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UIKit for React-Native Sample

This sample is based on React-Native CLI.
Sample for expo:


  • A fully configured environment for React Native development. Please refer to the React Native environment setup guide to ensure your development environment is properly configured.
  • Nodejs 18.20 or newer


Install node modules

yarn install

Linking native modules of sample app

npx pod-install

Running sample app

  • Android
yarn android
  • iOS
yarn ios

Sample app using your data

Create a file to sample/src/env.ts and write the code below to the file you created.

export const APP_ID = '2D7B4CDB-932F-4082-9B09-A1153792DC8D';

If you would like to try the sample app specifically fit to your usage, you can do so by replacing the default sample app ID with yours, which you can obtain by creating your Sendbird application from the dashboard.

Trouble shooting

  • Could not connect to development server on Android device
    • Run adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081.
  • Unable to resolve module ../version from packages/uikit-react-native/src/containers/SendbirdUIKitContainer.tsx
    • Run yarn workspace @sendbird/uikit-react-native generate-version on the root of the project.
  • concurrently 'yarn start' 'react-native run-android' does not working expected
    • Run yarn start and npx react-native run-android separately on the sample directory.