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New GIS Functiontliy, PostGIS Compatible Behavior, Improved Test Coverage & Accuracy

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@sheinbergon sheinbergon released this 05 Feb 00:21
· 40 commits to 23.1.x since this release
  • Dremio version 23.1.x is now supported (the 0.8.x version set)
  • Added support for the following GIS functions:
    • ST_AsBinary
    • ST_AsEWKB
    • ST_GeomFromEWKB
    • ST_ConcaveHull (2 variants)
    • ST_Simplify
    • ST_IsSimple
  • Most of the functions have moved to use Dremio's internal null handling to simulate PostGIS like behavior for null function arguments.
  • The geometery's SRID is now properly passed as part of the (E)WKB output of most of the functions (aggregate functions are yet to be fixed)
  • Functions using multiple Geometry arguments will now fail if Geometries state different SRIDs (aggregate functions are yet to be fixed)
  • Different complexity values are now set in the some of the functions, signaling heavier compute costs to Dremio.
  • Improved test coverage. Tests also now verify null inputs and SRID mismatchs.
  • ST_Centroid bugfix

Full Changelogs:

Dremio Compatibility: 23.1.x,23.0.x, 22.1.x, 22.0.x