed] - Getting translation issues while adding downloadable product to the cart from the home/listing page.

  • #8630 [fixed] - Getting UI issue in condition dropdown on the catalog rule edit page.

  • #8603 [fixed] - SQL error occurs when clicking on Print in the frontend invoice.

  • #8600 [fixed] - Getting translation issues in the sort options on the Category carousel edit page.

  • #8595 [fixed] - If the search mode is Elastic search gets an exception on product creation.

  • #8591 [fixed] - On the product page, the Filter should be highlighted if the status filter is applied.

  • #8585 [fixed] - On the currency page, the Code & name show data from each other fields.

  • #8584 [fixed] - Getting an exception while creating catalog rule.

  • #8575 [fixed] - In the guest user review form, Customer Name field is missing.

  • #8570 [fixed] - The edit CMS page shows multiple required messages for multiple channels. It should show the single required message for the required field.

  • #8560 [fixed] - If the guest user review is disabled still able to give a review on the products.

  • #8559 [fixed] - Product image count should be shown if the image is added one or more.

  • #8558 [fixed] - Configuration options in the attribute creation form are not updating from the edit attribute page.

  • #8556 [fixed] - Is required option in the attribute creation form is not working on the edit attribute page.

  • #8555 [fixed] - In the mobile view, Language and currency options are not visible on the header menu navigation bar.

  • #8546 [fixed] - Getting a translation issue in add an attachment on the product review page.

  • #8534 [fixed] - Getting image size and default image text issue in the grouped/bundle product image.

  • #8528 [fixed] - Variant images should be visible in the image view container on the product view page on Shop.

  • #8527 [fixed] - Not showing checkbox options in the edit attribute page.

  • #8525 [fixed] - While adding content in the text area attribute in the product creation/edition and getting HTML tags of the text on Shop.

  • #8511 [fixed] - On the listing page, From page 2 onward select 50 or other options per page, It should be shown a listing accordingly.

  • #8509 [fixed] - Getting an exception while entered duplicate attribute code in the attribute creation form.

  • #8497 [fixed] - After defining the image/file attribute upload size from the configuration it shows a blank page and has an error in the console on the edit/create product page.

  • #8496 [fixed] - Default list mode is not working.

  • #8495 [fixed] - In the category page on sorting, by default option is visible 12. It should be shown the lowest value that is saved from the admin panel configuration.

  • #8493 [fixed] - we can remove the homepage configuration from the configuration.

  • #8491 [fixed] - Not working product carousel limit in the theme customization.

  • #8485 [fixed] - Getting error while changing admin locale from env file.

  • #8482 [fixed] - On the locale page in the Admin panel, the table headings show in the column.

  • #8480 [fixed] - Getting customers to delete issue in the user role.

  • #8464 [fixed] - Only Image extensions should be accepted in the add image option of theme customization.

  • #8457 [fixed] - Required message is missing in the product carousel's title field.

  • #8456 [fixed] - Getting an exception while disabling the footer link from the theme.

  • #8454 [fixed] - Sort-order fields should not accept negative values in the theme.

  • #8452 [fixed] - In the theme customization, limit fields should not accept negative value.

  • #8450 [fixed] - On the shop, arrowheads should be visible while slider have two or more.

  • #8447 [fixed] - The add slider should be clickable in the image carousel on the admin panel.

  • #8445 [fixed] - While adding a slider image, image fields are required still I'm able to add a slider without an image.

  • #8431 [fixed] - Getting translation issue on the bottom of the customer registration form.

  • #8430 [fixed] - Getting spacing issue between message and email on the customer profile edit page.

  • #8426 [fixed] - Create/Edit category, product mode is set to product only, the description is still required.

  • #8424 [fixed] - If the field is required it should be shown in the asterisk sign (*).

  • #8419 [fixed] - Shipping methods title should be required.

  • #8414 [fixed] - Getting an exception on the shop while replacing the sort order of image carousel and static conent (Offer Information).

  • #8410 [fixed] - Getting an exception while trying to add an additional image in the image slider from the admin panel for the carousel.

  • #8408 [fixed] - Getting translation issue in the order shipped mail subject.

  • #8403 [fixed] - Getting image size issue in the category carousel on the Shop.

  • #8402 [fixed] - While deleting the admin user him/herself got errors in the console.

  • #8401 [fixed] - While creating an Admin user so getting translation issues in success notification.

  • #8391 [fixed] - Getting errors in the console while creating tax.

  • #8390 [fixed] - Getting an error in the console on the payment method page in the Admin panel.

  • #8385 [fixed] - Getting translation issue while entering wrong password in the Admin user deletion form.

  • #8378 [fixed] - Not able to delete category.

  • #8372 [fixed] - Enabling the toggle button and it is showing required message.

