Header-only library for compile-time C++ enum introspection.
C++ doesn't have reflection. It is a common technique to use macros to add compile time information about enumeration like the following:
enum class Animal {
Dog = 1,
Cat = 2,
Lion = 4,
Horse = 5,
DECLARE_ENUM(Animal, Animal::Dog, Animal::Cat, Animal::Lion, Animal::Horse);
This code violates DRY (don't repeat yourself) principle. The aim of smart enum library is to provide a user with macros that can be used in enum declaration and the user will not need to repeat enum elements.
- Smart enums can be declared in namespaces and classes.
- Smart enum to and from string conversions.
Declaration of smart enum looks like this:
#include "smart_enum.h"
SMART_ENUM(Animal, int) {
SM_ENUM_ELEM(Dog, 1, "dog" , "dog_description");
SM_ENUM_ELEM(Cat, 2, "cat" );
SM_ENUM_ELEM(Lion, 5);
For each enum constant string representation and string description is generated. When macro with 1 or 2 arguments is used ( like SM_ENUM_ELEM(Lion, 5) and SM_ENUM_ELEM(Horse) ) string representation and description will match enum constant name. If you want to specify custom string representation and string description macro with 3 or 4 arguments should be used.
Definitions of variables:
Animal pet_cat ={Animal::Cat};
Animal pet_dog = Animal::Dog;
Animal pet_lion (Animal::Lion);
Animal pet_horse {Animal::Horse};
It is possible to convert smart enums to strings:
std::cout << "pet name: " << pet_cat.to_string() << std::endl;
//pet name: cat
std::cout << "pet name: " << pet_lion.to_string() << std::endl;
//pet name: Lion
It is possible get descriptions for smart enum values:
std::cout << "descr.: " << pet_dog.description() << std::endl;
//descr.: dog_description
std::cout << "descr.: " << pet_horse.description() << std::endl;
//descr.: hOrse
Smart enums can be used in switch statements like ordinal enums:
switch (pet_cat) {
case Animal::Cat:
case Animal::Horse:
It is possible to get information about number of elements declared in smart enum:
std::cout << "Elements in smart enum: " << Animal::size() << std::endl;
//Elements in smart enum: 4
It is possible to get all values, names and descriptions of smart enum:
std::cout << "smart enum names: ";
for (const auto &enum_item : Animal::values())
std::cout << enum_item.to_string() << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
//smart enum names: dog cat Lion Horse
std::cout << "smart enum names: ";
for (const auto &name : Animal::names())
std::cout << name << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
//smart enum names: dog cat Lion Horse
std::cout << "smart enum descriptions: ";
for (const auto &name : Animal::descriptions())
std::cout << name << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
//smart enum descriptions: dog_description cat Lion Horse
It is possible to check if smart enum value is valid:
Animal invalid;
*(reinterpret_cast<int*>(&invalid)) = 6666;
assert(invalid.is_valid() == false);
Include smart_enum.h in your source code.
The MIT license