Uses Lerna. Automatically lints and prettifies code on commit.
Please view
for each individual package (e.g. packages/dai) and/or
curl | sh // Installs dapptools
yarn lerna bootstrap // Installs dependencies & links all local dependencies together
yarn build // builds each plugin for local use
yarn testchain
yarn test:logs // get testchain logs
yarn test
yarn test:integration
yarn test:build
Run yarn coverage
to generate a test coverage report.
See packages/dai/ for instructions.
npx lerna add @makerdao/services-core packages/dai-plugin-mcd
From the root of the project:
npx lerna version prerelease
npx lerna publish from-package
This will create a new version for all the packages and publish automatically, prerelease is for alpha versions.
If you want a release or another kind please check lerna version documentation.