diff --git a/docs/images/word/documentassembler/image1.jpg b/docs/images/word/documentassembler/image1.jpg
index 8f3f4046..9b28861e 100644
Binary files a/docs/images/word/documentassembler/image1.jpg and b/docs/images/word/documentassembler/image1.jpg differ
diff --git a/docs/images/word/documentassembler/image2.png b/docs/images/word/documentassembler/image2.png
index 6a97b599..88d68dd9 100644
Binary files a/docs/images/word/documentassembler/image2.png and b/docs/images/word/documentassembler/image2.png differ
diff --git a/docs/images/word/documentassembler/image3.png b/docs/images/word/documentassembler/image3.png
index 0faca5ce..f2148433 100644
Binary files a/docs/images/word/documentassembler/image3.png and b/docs/images/word/documentassembler/image3.png differ
diff --git a/docs/images/word/documentassembler/image4.png b/docs/images/word/documentassembler/image4.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 0450d8d9..00000000
Binary files a/docs/images/word/documentassembler/image4.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/word/DocumentAssembler_ImagesSupport.md b/docs/tutorials/word/DocumentAssembler_ImagesSupport.md
index ab28e77f..8bbfaff2 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/word/DocumentAssembler_ImagesSupport.md
+++ b/docs/tutorials/word/DocumentAssembler_ImagesSupport.md
@@ -4,27 +4,74 @@ uid: Tutorial.Word.DocumentAssembler.ImagesSupport
# Key highlights from [#31](https://github.com/sergey-tihon/Clippit/pull/31#issuecomment-874335292)
-1. Image can be provided either by base64-encoded string or by specifying the filename. The Assembler will have to figure out the image type, based on either MIME or file extension. Here are both examples:
+## Introduction
- - `../../md-logo.png`
- - `…`
+The Image content control works by being placed directly before an image placeholder in your Word document. The image placeholder must be inline.
-2. The image content control will be surrounded by new type of select (in similar to repeat or conditional) – `Image Select` and `EndImage`. I found this approach easier than dealing just with the image content control. Here is the example:
+Images content can be provided in your XML data using a path to a file on disk, or by using the [data URI scheme](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_URI_scheme). Example of both approaches are shown below:
+Document Assembler will either infer the MIME type based on the extension of the filename, or take use the MIME type passed in when using the data URI scheme.
+Examples below show the Image content control in action and are taken from the Document Assembler Test Files:
+## Image Select
-3. When used in repeated context, the image is used with relative XPath (in similar to other fields):
+## Image Select within a Repeat
+Note that when using a Repeat XPATH is aware of the Context it is in and should operate on the "current" Node.
-4. Very similar situation with the Table:
+## Image Select within a Table
+Works in a very similar way to Repeat.
-5. Here is example of data xml file:
+## XML Data used in above Examples
+ 1
+ Cheryl
+ True
+ ../../../../TestFiles/img.png
+ ../../../../TestFiles/T0936_files/image001.png
+ Unicycle
+ 3
+ 9/5/2001
+ ../../../../TestFiles/img2.png
+ Tricycle
+ 3
+ 8/6/2000
+ ...
+ 6
+## Further Reading
-6. There is still a lot to be improved and some issues to be resolved, such as using templated image in header/footer, managing image size (preserve original/modify based on template/maintain aspect ratio etc.)
+If you are interested in using the Image functionality in DocumentAssembler then your best bet is to look at `DocumentAssemblerTests.cs` and particularly the data files which can be found in the repository under `Test Files/DA`.
-7. Samples can be found in `DocumentAssemblerTests.cs` merged in [#31](https://github.com/sergey-tihon/Clippit/pull/31)
\ No newline at end of file
+Changes merged in: [#31](https://github.com/sergey-tihon/Clippit/pull/31)
\ No newline at end of file