- Write import statements always at the top of files.
- Import each module using the full pathname location of the module.
import numpy as np
from sklearn import linear_model
import crawler.spiders.articles
- Do not use global variables
- Each variable name including temporary variables should be descriptive
def main():
author_info_file_path = ".../author.csv"
# ...
temp_file_index = 0
- Each name should be descriptive
- The name conventions of methods and functions are all lower cases with '_' as space
- The name conventions of attributes are all lower cases with '_' as space
- Each method and function has documentation of input and output, and descriptive comments about what does it do.
# Calculate the sum of two values
def sum_of_two_value(a, b):
:params a, a integer or float
b, a integer or float
:returns sum, sum of a and b
return a + b
- The name conventions of class should be capitalized and descriptive
class AuthorCredibility(object):
def __init___(self, author_name):
- Make sure that function is not related to its class or its python file.
- Create a new file or class for unique function
# file name: crawling_author.py
def extract_author_info(author_name)
# file name: crawling_publisher.py
def extract_publisher_info(publisher_name)