If you’d like to update the word lists, please open a Pull Request against Nina’s repo, rather than this one: ninastoessinger/word-o-mat. The included JSON files are build from those source files automatically.
To run the project locally, first clone it by running the following command in your terminal:
# Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/kennethormandy/word-o-mat
# Move into the project directory
cd word-o-mat
Next, with a recent version of Node.js installed, install the project’s dependencies from npm, the package manager for JavaScript which came included with Node.js.
# Install dependencies
npm install
This will also install the word-o-mat RoboFont plugin as a development dependency, so you can rebuild the word lists, if you’d like. There is a build script already written to do this, which you can run using the following command:
# Rebuild the word lists
npm run build
If you’d like to make any changes, please consider adding a test for it first. You can run the existing tests with:
# Run the tests
npm test