Tag: mbs-s0013-20230501
- 2023-05-09: first release,
300 realistic realizations of the LAT map noise, given the single realization of the time-domain simulations. Simulations cover the full LAT footprint to a bandlimit of lmax=5400
, and utilize the directional wavelet noise model.
This release is based on the LAT scan-s0003
time-domain simulations, available on NERSC
These time-domain simulations implement the type-1.2.1 high-cadence 3-elevation scan-strategy (see scan-strategy repo and ICD). These maps provide a single realization of the noise in each split of each frequency band. More information is also available on the SO productdb and confluence.
Using mnms
(commit d4afb9d
), we generate 300 realizations of the noise using map-based methods. Specifically, we use the directional wavelet model, governed by the configured parameters.
- Simulations are bandlimited to
. To save space, the simulations are stored in a pixelization that is downgraded by a factor of 4 relative to the time-domain simulations (shape=(..., 2640, 10800)
, 2 arcmin resolution vs.shape=(..., 10560, 43200)
0.5 arcmin resolution). See examples below for further guidance. - The time-domain simulations are produced in the Clenshaw-Curtis CAR variant. The map-based simulations are first built using these Clenshaw-Curtis time-domain maps as inputs. Then, their
is adjusted post-hoc (by <1 pixel) to match what they would have been had the time-domain simulations been produced in the Fejer1 CAR variant as specified (see this issue for more detail). We note this for the record; it does not impact users.
Maps are available in the CAR (Fejer1 variant) pixelization. As above, the maps have a resolution of 2 arcmin. Maps are in Equatorial Coordinates, uK_CMB
units, FITS format.
The maps are located here:
and have the following naming convention:
where bands
is in [lf_f030_lf_f040, mf_f090_mf_f150, uhf_f230_uhf_f290]
, split_num
is in [0-3]
and sim_num
is in [0000-0299]
Please open an issue here for any data access problems.
The covariance matrices from which simulations are drawn are available here:
Due to issues with the Clenshaw-Curtis vs. Fejer1 geometry, they do not currently support drawing additional realizations.
The models correlate pairs of frequency bands on the same detector wafer. Therefore, the simulations are stored in a similar paired format. Thus, the shape of a given simulation file is (2, 1, 3, 2640, 10800)
- The first axis is the frequency band
- The second (singleton) axis follows
convention (reserved for map splits; since each simulation corresponds to one map split, the dimension of this axis is 1) - The third axis is Stokes component (I, Q, U)
- The last axes are the map pixels
The geometry (including shape) of the maps is given in the FITS header:
SIMPLE = T / conforms to FITS standard
BITPIX = -32 / array data type
5 / number of array dimensions
NAXIS1 = 10800
NAXIS2 = 2640
NAXIS3 = 3
NAXIS4 = 1
NAXIS5 = 2
WCSAXES = 2 / Number of coordinate axes
CRPIX1 = 5400.625 / Pixel coordinate of reference point
CRPIX2 = 1890.5 / Pixel coordinate of reference point
CDELT1 = -0.033333333333333 / [deg] Coordinate increment at reference point
CDELT2 = 0.033333333333333 / [deg] Coordinate increment at reference point
CUNIT1 = 'deg' / Units of coordinate increment and value
CUNIT2 = 'deg' / Units of coordinate increment and value
CTYPE1 = 'RA---CAR' / Right ascension, plate caree projection
CTYPE2 = 'DEC--CAR' / Declination, plate caree projection
CRVAL1 = 0.0 / [deg] Coordinate value at reference point
CRVAL2 = 0.0 / [deg] Coordinate value at reference point
LONPOLE = 0.0 / [deg] Native longitude of celestial pole
LATPOLE = 90.0 / [deg] Native latitude of celestial pole
MJDREF = 0.0 / [d] MJD of fiducial time
RADESYS = 'ICRS' / Equatorial coordinate system END
We give some minimum working examples:
import numpy as np
from pixell import enmap, curvedsky, enplot
from os.path import join
# first get some basic info like the path and the filename template
fdir = '/global/cfs/cdirs/sobs/v4_sims/mbs/mbs-s0013-20230501/sims'
fbase_template = 'so_scan_s0003_fdw_{bands}_lmax5400_4way_set{split_num}_noise_sim_map{sim_num:04}.fits'
# let's load the sim for e.g. f150, split 2, sim 123
bands = 'mf_f090_mf_f150'
band_idx = 1 # f090 is 0, f150 is 1
split_num = 2
sim_num = 123 # has 4 digits (leading 0's), but padding done for us in template
sim = enmap.read_map(
join(fdir, fbase_template.format(
sel=np.s_[band_idx, 0] # just load f150, remove split axis
print(sim.geometry, sim.dtype)
This should give:
((3, 2640, 10800), car:{cdelt:[-0.03333,0.03333],crval:[0,0],crpix:[5400.62,1890.50]}) float32
As discussed, the sim
only contains noise power to the Nyquist frequency of the pixelization (for 2 arcmin pixels, lmax=5400
). But what if we wanted to work with objects in map-space defined at the full resolution of the data, for example a sky mask defined at 0.5 arcmin resolution? We need to project the sim
to our desired geometry.
Because the sim
is bandlimited, we can do this losslessly with a spherical harmonic transforms:
# first we need the geometry of the pixelization.
# we can get this from one of the time-domain simulations
shape, wcs = enmap.read_map_geometry('/global/cfs/cdirs/sobs/sims/scan-s0003/output/combined/processed/fejer1/lat01_s25_fullfp_f150_1pass_4way_set02_map.fits')
# allocate an empty map to hold the sim at full resolution
sim_fullres = enmap.empty((*sim.shape[:-2], *shape[-2:]), wcs, sim.dtype)
# project sim to alm, then from alm to map
curvedsky.alm2map(curvedsky.map2alm(sim, lmax=5400), sim_fullres)
Finally, we can plot the sim:
# can also plot all three components in one call, but the colorbar will
# be shared for all three plots. this is visually nicer for components
# with very different dynamic range, as in this case
for pol in range(3):
enplot.pshow(sim_fullres[pol], downgrade=32, colorbar=True, ticks=15)
- Large-scale TT (l < 300) has excess noise power of > 10% in
, see these slides.
If anything looks suspicious in the simulations, please do not hesitate to open an issue here.