Startig from Debian 11 netinstall iso; choose XFCE desktop. Configure and install usefull repos, utilites and applications:
- Backports
- Fasttrack
- VBox (ext and guest-iso included)
- Utilities: git, htop, ifstat, vim, aria2, python3-pip, intel_gpu_tools, font-manager, wireshark, menulibre, gdebi, flatpak, tomboy-ng
- Configure shortcuts following GNOME layout and notifications to 5 secs.
- Firmware:
sudo apt install firmware-linux firmware-iwlwifi firmware-realtek firmware-atheros firmware-ivtv firmware-ti-connectivity firmware-netxen
- Compressors:
sudo apt install rar unrar unace p7zip-full p7zip-rar lzip arj sharutils mpack lzma lzop unzip zip bzip2 lhasa cabextract lrzip rzip zpaq kgb xz-utils
- Win fonts:
sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
(Update cache:sudo fc-cache -fv
) - Install docker-ce engine
- Design apps:
sudo apt install gimp gimp-cbmplugs gimp-data-extras gimp-dds gimp-gap gimp-gmic gimp-help-es gimp-lensfun gimp-texturize inkscape inkscape-open-symbols inkscape-textext inkscape-tutorials scribus scribus-template dia dia-shapes dia-rib-network && flatpak install kolourpaint && flatpak install flatseal
- Special comm apps:
sudo apt install remmina remmina-plugin-spice remmina-plugin-nx remmina-plugin-xdmcp filezilla
- Download and install: vscode, webapps (mint deb), mintstick (mint deb), Anydesk (disable service)
sudo usermod -aG vboxusers $USER
sudo usermod -aG wireshark $USER
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Use Menulibre and edit gdebi shortcut with: sh -c "gdebi-gtk %f"
sudo apt install apt-xapian-index
sudo dpkg-reconfigure synaptic
Web: Forum XFCE
Client Side Decorations (CSD) and they are not drawn by the window manager but rather the application itself.
sudo apt install gtk3-nocsd
Install sudo apt install xcape
and configure from terminal an in Startup Applications menu:
xcape -e "Super_L=Alt_L|Escape"
You should be able to prevent the "sticky keys" notification from appearing by unchecking (blocking) the "xfce4-settings-helper" application in Settings Manager > Notifications > Applications tab. Moreover, ensure that Sticky keys are disable in Accesibility > Keyboard Tab.
sudo apt install thunar-gtkhash thunar-vcs-plugin thunar-font-manager
Install and configure to 512MB max (on /etc/defaults/zramswap
sudo apt install zram-tools
Icons: sudo apt install -t bullseye-backports papirus-icon-theme
How to Fix Intel Screen Tearing on Xfce
Go to “setting manager”
Go to “setting editor”
Choose “xfwm4”
Find “vblank_mode” and select.
Press the “edit”
Type glx to “value” section.
Save and reboot.