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197 lines (132 loc) · 6.93 KB

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197 lines (132 loc) · 6.93 KB


PHP libray providing various ISO codes validators

  • International : IBAN, SWIFT/BIC, BBAN (RIB), Credit Card number, EAN13
  • European : various VAT number formats
  • France : Numéro de Sécurité Sociale / INSEE, SIREN, SIRET, Codes postaux, Clef Type 1/2 Norme B2
  • US : Social Security number
  • UK : National Insurance Number (NINO)
  • Belgian structured communication ("communication structurée")
  • Spain: NIF, NIE (Número de Identificación Fiscal/Extranjero) & CIF (Código de identificación fiscal)
  • Zipcode for many countries: US, Canada, France, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, etc.

Each code has its own validator. Each validator is illustrated by a unit test case.

IsoCodes is PHP 5.3 to 5.6 compatible & supports hhvm.

Build status

License Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality SensioLabsInsight Coverage Status Total Downloads Monthly Downloads Daily Downloads

Continously inspecting results (phpdoc, phpmd, phpcc, etc.) available on Scrutinizer CI


PHP is required to be compiled with "--enable-bcmath" for some arbitrary precision mathematics checks (Iban & BBan ISO-codes).

Note that common PHP packages (php-cli, php-fpm, php5-cgi, libapache2-mod-php5, etc.) in stable GNU/Linux distribution releases (such as Debian) are listed as having bcmath built in to them, as an included module.


    // Is this bank account number ok?
    $isSwiftBic = SwiftBic::validate( 'CEDELULLXXX' );

    // Will my letter reach the Labrador Islands ?
    $isCanadian = ZipCode::validate( 'A0A 1A0', 'Canada');

    // Worldwide money transfer, anyone ?
    $isBankable = CreditCard::validate( '12345679123456' );

    // Paying your taxes in Madrid?
    $isTaxableInSpain = Nif::validate('A999999L');

    // Does this book just exists?
    $isPublished = Isbn10::validate('2-2110-4199-X')


Via GitHub

    $ git clone [email protected]:ronanguilloux/IsoCodes.git

Autoloading is PSR-0 friendly.

Create a composer.json file:

        "require": {"ronanguilloux/isocodes": "@stable"}

Grab composer:

    $ curl -s | php

Run install (will build the autoloading):

    $ php composer.phar install

With Symfony Validator

Install Soullivaneuh/IsoCodesValidator library to get IsoCodes working as Validator for Symfony and Silex.

Unit testing

    $ phpunit --testdox --coverage-text

Make utilities

For development & contribution purpose only, a Makefile provides various tools to check your code style, quality & test coverage:

Usual tasks:

	To initialize vendors:  make
	To check code quality:	make quality
	To run tests suite:	    make tests
	To fix code style:	    make cs-fix

Other specific tasks:

	To evaluate code coverage:			        make codecoverage
	To run a simple continuous tests server:	mak continuous
	To dry-fix code style issues:			    make dry-fix
	To evaluate code quality stats:			    make stats
	To update vendors using Composer:		    make update

Quality assurance report

Isocodes quality plan is mainly based on phpunit: it runs +/- 750 tests & assertions, with separated valid & invalid entries sets. Tests values are mainly real data or documented examples from standards documentation, and a few handmade values.

The composer.json already includes these Php Quality Assurance Toolchain libraries:

Just run:

    $ make stats -i

XML report outputs are then generated in a new ./build folder

Code covering report built using How-to generate such code coverage report using PHPUnit.

License Information

Contributing Code

The issue queue can be found at: All contributors will be fully credited. Just sign up for a github account, create a fork and hack away at the codebase. Submit patches to: [email protected] Even one-off contributors will be fully credited (& probably blessed through three generations).

Special thanks

Contributors list: Many thanks to all!

Many thanks to IntelliJ/JetBrains/PhpStorm for having sponsored the IsoCode library development! Any contributor having an accepted PR may receive an Open Source License Key for PhpStorm IDE. Just ping Ronan Guilloux via email to get one.