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Week 2, Day 2 |
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Source: [{{ }}]({{ }}).
Lowest level: Platform software providing basic services (local storage, processes, synchronization, networking)
Separate out common features that are above the operating system but more general than one application
- Cavage calls this infrastructure "plumbing" and "concierge" (two names for the same thing)
- The term we prefer (from the Google Datacenter people) is cluster-level infrastructure
- Neither term is precise---people may have different opinions about what lies at this level
The cluster-level infrastructure can deal with new features of cloud technology:
- Rapid scalability: provisioning new servers on demand.
- Failure tolerance: Datacenters use hardware that is relatively unreliable; software also fails.
- Rapid changes in datacenter networking: Processes can move to different machines, new servers can be added to an application, …
- Transmission delays due to geography and network outages (the Consistency, Availability, and Partioning problem---CAP)
Application-level software can provide commonly-required tools
- Storage
- Credit card payment processing
- Sending emails
- User ID management and login
A top-level user service, such as "Display the page for The 2009-2014 World Outlook for 60-Milligram Containers of Fromage Frais", will be composed of many service calls within the application:
- Add this book to the "recently-visited" session data for this user
- Get sample pages, if any
- Check session identifier remains valid
- Get number of items in the shopping cart
Each service, in turn, calls other services:
Source: [{{ }}]({{ }}), Fig. 4. Copyright 2013, ACM.
- Each lower level has tighter SLA (response time)
How can we take advantage of elastic computing?
If there's a sudden surge of requests, how do we scale up quickly?
- Minimize communication between different user requests
- Have multiple machines ready to serve a given user request
Sharding (Helland calls it "partitioning") breaks the database in sections with separate keys
Replication creates multiple copies of each shard
These methods are also listed in the table from Section 2.2 of [{{ }}]({{ }}) that you read for last Wednesday.
Source: [{{ }}]({{ }}), Fig. 4. Copyright 2013, ACM.
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