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[🐛 Bug]: Session crashed #67

Turkmen1Mehmet opened this issue Mar 14, 2024 · 12 comments

[🐛 Bug]: Session crashed #67

Turkmen1Mehmet opened this issue Mar 14, 2024 · 12 comments
bug Something isn't working R-awaiting-answer


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What happened?

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 12 30 44

I am doing web scraping by running the Python code on the selenium grid. While it works fast and well, the session suddenly crashes and gives an error before it can pull the whole thing. What is the reason for this?
I get errors with both startup commands

Command used to start Selenium Grid with Docker (or Kubernetes)

docker run --rm -it -e VNC_PASSWORD=1234 -p 4444:4444 --shm-size 8g seleniarm/standalone-chromium:latest

docker run -it -e VNC_PASSWORD=1234 -p 4444:4444 --shm-size 8g --restart on-failure seleniarm/standalone-chromium:latest

Relevant log output

2024-03-14 14:58:28 2024-03-14 11:58:28,703 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/selenium.conf" during parsing
2024-03-14 14:58:28 2024-03-14 11:58:28,705 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2024-03-14 14:58:28 2024-03-14 11:58:28,705 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
2024-03-14 14:58:28 2024-03-14 11:58:28,705 INFO supervisord started with pid 8
2024-03-14 14:58:29 2024-03-14 11:58:29,717 INFO spawned: 'xvfb' with pid 9
2024-03-14 14:58:29 2024-03-14 11:58:29,724 INFO spawned: 'vnc' with pid 10
2024-03-14 14:58:29 2024-03-14 11:58:29,727 INFO spawned: 'novnc' with pid 11
2024-03-14 14:58:29 2024-03-14 11:58:29,732 INFO spawned: 'selenium-standalone' with pid 12
2024-03-14 14:58:29 2024-03-14 11:58:29,740 INFO success: xvfb entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs)
2024-03-14 14:58:29 2024-03-14 11:58:29,740 INFO success: vnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs)
2024-03-14 14:58:29 2024-03-14 11:58:29,741 INFO success: novnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs)
2024-03-14 14:58:29 2024-03-14 11:58:29,741 INFO success: selenium-standalone entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs)
2024-03-14 14:58:29 Appending Selenium options: --heartbeat-period 30
2024-03-14 14:58:29 Appending Selenium options: --reject-unsupported-caps false
2024-03-14 14:58:29 Setting up SE_NODE_GRID_URL...
2024-03-14 14:58:29 Selenium Grid Standalone configuration: 
2024-03-14 14:58:29 [network]
2024-03-14 14:58:29 relax-checks = true
2024-03-14 14:58:29 
2024-03-14 14:58:29 [node]
2024-03-14 14:58:29 session-timeout = "300"
2024-03-14 14:58:29 override-max-sessions = false
2024-03-14 14:58:29 detect-drivers = false
2024-03-14 14:58:29 drain-after-session-count = 0
2024-03-14 14:58:29 max-sessions = 1
2024-03-14 14:58:29 
2024-03-14 14:58:29 [[node.driver-configuration]]
2024-03-14 14:58:29 display-name = "chrome"
2024-03-14 14:58:29 stereotype = '{"browserName": "chrome", "browserVersion": "121.0", "platformName": "Linux", "goog:chromeOptions": {"binary": "/usr/bin/chromium"}}'
2024-03-14 14:58:29 max-sessions = 1
2024-03-14 14:58:29 
2024-03-14 14:58:29 Starting Selenium Grid Standalone...
2024-03-14 14:58:29 Tracing is disabled
2024-03-14 14:58:29 11:58:29.971 INFO [LoggingOptions.configureLogEncoding] - Using the system default encoding
2024-03-14 14:58:29 11:58:29.974 INFO [OpenTelemetryTracer.createTracer] - Using OpenTelemetry for tracing
2024-03-14 14:58:30 11:58:30.251 INFO [NodeOptions.getSessionFactories] - Detected 10 available processors
