This is a simple HTTP server written in Go that responds with a JSON message containing request details.
- Responds with request details in JSON format
- Configurable listen address and response message
- Graceful shutdown on SIGINT and SIGTERM signals
> ./dummyhttp
: Address to listen on (default: :8080)-m
: Message to return (default: hello, world)-h
: Show help
> ./dummyhttp -l :9090 -m "Hello, Go!"
> curl localhost:9090/hey
"proto": "HTTP/1.1",
"host": "localhost:9090",
"request": "GET /hey",
"headers": {
"Accept": "*/*",
"User-Agent": "curl/8.5.0"
"message": "Hello, Go!",
"body": "",
"remote_addr": "[::1]:43414",
"content_length": 0