0.13.2 - 2024-08-24
- Fix prevent datetimeshortcuts from rendering multiple times (#129) (thx @vxsx)
0.13.1 - 2024-07-23
- Fix initial value in NumericRangeFilter form field (#124) (thx @gretapataki)
0.13.0 - 2024-05-21
- Compatibility Django 5
- Add support for collapsable filter (Django >= 4.1) (#120). Change the default range template
0.12.5 - 2024-05-18
- Fix quick select template property #118
0.12.4 - 2024-04-13
- Typo
0.12.3 - 2024-04-13
- Typo
0.12.2 - 2024-04-13
- DateTimeRangeFilter: microsecond is optional #115
0.12.1 - 2024-02-12
- Use current timezone instead of default #114
- DateTimeRangeFilter: upper time bound includes microseconds #115
0.12.0 - 2023-12-09
- Compatibility Django 5
- Added Greek translation (thx @tagmat) #111
- NumericRangeFilter: Fix SCP
0.11.2 - 2023-09-10
- NumericRangeFilter: Fix filter for the value zero (#105) (thx @autoantwort)
0.11.1 - 2023-08-29
- Fix DateRangeQuickSelectListFilter (thx @robertpro)
0.11.0 - 2023-08-19
- Add Add DateRangeQuickSelectListFilter (#103) (thx @robertpro)
0.10.0 - 2023-04-08
- Add builders. Now you can use Builders to create filters:
. Its useful for definition custom title or initial (default) values. - Compatibility Django 4.2
0.9.0 - 2022-09-25
- Add filter for integer and float #85
0.8.8 - 2022-09-01
- Fix using settings.USE_TZ = False on django4.0+ #85
0.8.7 - 2022-08-13
- Use admin CSS vars for colors (thx @mharju)
- Added Farsi translation (thx @shahmohammadims)
0.8.6 - 2022-08-07
- Compatibility Django 4.1
0.8.5 - 2022-07-03
- Fix use of admin_static causes validate_templates fails #78
0.8.4 - 2022-02-19
breaks admin inlines styles #74 (thx @fabiocaccamo)- Fix tests
0.8.3 - 2021-12-19
- Compatibility Django 4.0
0.8.2 - 2021-10-31
- Fixing case with two widgets on one page #67 (thx @snnwolf)
0.8.1 - 2021-08-10
- Fixed problem with
0.8.0 - 2021-04-10
- Compatibility Django 3.2
- Module
rename tofilters
- Fixed static loads
0.7.0 - 2021-02-22
- Added possibility to set a title of filter #58
- Avoided leading ?& GET parameters #59 (thx @jaredahern)
- Changed title of filter from
By {field_name}
0.6.4 - 2021-01-19
- Added Greek translation
- Added Italian translation
- Moved tests to Github Actions
0.6.3 - 2020-10-01
- Added Polish translation #45 (thx @sqlmiles)
- Added Japanese translation
- Fix Portuguese translation #53
0.6.2 - 2020-08-07
- Compatibility Django 3.1
0.6.1 - 2020-06-05
- Added Danish translation #45 (thx @tiktuk)
- Refactor tests
0.6.0 - 2020-05-04
- Added setter for initial field value (#44)
0.5.4 - 2020-02-10
- Added Simplified Chinese translation (thx @daimon99)
0.5.3 - 2019-12-16
- Added Brazilian portuguese translation (thx @sandrofolk)
- Use proper Template comment tag #39 (thx @nitinnain)
0.5.2 - 2019-12-04
- Compatibility Django 3.0
0.5.1 - 2019-10-15
- Fix inline CSS that overrided base a admin CSS (#36)
0.5.0 - 2019-07-04
- Add csp compliance through django-csp (thanks @jsumnerPhD)
- Fix problem with locale
0.4.0 - 2019-04-19
- Changed name lookup field
- Changed name lookup field
0.3.16 - 2019-04-14
- Fix problem when thousand separator is used (#18)
0.3.15 - 2019-04-05
- Added Spanish translation
- Compatibility Django 2.2
0.3.14 - 2019-03-25
- Added French translation
- Added German translation
0.3.13 - 2019-03-21
- Added Czech translation
0.3.12 - 2019-01-31
- Added Russian translation
0.3.11 - 2019-01-30
- Avoid loading admin_static in templates under Django>=1.10 (#27)
0.3.10 - 2018-12-05
- Fix calendar position on mobile (#23)
0.3.9 - 2018-10-31
- Fix calendar icons displayed for Django 2.1
0.3.8 - 2018-10-12
- Compatibility Django 2.1
0.3.7 - 2018-06-29
- Fix system name with non-unicode char (#18)
0.3.6 - 2018-04-27
- Change padding on the buttons (#16)
0.3.5 - 2018-03-17
- Compatibility Django 2.0
0.3.4 - 2018-03-17
- Add get_timezone
- Drop support Django < 1.8