2024-03-14 14:58:30 11:58:30.274 INFO [] - Adding chrome for {"browserName": "chrome","browserVersion": "121.0","goog:chromeOptions": {"binary": "\u002fusr\u002fbin\u002fchromium"},"platformName": "linux","se:noVncPort": 7900,"se:vncEnabled": true} 1 times
2024-03-14 14:58:30 11:58:30.285 INFO [Node.<init>] - Binding additional locator mechanisms: relative
2024-03-14 14:58:30 11:58:30.293 INFO [GridModel.setAvailability] - Switching Node b1f8e0c5-124d-4b86-82ce-3757af06cac6 (uri: from DOWN to UP
2024-03-14 14:58:30 11:58:30.293 INFO [LocalDistributor.add] - Added node b1f8e0c5-124d-4b86-82ce-3757af06cac6 at Health check every 120s
2024-03-14 14:58:30 11:58:30.352 INFO [Standalone.execute] - Started Selenium Standalone 4.18.0 (revision b6bf9de7cc):
2024-03-14 14:58:42 11:58:42.524 INFO [LocalDistributor.newSession] - Session request received by the Distributor: 
2024-03-14 14:58:42  [Capabilities {browserName: chrome, goog:chromeOptions: {args: [], extensions: []}, pageLoadStrategy: normal}]
2024-03-14 14:58:42 11:58:42.870 INFO [LocalNode.newSession] - Session created by the Node. Id: a61ac5ea98200d4482c564da3d1cb67f, Caps: Capabilities {acceptInsecureCerts: false, browserName: chrome, browserVersion: 121.0.6167.160, chrome: {chromedriverVersion: 121.0.6167.160 (8e23a63b5de..., userDataDir: /tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium...}, fedcm:accounts: true, goog:chromeOptions: {debuggerAddress: localhost:46455}, networkConnectionEnabled: false, pageLoadStrategy: normal, platformName: linux, proxy: Proxy(), se:bidiEnabled: false, se:cdp: ws://, se:cdpVersion: 121.0.6167.160, se:vnc: ws://, se:vncEnabled: true, se:vncLocalAddress: ws://, setWindowRect: true, strictFileInteractability: false, timeouts: {implicit: 0, pageLoad: 300000, script: 30000}, unhandledPromptBehavior: dismiss and notify, webauthn:extension:credBlob: true, webauthn:extension:largeBlob: true, webauthn:extension:minPinLength: true, webauthn:extension:prf: true, webauthn:virtualAuthenticators: true}
2024-03-14 14:58:42 11:58:42.873 INFO [LocalDistributor.newSession] - Session created by the Distributor. Id: a61ac5ea98200d4482c564da3d1cb67f 
2024-03-14 14:58:42  Caps: Capabilities {acceptInsecureCerts: false, browserName: chrome, browserVersion: 121.0.6167.160, chrome: {chromedriverVersion: 121.0.6167.160 (8e23a63b5de..., userDataDir: /tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium...}, fedcm:accounts: true, goog:chromeOptions: {debuggerAddress: localhost:46455}, networkConnectionEnabled: false, pageLoadStrategy: normal, platformName: linux, proxy: Proxy(), se:bidiEnabled: false, se:cdp: ws://, se:cdpVersion: 121.0.6167.160, se:vnc: ws://, se:vncEnabled: true, se:vncLocalAddress: ws://, setWindowRect: true, strictFileInteractability: false, timeouts: {implicit: 0, pageLoad: 300000, script: 30000}, unhandledPromptBehavior: dismiss and notify, webauthn:extension:credBlob: true, webauthn:extension:largeBlob: true, webauthn:extension:minPinLength: true, webauthn:extension:prf: true, webauthn:virtualAuthenticators: true}
2024-03-14 14:58:48 11:58:48.623 INFO [ProxyNodeWebsockets.createWsEndPoint] - Establishing connection to ws://
2024-03-14 15:06:56 12:06:56.170 WARN [SeleniumSpanExporter$1.lambda$export$3] - {"traceId": "1a03916f6f48290bcb81e28efc94e792","eventTime": 1710418016167987750,"eventName": "HTTP request execution complete","attributes": {"http.flavor": 1,"http.handler_class": "org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route$PredicatedRoute","": "localhost:4444","http.method": "POST","http.request_content_length": "44683","http.scheme": "HTTP","http.status_code": 500,"": "\u002fsession\u002fa61ac5ea98200d4482c564da3d1cb67f\u002fexecute\u002fsync","http.user_agent": "selenium\u002f4.3.0 (python mac)"}}
