This tab allows for managing the RGB :ref:`color_composite_definition` used in the list :guilabel:`RGB=` of the :ref:`image_control`.
The table :guilabel:`RGB composite` contains the field :guilabel:`RGB` that allows for entering an RGB combination.
Tool symbol and name | Description |
move highlighted RGB combination upward | |
move highlighted RGB combination downward | |
automatically sort RGB combinations by name | |
add a row to the table | |
remove highlighted rows from the table | |
clear all RGB combinations from :guilabel:`RGB list` | |
export the :guilabel:`RGB list` to a file (i.e. .csv ) |
import a previously saved :guilabel:`RGB list` from file
(i.e. .csv ) |
Tool symbol and name | Description |
:guilabel:`Band combinations` | add the combinations of all bands (i.e. permutation) to the :ref:`RGB_list_table` (e.g. 1-2-3, 1-2-4, ..., 3-2-1) |