Scripts for loading a bundle from ingest or the HCA datastore into Neo4j.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start a Neo4j docker instance
docker run --rm -e NEO4J_AUTH=none -e NEO4J_apoc_import_file_enabled=true -p 7474:7474 -v $PWD/plugins:/plugins -v $PWD:/import -p 7687:7687 neo4j:3.3.3
Provide the bundle UUID and the environment (dev, integration or staging)
./ -b f804f372-6d3e-46d6-ba00-cec3c75122c7 -n integration
You'll need access to the latest hca-ingest libraries. If you've run this before do pip uninstall hca-ingest
to remove the old ingest client. Then checkout
the ingest library from To install the latest ingest client do pip install -e <path to ingest-client>
Run the following command. -e
is the submission envelope uuid, -p
is the assay process uuid (this must be the final sequencing process uuid), -D
for doing a dry run (doesn't export to blue) and -o
is the directly where the bundle json files will get written beofre loading into neo4j.
./ -e 86243a5a-b869-4da3-b97f-759ba26b0e2c -p afd5ad73-353b-4d04-b045-15736f7cf53c -D True -o output
The version of the script creates the modified graph linking json identified at the Cambridge Biohackathon. The script doesn't download entire bundles, it just creates the linking. It does so for all the data in a given submission.
Run the following command. -e
is the submission envelope (Mongo) ID, -n
specifies the environment (staging, integration or dev) in which to run the script and -o
is the directly where the linked graph json files will get written.
./ -e 5ba0bd5eb32e850007eb6dd6 -n staging -o output
Go to http://localhost:7474 and run this query MATCH p=()-->() RETURN p