  • #8371 [fixed] - Flat rate shipping is not working according to Admin configuration.

  • #8367 [fixed] - Wishlist sharing option is not working.

  • #8360 [fixed] - Lines in a Street Address option is not working in the registered user address create/edit form.

  • #8358 [fixed] - If the fields are required asterisk sign is still missing on the shipping origin form.

  • #8357 [fixed] - Custom CSS and JS functionality should work on the shop only.

  • #8356 [fixed] - The compare option is disabled from the admin panel it is still showing on the shop.

  • #8355 [fixed] - Image search functionality is not working.

  • #8353 [fixed] - The image search option is disabled still, it is showing in the search bar.

  • #8351 [fixed] - Getting error in the console while open the wishlist page.

  • #8347 [fixed] - While deleting the customer profile, the page loads without entering the current password and shows the wrong password notification.

  • #8345 [fixed] - Getting translation issues while updating the password and entering the wrong password in the current password field.

  • #8343 [fixed] - Date of Birth field is missing in the customer edit profile form.

  • #8342 [fixed] - Getting translation issues while customer updating the profile.

  • #8341 [fixed] - Getting issues in the customer image on the edit profile page.

  • #8340 [fixed] - If the user has not selected the subscribe option, still it is subscribed on the customer registration form.

  • #8332 [fixed] - Getting translation issues while deleting the channel.

  • #8330 [fixed] - Not deleting the added image in the locale.

  • #8328 [fixed] - Image/File attribute values should be downloadable in the shop on the additional information tab.

  • #8327 [fixed] - Getting an exception while creating an attribute and using space in attribute code.

  • #8324 [fixed] - Getting image size and default image text issue on the added products in the related, cross, and up sell.

  • #8323 [fixed] - The product listing page does not show the correct quantity count.

  • #8320 [fixed] - While admin user trying to delete him/herself, getting an error in the console

  • #8316 [fixed] - Getting translation issue in the delete button tooltip in the admin user listing page.

  • #8314 [fixed] - While editing the Admin user, it shows the Confirm Password not matching notification.

  • #8313 [fixed] - The image field is required to be able to create without adding an image in the admin user create from.

  • #8312 [fixed] - Getting an exception while editing the Channel

  • #8307 [fixed] - Theme options should be active after installation.

  • #8304 [fixed] - Clicking on remove or move to wishlist option without selecting product. it is showing successful notification.

  • #8290 [fixed] - In Category, the filterable attribute options are not updating.

  • #8282 [fixed] - Getting an exception while changing the locale on the shop.

  • #8281 [fixed] - Should be shown default image if the image is not added in the locale.

  • #8279 [fixed] - On the Admin panel, Added image is not visible while editing the locale.

  • #8278 [fixed] - Not working delete attachment option while customer giving review.

  • #8274 [fixed] - Getting errors in the console. Giving a review a second time on the same product.

  • #8273 [fixed] - Root category is visible in the category carousel on the homepage.

  • #8272 [fixed] - Not showing category image on the homepage.

  • #8270 [fixed] - On the Shop, Sample is not added still it is showing the option to download sample in the downloadable product.

  • #8268 [fixed] - Not showing product video on the product page on the shop.

  • #8267 [fixed] - On the edit attribute page, not updating the configuration options.

  • #8266 [fixed] - On the Product create/edit page, not showing options to add details for image/file attribute.

  • #8261 [fixed] - Not showing product and description on the category page in Shop.

  • #8257 [fixed] - Getting error in console while deleting the email template.

  • #8254 [fixed] - Not working autogenerated coupons functionality in the cart rule.

  • #8253 [fixed] - Prefix/Suffix code should not be a required field in the automatically generated cart rule coupons.

  • #8251 [fixed] - The Phone input field is not a required field in the customer create/edit form.

  • #8249 [fixed] - Getting translation issue in notification while Admin trying to log in the inActive user.

  • #8247 [fixed] - While creating a customer from the admin panel, it shows a duplicate customer group select option.

  • #8245 [fixed] - Customer log-in from the admin panel is redirected to the same tab.

  • #8244 [fixed] - Cancel order by Admin notification is not showing properly.

  • #8242 [fixed] - Configurable parent product quantity status showing out of stock

  • #8238 [fixed] - Getting image size and default image text issue in the variant product image.

  • #8235 [fixed] - Getting an exception on the dashboard after deleting the products with mass delete action.

  • #8234 [fixed] - Getting translation issue in the Attribute.

  • #8230 [fixed] - Placeholder is missing in the input fields.

  • #8228 [fixed] - Slug is not updating. it is taking previous slug.

  • #8226 [fixed] - The input validation field should be shown according to selected attribute type.

  • #8224 [fixed] - Not showing selected option in the display mode of the root category in the admin panel.