2024-03-14 15:06:56 
2024-03-14 15:06:56 12:06:56.241 WARN [SeleniumSpanExporter$1.lambda$export$3] - {"traceId": "13b0d6e775412d4c9984c59512f15b9a","eventTime": 1710418016240619792,"eventName": "HTTP request execution complete","attributes": {"http.flavor": 1,"http.handler_class": "org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route$PredicatedRoute","": "localhost:4444","http.method": "POST","http.request_content_length": "80","http.scheme": "HTTP","http.status_code": 404,"": "\u002fsession\u002fa61ac5ea98200d4482c564da3d1cb67f\u002furl","http.user_agent": "selenium\u002f4.3.0 (python mac)"}}
2024-03-14 15:06:56 
2024-03-14 15:06:56 12:06:56.246 WARN [SeleniumSpanExporter$1.lambda$export$3] - {"traceId": "4e7d361b3b8538f868aa428059f882ca","eventTime": 1710418016245501041,"eventName": "HTTP request execution complete","attributes": {"http.flavor": 1,"http.handler_class": "org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route$PredicatedRoute","": "localhost:4444","http.method": "POST","http.request_content_length": "81","http.scheme": "HTTP","http.status_code": 404,"": "\u002fsession\u002fa61ac5ea98200d4482c564da3d1cb67f\u002furl","http.user_agent": "selenium\u002f4.3.0 (python mac)"}}
2024-03-14 15:06:56 
2024-03-14 15:06:56 12:06:56.249 WARN [SeleniumSpanExporter$1.lambda$export$3] - {"traceId": "5b1fd3e1879d811f9e1847f9782b8ee8","eventTime": 1710418016249299708,"eventName": "HTTP request execution complete","attributes": {"http.flavor": 1,"http.handler_class": "org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route$PredicatedRoute","": "localhost:4444","http.method": "POST","http.request_content_length": "81","http.scheme": "HTTP","http.status_code": 404,"": "\u002fsession\u002fa61ac5ea98200d4482c564da3d1cb67f\u002furl","http.user_agent": "selenium\u002f4.3.0 (python mac)"}}
2024-03-14 15:06:56 
2024-03-14 15:06:56 12:06:56.253 WARN [SeleniumSpanExporter$1.lambda$export$3] - {"traceId": "81e76917cf1392335bf667ef2ea6f771","eventTime": 1710418016252397000,"eventName": "HTTP request execution complete","attributes": {"http.flavor": 1,"http.handler_class": "org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route$PredicatedRoute","": "localhost:4444","http.method": "POST","http.request_content_length": "76","http.scheme": "HTTP","http.status_code": 404,"": "\u002fsession\u002fa61ac5ea98200d4482c564da3d1cb67f\u002furl","http.user_agent": "selenium\u002f4.3.0 (python mac)"}}
2024-03-14 15:06:56 
2024-03-14 15:06:56 12:06:56.256 WARN [SeleniumSpanExporter$1.lambda$export$3] - {"traceId": "cfd11b9fc298ecd1a86af1e094e53bd2","eventTime": 1710418016256262625,"eventName": "HTTP request execution complete","attributes": {"http.flavor": 1,"http.handler_class": "org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route$PredicatedRoute","": "localhost:4444","http.method": "POST","http.request_content_length": "84","http.scheme": "HTTP","http.status_code": 404,"": "\u002fsession\u002fa61ac5ea98200d4482c564da3d1cb67f\u002furl","http.user_agent": "selenium\u002f4.3.0 (python mac)"}}
2024-03-14 15:06:56 
