O projeto foi feito utilizando:
- python 3.10
Instale as depencias:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Caso de erro no download do ntlk instale os pacotes com:
python -m nltk.downloader averaged_perceptron_tagger
Primeiro treine o modelo
python ./chatbot/treino_chatbot.py
Caso você queira utilizar o modelo na linha de comando:
python ./chatbot/chatbot.py
Caso você queira subir o servidor web:
flask --app app_main run --debug
The project was made using:
- python 3.10
Install the requirements using this command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
In case of error during the ntlk donwload, use this command:
python -m nltk.downloader averaged_perceptron_tagger
First, train the model.
python ./chatbot/treino_chatbot.py
In case you want to use the model from the command line:
python ./chatbot/chatbot.py
In case you want to use it as an online server page (recommended):
flask --app app_main run --debug