An OpenGL ES based minimal rendering engine. Works on Linux desktop/server (with GLX/EGL), iOS/MacOS and Android.
We have switched to using vcpkg to manage dependencies. To build and install mineola under Linux, please install vcpkg first, set the $VCPKG_ROOT environment variable, and run the following commands:
$ mkdir build
$ cmake -S src -B build --preset={GLX|EGL}\
> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={Debug|Release|MinSizeRel|RelWithDebInfo} # default=Release
$ cmake --build build --target=install
Run the examples inside the build/apps directory:
$ cd build/apps
$ ./cloth # press P to run simulation, Q to exit
$ ./ocean
$ ./gltfview resrc/CesiumMan.glb # press P to play animation, Q to exit
For building inside NVidia GPU enabled containers (eg., use or modify the provided For example, to build a docker image with headless EGL based server library installed, use the following commands:
$ docker build -f -t {tag} .
$ docker run --gpus=all -it -v .:/mineola {tag}
The headers and library will be installed in /usr/local/include
and /usr/local/lib
To build and update the library inside the container, mount the repository directoy (eg. `/mineola-1.4.2'), and use the following command:
# inside docker
root:/$ cd mineola-1.4.2
root:/mineola-1.4.2$ cmake -S src -B build --preset=EGL
root:/mineola-1.4.2$ cmake --build build --target=install -j12
root:/mineola-1.4.2$ cd build
root:/mineola-1.4.2/build$ cpack
This will produce a zip archive containing all files need for deployment.
Download from the release section or build your own as demonstrated above to get the archive. To use the generated archive for app development, extract the contents into /usr/local:
# inside docker
root:/$ unzip
root:/$ cd mineola-1.4.2-Linux
root:/mineola-1.4.2-Linux$ cp -r * /usr/local/
Then in your project's own CMakeLists.txt, use
target_link_libraries(app PRIVATE mineola::mineola)
Directly build your app inside the mineola docker image:
$ docker run --gpus=all -it -v {app_dir}:/{app_dir} fyshen/mineola:1.4.2-egl-ubuntu20.04
Then use the cmake instructions to build your app.
We use vcpkg and CMake to generate an XCode project for iOS development. Install vcpkg and latest cmake, then:
$ mkdir build
$ cmake -S src -B build --preset=iOS\
> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={Debug|Release|MinSizeRel|RelWithDebInfo} # default=Release
Use xcode to open the generated mineola.xcodeproj in the build directory.