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Week 2, Day 2

A structure for Software as a Service (SaaS)

Source: [{{ }}]({{ }}).

  • Lowest level: Platform software providing basic services (local storage, processes, synchronization, networking)

  • Separate out common features that are above the operating system but more general than one application

    • Cavage calls this infrastructure "plumbing" and "concierge" (two names for the same thing)
    • The term we prefer (from the Google Datacenter people) is cluster-level infrastructure
    • Neither term is precise---people may have different opinions about what lies at this level
  • The cluster-level infrastructure can deal with new features of cloud technology:

    • Rapid scalability: provisioning new servers on demand.
    • Failure tolerance: Datacenters use hardware that is relatively unreliable; software also fails.
    • Rapid changes in datacenter networking: Processes can move to different machines, new servers can be added to an application, …
    • Transmission delays due to geography and network outages (the Consistency, Availability, and Partioning problem---CAP)
  • Application-level software can provide commonly-required tools

    • Storage
    • Credit card payment processing
    • Sending emails
    • User ID management and login

Breaking one service into multiple services

  • A top-level user service, such as "Display the page for The 2009-2014 World Outlook for 60-Milligram Containers of Fromage Frais", will be composed of many service calls within the application:

    • Add this book to the "recently-visited" session data for this user
    • Get sample pages, if any
    • Check session identifier remains valid
    • Get number of items in the shopping cart
  • Each service, in turn, calls other services:

Hierarchy of services in a service call graph
Source: [{{ }}]({{ }}), Fig. 4. Copyright 2013, ACM.

  • Each lower level has tighter SLA (response time)

Ensuring scalability

  • How can we take advantage of elastic computing?

  • If there's a sudden surge of requests, how do we scale up quickly?

    • Minimize communication between different user requests
    • Have multiple machines ready to serve a given user request
  • Sharding (Helland calls it "partitioning") breaks the database in sections with separate keys

  • Replication creates multiple copies of each shard

These methods are also listed in the table from Section 2.2 of [{{ }}]({{ }}) that you read for last Wednesday.

Scaling by replication and sharding
Source: [{{ }}]({{ }}), Fig. 4. Copyright 2013, ACM.

No reading for Friday

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