Auto Level-of-Service (LOS) grades road segments by vehicle delay with "A" describing free flow,
and "F" describing bumper-to-bumper conditions.
Auto Buffer Time Index indicates auto travel time reliability. It is the extra time needed on average to not be late more than once a month.
+ A lower number means travelers experience more consistent travel times.
Transit Speed reflects the average speeds including both when the buses are in motion as well as waiting at stops.
Transit Reliability shows the variability in transit travel speeds. A lower percentage means transit speeds are more consistent.
Auto-Transit Speed Ratio compares auto speeds to to transit speeds, with lower values indicating where transit is more competitive with auto.
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Congestion in San Francisco
How to use this map
Select a metric to display it on the map for all segments, for the latest year (2019).
Select a metric to display it on the map for all segments, for the latest year (2021).
Move the year slider to map historic data.
Choose time period to display metric for AM or PM peak.
Click on a colored roadway segment on the map to see segment-specific trends.