2024-03-14 15:06:56 12:06:56.260 WARN [SeleniumSpanExporter$1.lambda$export$3] - {"traceId": "884dfe90c5f9e38044eec739ea6988f3","eventTime": 1710418016259334500,"eventName": "HTTP request execution complete","attributes": {"http.flavor": 1,"http.handler_class": "org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route$PredicatedRoute","": "localhost:4444","http.method": "POST","http.request_content_length": "69","http.scheme": "HTTP","http.status_code": 404,"": "\u002fsession\u002fa61ac5ea98200d4482c564da3d1cb67f\u002furl","http.user_agent": "selenium\u002f4.3.0 (python mac)"}}
2024-03-14 15:06:56 
2024-03-14 15:06:56 12:06:56.263 WARN [SeleniumSpanExporter$1.lambda$export$3] - {"traceId": "91407eb157574f17dc8a06277870e80a","eventTime": 1710418016262375833,"eventName": "HTTP request execution complete","attributes": {"http.flavor": 1,"http.handler_class": "org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route$PredicatedRoute","": "localhost:4444","http.method": "POST","http.request_content_length": "77","http.scheme": "HTTP","http.status_code": 404,"": "\u002fsession\u002fa61ac5ea98200d4482c564da3d1cb67f\u002furl","http.user_agent": "selenium\u002f4.3.0 (python mac)"}}
2024-03-14 15:06:56 
2024-03-14 15:06:56 12:06:56.266 WARN [SeleniumSpanExporter$1.lambda$export$3] - {"traceId": "5ece989b3f0acb76f181db11201daf80","eventTime": 1710418016265305208,"eventName": "HTTP request execution complete","attributes": {"http.flavor": 1,"http.handler_class": "org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route$PredicatedRoute","": "localhost:4444","http.method": "POST","http.request_content_length": "101","http.scheme": "HTTP","http.status_code": 404,"": "\u002fsession\u002fa61ac5ea98200d4482c564da3d1cb67f\u002furl","http.user_agent": "selenium\u002f4.3.0 (python mac)"}}
2024-03-14 15:06:56 
2024-03-14 15:06:56 12:06:56.270 WARN [SeleniumSpanExporter$1.lambda$export$3] - {"traceId": "fac775e219b7d599c730e4aef2abd391","eventTime": 1710418016269290667,"eventName": "HTTP request execution complete","attributes": {"http.flavor": 1,"http.handler_class": "org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route$PredicatedRoute","": "localhost:4444","http.method": "POST","http.request_content_length": "74","http.scheme": "HTTP","http.status_code": 404,"": "\u002fsession\u002fa61ac5ea98200d4482c564da3d1cb67f\u002furl","http.user_agent": "selenium\u002f4.3.0 (python mac)"}}
2024-03-14 15:06:56 
2024-03-14 15:06:56 12:06:56.274 WARN [SeleniumSpanExporter$1.lambda$export$3] - {"traceId": "0077bb0753ad02ea99662beb0fe38c7c","eventTime": 1710418016273329667,"eventName": "HTTP request execution complete","attributes": {"http.flavor": 1,"http.handler_class": "org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route$PredicatedRoute","": "localhost:4444","http.method": "POST","http.request_content_length": "80","http.scheme": "HTTP","http.status_code": 404,"": "\u002fsession\u002fa61ac5ea98200d4482c564da3d1cb67f\u002furl","http.user_agent": "selenium\u002f4.3.0 (python mac)"}}
2024-03-14 15:06:56 
2024-03-14 15:08:52 ^CTrapped SIGTERM/SIGINT/x so shutting down supervisord...
2024-03-14 15:08:52 2024-03-14 12:08:52,495 WARN received SIGINT indicating exit request
2024-03-14 15:08:52 2024-03-14 12:08:52,496 INFO waiting for xvfb, vnc, novnc, selenium-standalone to die
2024-03-14 15:08:52 12:08:52.518 INFO [LocalNode.stopAllSessions] - Trying to stop all running sessions before shutting down...
2024-03-14 15:08:52 2024-03-14 12:08:52,521 WARN stopped: selenium-standalone (terminated by SIGTERM)
2024-03-14 15:08:52 2024-03-14 12:08:52,521 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request
2024-03-14 15:08:52 2024-03-14 12:08:52,957 WARN stopped: novnc (terminated by SIGTERM)
