each of the functions in the below are parallel functions / and are logically seperate below
have java installed, it will run a local mirror so you can test.
brew install java
# with firebase CLI
firebase emulators:start
NOTE for typescript, yoo need to have npm run build:watch
running in the typescript directory in order for it to run. We can create a shell-script to skip this in the future where that will be the entry point to orchestrate this.
# deploy all
# firebase deploy --only functions
# firebase deploy --only functions:api-router
# firebase deploy --only functions:generate-thumbnail
creating and configuring a database for us to access
# creating a database instance for dev
firebase init database
firebase database:instances:create dev
firebase functions:config:set database.url="https://scl-scavengerhunt.firebaseio.com"
## helpful functions
firebase functions:list
firebase database:instances:list
## check instance here for example