- CA: Certificate authority
- CCP: Contract certificate pool
- CN: Common name
- CP: Certificate Policy
- CPO: Charge point operator
- CPS: Certificate provisioning service
- CRL: Certificate revocation list
- CSR: Certificate signing request
- DHPublicKey: Diffie-Helman public key
- DN: Distinguished name
- EMAID: e-mobility account identifier
- EVSE: Electric vehicle supply equipment
- HSM: Hardware secure module
- MO: Mobility operator
- OCSP: Online certificate status protocol
- OEM: Original equipment manufacturer
- PCP: Provisioning certificate pool
- PE: Private environment
- PCID: Provisioning certificate identifier
- PKI: Public key infrastructure
- PnC: Plug&Charge
- QA: Quality Assurance
- RCP: Root certificate pool
- SECC: Supply equipment communication controller
- V2G: Vehicle to grid
- VDE: Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e. V.
- VDE-AR: Handling of certificates for electric vehicles, charging infrastructure and backend systems within the framework of ISO 15118 – English translation of VDE-AR-E 2802-100-1:2019-12
- VIN: Vehicle identification number
- WMI: World manufacturer identifier
To make the API more consistent, the casing of all methods and properties will get aligned to camel case. For acronyms and abbreviations applies:
(…) treat abbreviations as if they were lowercase words and write "oldHtmlFile", "parseDbmXml" or "sqlServer". (Wikipedia)
In Version 1 there are exceptions to this rule!