This project contains the code harness for doing an MPI-based scatter-process-gather motif.
What the code provides:
- Loads input files, parses command line arguments, writes output
- Performs domain decomposition using one of three different strategies: row-slab, column-slab, or tiled, sets up tiles on every rank that contain metadata like tile size, extents, etc. , assigns tiles to ranks
- Executes a scattering step by iterating over all tiles and invoking a method to send data from rank 0 to other ranks, and from non-zero ranks to receive data from rank 0.
- Executes a processing step by iterating over all tiles and sets the stage for user code to be executed on a tile
- Executes a tile gather step, where data from all tiles not owned by rank 0 is sent back to rank 0
- Writes output to a disk file
In principle, this code will build and run on both Perlmutter@NERSC and the VM. It's fine to use the VM for initial development and testing, but please run your performance tests on Perlmutter.
module load cpu
export CC=cc
export CXX=CC
If you receive an error message: MPIDI_CRAY_init: GPU_SUPPORT_ENABLED is requested, but GTL library is not linked
after running your code, delete the build
folder and re-build the code. Please run the below command prior to building your code.
This distribution uses cmake and MPI.
After downloading, cd into the mpi-2dmesh-harness directory, then:
mkdir build
cd build
For the examples that follow, we assume your current working directory is:
The reason is that the code will attempt to open and load a data file from disk that is located in the ../data directory.
Your first parallel run with MPI should be on a single CPU node of Perlmutter. Since each Perlmutter CPU node has dual AMD Milan3 processors with 64 cores each, you could in principle run up to 128-way parallel on a single CPU node.
For CP6 in CSC 746, you will need to do parallel runs on multiple CPU nodes. For now, doing test runs on a single CPU node of the code at varying concurrency will be useful in making sure the code is running correctly, etc.
Once you build the code, then hop on a single CPU node:
salloc --nodes 1 --qos interactive --time 00:30:00 --constraint cpu --account=m3930
Then, from the build subdirectory, you may run N-way parallel as follows:
srun -n N ./mpi_2dmesh
You may do interactive runs using multiple CPU nodes. This activity should be kept to a minimum in order to keep account billing to a minimum. For doing "production runs", please use the batch queue.
NERSC imposes a limit of a maximum of 4 nodes in the interactive queue. To hop on a group of 4 nodes: salloc --nodes 4 --qos interactive --time 00:30:00 --constraint cpu --account=m3930
When you are granted access, you will have an interactive shell on one of the 3 nodes. Then, when you run your job, srun will map MPI ranks to the different nodes in round-robin fashion.
To run N-way parallel on P nodes:
srun -n N ./mpi_2dmesh
Located inside the scripts subdirectory is a
file that you may use to submit
a batch job. The script will iterate over a number of levels of concurrency and over the
3 potential domain decomposition strategies.
To submit a batch job, make sure your current working directory is the mpi_2dmesh_harness_instructional/build
subdirectory, then do the job submission as follows:
sbatch ../scripts/ ./mpi_2dmesh
The SLURM batch system will create a logfile in your build directory named something like 'slurm-XXXXX.out" where XXXXX is the job number. stderr and stdout from your code and any other system messages from the job run will appear in that file.
To monitor the status of your job, you can either use the 'sqs' command, which shows the current state of your batch jobs, or you can 'tail -f' the slurm-XXXXX.out file and watch its progress.
In the event that all hours are exhausted, there is one final workaround while we await additional resources for the project.
You may submit your batch job to the "overrun" queue. See this page for more information about the overrun queue.
To access the overrun queue, use the scripts/ script to submit your job. From the build, directory, execute this command:
sbatch ../scripts/ ./mpi_2dmesh
The job will be submitted to the overrun queue where it will have very low priority.
On the VM, use the 'mpirun' command to launch your job. E.g., to run 8-way parallel:
mpirun -n 8 ./mpi_2dmesh
When running at P>1 concurrency, note that since there is effectively only a single core accessible to the VM, your code will appear to be running in parallel, but the multiple concurrent ranks are being executed in serial fashion.
Your coding assignment consists of adding code to implement MPI-based communication that needs to take place during the scatter and gather phases of processing, and to also add code that computes the Sobel filter operation on data in a distributed memory fashion.
This method, which is called from both scatterAllTiles() and gatherAllTiles(), is responsible for sending data from one rank to another.
sendStridedBuffer(float *srcBuf,
int srcWidth, int srcHeight,
int srcOffsetColumn, int srcOffsetRow,
int sendWidth, int sendHeight,
int fromRank, int toRank )
Your code will perform the sending of data using MPI_Send(), going fromRank and to toRank. The data to be sent is in srcBuf, which has width srcWidth, srcHeight. Your code needs to send a subregion of srcBuf, where the subregion is of size sendWidth by sendHeight values, and the subregion is offset from the origin of srcBuf by the values specified by srcOffsetColumn, srcOffsetRow.
This method, which is called from both scatterAllTiles() and gatherAllTiles(), is responsible for receiving data moving from one rank to another.
recvStridedBuffer(float *dstBuf,
int dstWidth, int dstHeight,
int dstOffsetColumn, int dstOffsetRow,
int expectedWidth, int expectedHeight,
int fromRank, int toRank )
Your code will perform the receiving of data using MPI_Recv(), where inbound data is coming fromRank and is destined for toRank. The data that arrives will be of size expectedWidth by expectedHeight values. This incoming data is to be placed into the subregion of dstBuf that has an origin at dstOffsetColumn, dstOffsetRow, and that is expectedWidth, expectedHeight in size.
The intention here is for you to transplant part of your code from HW5 into this MPI-based code. There are two locations where you will need to add code.
First, inside the sobelAllTiles routine is a doubly-nested loop that iterates over tiles. Inside the inner loop is a conditional that checks if t->tileRank == myrank, and if so, you need to add a call to your do_sobel_filtering() method from your sobel_cpu.cpp code. You will invoke that method to process a tile's worth of data, passing in the tile's inputBuffer as the input data, and the tile's outputBuffer to receive the sobel filtered results.
Note: even though your do_sobel_filtering() code was parallelized using OpenMP, we are not using OpenMP parallelism in this project.
Second, you need to transplant your two methods, do_sobel_filtering() and sobel_filter_pixel() from your sobel_cpu.cpp code into the mpi_2dmesh.cpp code, where they will be invoked to do the Sobel computation.
Zebra file dimensions
Original: 3556 2573
4x Augmented: 7112 5146
zebra-gray-int8.dat - raw 8-bit grayscale pixel values from the Zebra_July_2008-1.jpg image
zebra-gray-int8-4x.dat - raw 8-bit grayscale pixel values from the Zebra_July_2008-1.jpg image but augmented 2x in each direction
Source file: Zebra_July_2008-1.jpg, obtained from Wikimedia commons, - a python script to display the raw 8-bit pixel values in grayscale.
python filename-of-raw-8bit-bytes int-cols-width int-rows-height
To use this script from Perlmutter, first please enable X11-tunneling through ssh before you log in. E.g., "ssh -Y [email protected]"
On Perlmutter, before using this script, please load the Python module:
module load python
Some people on Mac systems have reported problems with the remote image display not working from Perlmutter. This is likely the result of either (1) forgetting to enable X tunneling through ssh by forgetting to add the -Y option to ssh, or (2) a Mac-side Quartz configuration issue.
If this issue affects you, you might want to consider trying NX to remote desktop to Perlmutter. See for more information.