With over 10 years in development and digitalization, I've dedicated my career to contributing to the Open Source community and advancing the PHP ecosystem. I am passionate about creating high-quality code 💻, sharing knowledge 📚, and collaborating on projects that benefit developers and users alike.
I actively contribute to Open Source projects, focusing on PHP and Symfony. I’m passionate about creating reusable, scalable solutions and engaging with the community. Some of my key contributions include:
- Storyblok Bundle 📦: Building and maintaining a Symfony Bundle for interacting with the Storyblok API.
- Storyblok API lib 🔌: Building and maintaining a PHP library for interacting with the Storyblok API.
- Symfony Plugins and Bundles 📂: Developing and maintaining various Symfony bundles to improve the developer experience and extend the framework’s capabilities.
- Community Engagement 🤝: Regularly participating in code reviews, discussions, and contributing to the evolution of the PHP and Symfony communities.
Feel free to explore my repositories to see more of my Open Source work and contributions. 🚀
I strongly believe in continuous learning and improving my skill set. Here are some of my professional certifications:
- Symfony 7 Certified Developer 🎖️ - SensioLabs | 2023
- Technology Associate 🏆 - Microsoft | 2015
- Database Fundamentals 🏅 - Microsoft | 2015
- IT Essentials 🎓 - Cisco | 2015
I work with a broad range of technologies and tools, with a strong emphasis on PHP and Symfony. Here's an overview of my skill set:
- Languages 🛠️: PHP, JavaScript, VueJs, HTML, CSS
- Frameworks & Libraries 📦: Symfony
- Tools & Platforms ⚙️: Kubernetes, Docker, Git, AWS, Microsoft Azure
- Other Skills 🧰: DevOps practices, cloud infrastructure management, software architecture, agile development methodologies
I'm currently working for SensioLabs Deutschland 🏢, the creators of Symfony 🧑💻, where I continue to engage with the community, improve the Symfony ecosystem, and contribute to Open Source projects.