2024-03-14 15:08:53 2024-03-14 12:08:53,964 WARN stopped: vnc (terminated by SIGTERM)
2024-03-14 15:08:54 2024-03-14 12:08:54,972 WARN stopped: xvfb (terminated by SIGTERM)
2024-03-14 15:08:55 Shutdown complete
2024-03-14 15:08:55 2024-03-14 12:08:55,301 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/selenium.conf" during parsing
2024-03-14 15:08:55 2024-03-14 12:08:55,303 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2024-03-14 15:08:55 2024-03-14 12:08:55,303 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
2024-03-14 15:08:55 2024-03-14 12:08:55,303 INFO supervisord started with pid 7
2024-03-14 15:08:56 2024-03-14 12:08:56,315 INFO spawned: 'xvfb' with pid 8
2024-03-14 15:08:56 2024-03-14 12:08:56,319 INFO spawned: 'vnc' with pid 9
2024-03-14 15:08:56 2024-03-14 12:08:56,322 INFO spawned: 'novnc' with pid 10
2024-03-14 15:08:56 2024-03-14 12:08:56,325 INFO spawned: 'selenium-standalone' with pid 16
2024-03-14 15:08:56 2024-03-14 12:08:56,329 INFO success: xvfb entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs)
2024-03-14 15:08:56 2024-03-14 12:08:56,329 INFO success: vnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs)
2024-03-14 15:08:56 2024-03-14 12:08:56,329 INFO success: novnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs)
2024-03-14 15:08:56 2024-03-14 12:08:56,329 INFO success: selenium-standalone entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs)
2024-03-14 15:08:56 Appending Selenium options: --heartbeat-period 30
2024-03-14 15:08:56 Appending Selenium options: --reject-unsupported-caps false
2024-03-14 15:08:56 Setting up SE_NODE_GRID_URL...
2024-03-14 15:08:56 Selenium Grid Standalone configuration: 
2024-03-14 15:08:56 [network]
2024-03-14 15:08:56 relax-checks = true
2024-03-14 15:08:56 
2024-03-14 15:08:56 [node]
2024-03-14 15:08:56 session-timeout = "300"
2024-03-14 15:08:56 override-max-sessions = false
2024-03-14 15:08:56 detect-drivers = false
2024-03-14 15:08:56 drain-after-session-count = 0
2024-03-14 15:08:56 max-sessions = 1
2024-03-14 15:08:56 
2024-03-14 15:08:56 [[node.driver-configuration]]
2024-03-14 15:08:56 display-name = "chrome"
2024-03-14 15:08:56 stereotype = '{"browserName": "chrome", "browserVersion": "121.0", "platformName": "Linux", "goog:chromeOptions": {"binary": "/usr/bin/chromium"}}'
2024-03-14 15:08:56 max-sessions = 1
2024-03-14 15:08:56 
2024-03-14 15:08:56 Starting Selenium Grid Standalone...
2024-03-14 15:08:56 Tracing is disabled
2024-03-14 15:08:56 12:08:56.549 INFO [LoggingOptions.configureLogEncoding] - Using the system default encoding
2024-03-14 15:08:56 12:08:56.553 INFO [OpenTelemetryTracer.createTracer] - Using OpenTelemetry for tracing
2024-03-14 15:08:56 12:08:56.827 INFO [NodeOptions.getSessionFactories] - Detected 10 available processors
2024-03-14 15:08:56 12:08:56.849 INFO [] - Adding chrome for {"browserName": "chrome","browserVersion": "121.0","goog:chromeOptions": {"binary": "\u002fusr\u002fbin\u002fchromium"},"platformName": "linux","se:noVncPort": 7900,"se:vncEnabled": true} 1 times
2024-03-14 15:08:56 12:08:56.859 INFO [Node.<init>] - Binding additional locator mechanisms: relative
2024-03-14 15:08:56 12:08:56.868 INFO [GridModel.setAvailability] - Switching Node a706d0a8-208d-47fd-a90b-bb71a174690e (uri: from DOWN to UP
2024-03-14 15:08:56 12:08:56.868 INFO [LocalDistributor.add] - Added node a706d0a8-208d-47fd-a90b-bb71a174690e at Health check every 120s
2024-03-14 15:08:56 12:08:56.924 INFO [Standalone.execute] - Started Selenium Standalone 4.18.0 (revision b6bf9de7cc):

