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Django Auth (LDAP + Custom Backend).md

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Combine LDAP and classical authentication in django

This How-To borrows so heavily from Makina Corpus.

Sometimes you may need to provide an auth system through LDAP Server.The module django- auth-ldap does most of work itself but you can combine this LDAP authentication with the classical django authentication for two reasons:

  • keep possibility to create users only in django without having them in the LDAP directory (mainly for superusers);
  • be able to fallback on django authentication for all users in case of a LDAP server failure.

So to handle this, we have to:

  • differentiate LDAP directory users from django database users;
  • store password of LDAP users in django to be able to switch on classical authentication;
  • implement two custom authentication backends.

We just implement a custom model user with a boolean from_ldap to diffentiate LDAP users from classical django users.

class MyUser(AbstractUser): from_ldap = models.BooleanField( _('LDAP user'), editable=False, default=False)

This LDAP backend has two goals :

  • Save user password in django database, thus he'll be able to log in django if LDAP authentication backend is disabled;

  • Force from_ldap field to True when a user is created by this way.

    from django_auth_ldap.backend import LDAPBackend from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model class MyLDAPBackend(LDAPBackend): # """ A custom LDAP authentication backend """ def authenticate(self, username, password): """ Overrides LDAPBackend.authenticate to save user password in django """ user = LDAPBackend.authenticate(self, username, password) # If user has successfully logged, save his password in django database if user: user.set_password(password) return user def get_or_create_user(self, username, ldap_user): """ Overrides LDAPBackend.get_or_create_user to force from_ldap to True """ kwargs = { 'username': username, 'defaults': {'from_ldap': True} } user_model = get_user_model() return user_model.objects.get_or_create(**kwargs)

We override django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend to ensure LDAP users can't logged in with this one if MyLDAPBackend is available.

from django.contrib.auth import get_backends, get_user_model
from django.contrib.auth.backends import ModelBackend class MyAuthBackend(ModelBackend):
""" A custom authentication backend overriding django ModelBackend """ 
def _is_ldap_backend_activated(): 
  """ Returns True if MyLDAPBackend is activated """ 
  return MyLDAPBackend in [b.__class__ for b in get_backends()] 
  def authenticate(self, username, password): 
  """ Overrides ModelBackend to refuse LDAP users if MyLDAPBackend is activated """ 
    if self._is_ldap_backend_activated(): 
      user_model = get_user_model() 
        user_model.objects.get(username=username, from_ldap=False) 
        return None 
        user = ModelBackend.authenticate(self, username, password) 
        return user

Normally, we have our two backends activated :

  • LDAP users can only connect through MyLDAPBackend;

  • Django users can connect through MyAuthBackend.

    AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'accounts.backends.MyLDAPBackend', 'accounts.backends.MyAuthBackend', )

In case of a LDAP directory failure, we just have to disable MyLDAPBackend and everybody can connect with MyAuthBackend.

AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( #'accounts.backends.MyLDAPBackend', 'accounts.backends.MyAuthBackend',