  • #8221 [fixed] - Getting an exception on the shop after installation.

  • #8207 [fixed] - Not getting selected price type in the customer group price on the product edit page.

  • #8206 [fixed] - Not getting input value in the price of the customer group price in the edit product page.

  • #8195 [fixed] - After performing mass action, mass selection should disappear from the product page on the admin panel.

  • #8190 [fixed] - On the admin panel, getting duplicate email title name in the send duplicate invoice pop-up.

  • #8190 [fixed] - Getting duplicate tax heading of the tax in the invoice on the Admin panel.

  • #8183 [fixed] - Not generating slug of the category while creating new category.

  • #8180 [fixed] - Getting 404 not found error while creating customer group discount.

  • #8179 [fixed] - All groups option is missing in customer group discount.

  • #8178 [fixed] - In the Order history on the admin panel, Find an extra filter as image.

  • #8174 [fixed] - Not working filter in the order history page in the admin panel.

  • #8172 [fixed] - If the listing page is blank still it is exporting it should be shown the notification as nothing to export.

  • #8170 [fixed] - Unable to apply filter on customers with gender, address count, order count and revenue

  • #8169 [fixed] - Datagrid improvements and bugs

  • #8168 [fixed] - Catalog Rule validation issue

  • #8167 [fixed] - Unable to create new category due to validation issue from the backend admin panel

  • #8166 [fixed] - Chart not updating after date filter

  • #8165 [fixed] - Internal server error on console during fresh installation

  • #8164 [fixed] - Loader has to be shown after clicking on place order button

  • #8163 [fixed] - Product filter should be working properly

  • #8162 [fixed] - Not able to disable guest checkout

  • #8160 [fixed] - Unable to update default attribute from the admin panel

  • #8159 [fixed] - Configuration is not updating

  • #8158 [fixed] - Unable to edit User in admin panel

  • #8157 [fixed] - Not able to save tax configuration

  • #8156 [fixed] - Getting error in installation with prefix.

  • #8155 [fixed] - Translation issue in configuration

  • #8152 [fixed] - Not able to save cms pages

  • #8151 [fixed] - Getting translation issue in forget password page for not found email.

  • #8146 [fixed] - Getting translation issue in the forget password page.

  • #8077 [fixed] - If there is no content in the stock threshold so it is not showing simulation.

  • #8075 [fixed] - Getting an error while installing the Bagisto v2.x with single command

  • #8071 [fixed] - If the navigation collapse, customer icon is getting small in the overall details on the admin panel.

v2.0.0-BETA-1 (5th of September 2023) - Release

User Interface Enhancements:

  • Completely revamped the visual appearance of both the admin and shop sections, introducing fresh new themes.

  • Applied a modern and stylish theme to the admin section, elevating the user interface and overall user experience.

  • Transformed the shop section with a modern theme, delivering an improved user interface and shopping experience.

  • Reimagined key elements such as product pages, category listings, cart pages, compare pages, the review section, mini-cart, and checkout process, creating a seamless and cohesive shopping journey.

Styling and Framework Updates:

  • Integrated Tailwind CSS: We've migrated our styling approach from traditional CSS to the powerful Tailwind CSS framework, resulting in a more utility-first and responsive design system.

  • Blade Components Integration: Our application now features Blade components for enhanced UI rendering.

  • Reusable Blade Components: Introducing a new set of reusable Blade components, providing extensive customization options.

Development and Tooling Improvements:

  • Added a Vite configuration file (vite.config.js) to streamline project setup with Vite.

  • Leveraged Vite's features for faster development and efficient module handling.

  • Implemented customized data grids for improved data visualization and interaction.

  • Enhanced filter functionality, enabling refined data exploration.

  • Introduced advanced filter options for users to narrow down data based on multiple criteria.

  • Added a Mega Search feature to the admin panel for enhanced data discovery.

  • Restructured the controllers directory, grouping related controllers for better code organization.

  • Improved code recoverability by moving controllers into more appropriate subdirectories.

Code Refactoring and Cleanup:

  • Enhanced separation of concerns by aligning data-grids with their respective views and sections.

  • Improved Blade files to better match the views or functionalities they serve.

  • Refined routes based on their corresponding Blade files.

  • Improved route URLs based on directory structure.

  • Restructured the language files to enhance localization management.

  • Organized language files hierarchically, corresponding to their respective views.

Simplification and Dependencies:

  • Custom CSS Stylesheets Removed: As part of our transition to Tailwind CSS, we have phased out custom CSS stylesheets, simplifying our codebase and reducing style management complexity.

  • Vue.js Components Replaced: In this release, we've replaced Vue.js components with Blade components.

  • Removed unnecessary webpack-related dependencies from package.json.

  • Deleted webpack.config.js, as it is no longer needed with the Vite setup.