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DBaaS Quick Start Guide

This document describes how to provision NuoDB databases in multi-tenancy model by using NuoDB Control Plane (CP). NuoDB Control Plane works with Kubernetes locally or in the cloud. The steps in this guide can be followed regardless of the selected Kubernetes platform provider.


Installing Dependencies

Install Cert Manager

To enable admission webhooks in the NuoDB operator, cert-manager must be installed to automatically generate certificates for the webhook server.

Add the official Helm repositories.

helm repo add jetstack
helm repo update

Install Cert Manager Helm chart.

helm upgrade --install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
  --namespace cert-manager \
  --set installCRDs=true \

Wait for Cert Manager to become available.

kubectl -n cert-manager wait pod --all --for=condition=Ready

Installing NuoDB Control Plane

The NuoDB Control Plane consists of Custom Resource Definitions and the following workloads:

  • NuoDB CP Operator, which enforces the desired state of the NuoDB custom resources.
  • NuoDB CP REST service, that exposes a REST API allowing users to manipulate and inspect DBaaS entities.

By default the NuoDB CP will operate in a single namespace only which will be used for NuoDB CP and all databases created by it. The databases are grouped into projects, which are themselves grouped into organizations.

Add the official Helm repositories.

helm repo add nuodb-cp
helm repo update

Install NuoDB CP Helm charts.

helm upgrade --install nuodb-cp-crd nuodb-cp/nuodb-cp-crd \
    --namespace nuodb-cp-system \

helm upgrade --install nuodb-cp-operator nuodb-cp/nuodb-cp-operator \
    --namespace nuodb-cp-system \
    --set cpOperator.webhooks.enabled=true \
    --set 'cpOperator.extraArgs[0]=--ingress-https-port=48006' # Enables connecting to databases with port-forwarding

helm upgrade --install nuodb-cp-rest nuodb-cp/nuodb-cp-rest \
    --namespace nuodb-cp-system \
    --set cpRest.authentication.enabled=true \
    --set cpRest.authentication.admin.create=true \
    --set # Enables connecting to databases with port-forwarding

Wait for NuoDB Control Plane to become available.

kubectl -n nuodb-cp-system -l app=nuodb-cp-operator wait pod --all --for=condition=Ready
kubectl -n nuodb-cp-system -l app=nuodb-cp-rest wait pod --all --for=condition=Ready

Creating NuoDB Database

Once the Control Plane is deployed, projects and databases can now be created.

Access and Authentication

This guide will use port forwarding and cURL to demonstrate how to create projects and databases through the REST service.

kubectl port-forward -n nuodb-cp-system svc/nuodb-cp-rest 8080 2>&1 >/dev/null &

To successfully authenticate with the REST API, get the system/admin user's password from the cluster:

PASS=$(kubectl get secret dbaas-user-system-admin -n nuodb-cp-system -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d)

Create Project

Create a new project messaging in organization acme:

curl -u "system/admin:$PASS" -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    $BASE_URL/projects/acme/messaging \
    -d '{"sla": "dev", "tier": "n0.small"}'

Note Creating project and database with n0.small service tier will require 3 vCPU and 5Gi RAM allocatable resources from your cluster. If your setup is resource constrained, consider using n0.nano service tier.

Wait for the project to become available.

while [ "$(curl -s -u "system/admin:$PASS" $BASE_URL/projects/acme/messaging | jq '.status.ready')" != "true" ]; do echo "Waiting ..."; sleep 5; done; echo "Domain is available"

Create database

Create a new database demo in project messaging:

curl -u "system/admin:$PASS" -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    $BASE_URL/databases/acme/messaging/demo \
    -d '{"dbaPassword": "secret"}'

Wait for the database to become available.

while [ "$(curl -s -u "system/admin:$PASS" $BASE_URL/databases/acme/messaging/demo | jq '.status.ready')" != "true" ]; do echo "Waiting ..."; sleep 5; done; echo "Database is available"

Connect to Database

This guide will use port forwarding to connect to the NuoDB database.

ADMIN_SVC=$(kubectl get svc -n nuodb-cp-system \
    -l ',,!' -oname | grep "clusterip")
DB_SVC=$(kubectl get svc -n nuodb-cp-system \
    -l ",," -oname)
kubectl port-forward -n nuodb-cp-system $ADMIN_SVC 48004 2>&1 >/dev/null &
kubectl port-forward -n nuodb-cp-system $DB_SVC 48006 2>&1 >/dev/null &

Connect to the NuoDB database via nuosql (requires nuodb-client package v20230228 or later).

CA_CERT="$(curl -s -u "system/admin:$PASS" $BASE_URL/databases/acme/messaging/demo | jq -r '.status.caPem')"
DB_URL="$(curl -s -u "system/admin:$PASS" $BASE_URL/databases/acme/messaging/demo | jq -r '.status.sqlEndpoint')"
nuosql "demo@${DB_URL}" --user dba --password secret --connection-property trustedCertificates="$CA_CERT"


  • Delete all custom resources that have been created in nuodb-cp-system namespace.
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=nuodb-cp-system
kubectl get -o name | xargs kubectl delete
kubectl get -o name | xargs kubectl delete
kubectl get -o name | xargs kubectl delete
kubectl get -o name | xargs kubectl delete
kubectl get -o name | xargs -r kubectl delete
kubectl get secrets -o name | xargs -r kubectl delete
kubectl get pvc -o name --selector=group=nuodb | xargs -r kubectl delete
  • Cleanup the installed resources in the following order:
helm uninstall nuodb-cp-rest --namespace nuodb-cp-system
helm uninstall nuodb-cp-operator --namespace nuodb-cp-system
helm uninstall nuodb-cp-crd --namespace nuodb-cp-system
helm uninstall cert-manager --namespace cert-manager
  • Delete the provisioned namespace:
kubectl delete namespace nuodb-cp-system
kubectl delete namespace cert-manager