Operating System

macos M1 Pro

Docker Selenium version (image tag)


Selenium Grid chart version (chart version)


@Turkmen1Mehmet Turkmen1Mehmet added the bug Something isn't working label Mar 14, 2024
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diemol commented Mar 14, 2024

How can we reproduce this?

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How can we reproduce this?

I don't understand the question exactly what we will reproduce. @diemol

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diemol commented Mar 14, 2024

You are asking:

the session suddenly crashes and gives an error before it can pull the whole thing. What is the reason for this?

It is hard to know. The best would be to have a way to reproduce the situation you are having to know why this could happen.

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You are asking:

the session suddenly crashes and gives an error before it can pull the whole thing. What is the reason for this?

It is hard to know. The best would be to have a way to reproduce the situation you are having to know why this could happen.

Every time it runs, it gives the same error after a while. I also provide the source, but the error does not change, the session crashes. @diemol

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diemol commented Mar 14, 2024

I am not sure how we can help, you should know when the crash happens during the execution.

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I am not sure how we can help, you should know when the crash happens during the execution.

If the number of links I scrape is low, it works very well, but when the number of links increases, it crashes. Also, could it be related to resource consumption? Memory usage is constantly increasing, shouldn't it remain stable at some point?

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diemol commented Mar 14, 2024

You probably need to measure those items, CPU and RAM to find a correlation between the crash and resource usage.

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mehmetturkmen@192 ~ % /usr/local
/opt/[email protected]/bin/python3.7 /U

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/mehmetturkmen/Desktop/dockerseleniumgrid/", line 48, in
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/", line 447, in get
self.execute(Command.GET, {'url': url})
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/", line 435, in execute
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/", line 247, in check_response
raise exception_class(message, screen, stacktrace)
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: session deleted because of page crash
from unknown error: cannot determine loading status
from tab crashed
(Session info: chrome=121.0.6167.160)
#0 0xaaaac5f509fc
#1 0xaaaac5c8a12c
#2 0xaaaac5c78cec
#3 0xaaaac5c7851c
#4 0xaaaac5c77638
#5 0xaaaac5c77518
#6 0xaaaac5c765b4
#7 0xaaaac5c76b10
#8 0xaaaac5c832a4
#9 0xaaaac5c938f8
#10 0xaaaac5c76fd4
#11 0xaaaac5c93620
#12 0xaaaac5d04360
#13 0xaaaac5cbc7d8
#14 0xaaaac5cbd3b0
#15 0xaaaac5f249f4
#16 0xaaaac5f27a50
#17 0xaaaac5f27638
#18 0xaaaac5f1737c
#19 0xaaaac5f280f0
#20 0xaaaac5f0254c
#21 0xaaaac5f4135c
#22 0xaaaac5f41560
#23 0xaaaac5f4ff64
#24 0xffff90feee58
#25 0xffff91057f9c

This is the output of the code when debugging

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diemol commented Mar 18, 2024

I am sorry, we cannot do much with your information. Just so you know, we cannot troubleshoot your environment or code. We can only troubleshoot bugs that have a way to reproduce them. If you need help to understand your issue, you should head to our community resources:

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sf-job commented Mar 20, 2024

Could this be related to (fixed in Chrome v122)? We also experienced crashes after running Test-Suites with a larger amount of tests. Running single tests was perfectly fine. Downgrading to 4.9.1 (with Chromedriver v113) resolved the issue for us.

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Could this be related to (fixed in Chrome v122)? We also experienced crashes after running Test-Suites with a larger amount of tests. Running single tests was perfectly fine. Downgrading to 4.9.1 (with Chromedriver v113) resolved the issue for us.

This solution worked for me. I encounter the same problem in all current versions above Chrome 120.0. In Chrome 120, resource consumption remains constant and does not constantly increase. So thank you for the solution you offered. @sf-job

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diemol commented Mar 26, 2024

Why is downgrading a good solution? Are your users also downgrading to Chrome 113?

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bug Something isn't working R-awaiting-answer
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3 participants