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The next feature you will be adding is user authentication. In this module, you will learn how to authenticate a user with the Amplify CLI and libraries, leveraging Amazon Cognito, a managed user identity provider.

You will also learn how to use the Cognito Hosted User Interface to present an entire user authentication flow, allowing users to sign up, sign in, and reset their password with just few lines of code.

using a "Hosted User Interface" means the application leverages the Cognito web pages for the signin and signup user interface flows. The user of the app is redirected to a web page hosted by Cognito and redirected back to the app after signin. Of course, Cognito and Amplify does support native UI as well, you can follow these workshop instructions to learn more about custom authentication UI.

What you Will Learn

  • Create and deploy an authentication service
  • Configure your iOS app to include Cognito Hosted UI authentication

Key Concepts

  • Amplify libraries – The Amplify libraries allow you to interact with AWS services from a web or mobile application.

  • Authentication – In software, authentication is the process of verifying and managing the identity of a user using an authentication service or API.


Create the Authentication Service

To create the authentication service, open a Terminal and execute this command in your project directory:

amplify add auth
  • ? Do you want to use the default authentication and security configuration? Select Default configuration with Social Provider and press enter
  • How do you want users to be able to sign in? Select the default Username and press enter
  • Do you want to configure advanced settings? Select the default No, I am done and press enter
  • What domain name prefix do you want to use? Select the default and press enter
  • Enter your redirect signin URI: type gettingstarted:// and press enter
  • ? Do you want to add another redirect signin URI? Select the default N and press enter
  • Enter your redirect signout URI: type gettingstarted:// and press enter
  • ? Do you want to add another redirect signout URI? Select the default N and press enter
  • Select the social providers you want to configure for your user pool: do not select any provider and press enter

You know the configuration is successful when you see the message (the exact name of the resource will vary) :

Successfully added resource iosgettingstartedfc5a4717 locally

DO NOT FORGET to enter the two redirect URIs above (gettingstarted://), this is mandatory to have the redirection to Cognito Hosted UI to work

Deploy the Authentication Service

Now that the authentication service has been configured locally, you can deploy it to the cloud. In a Terminal, execute this command in your project directory:

amplify push

# press Enter (Y) when asked to continue

After a while, you should see the following message:

✔ All resources are updated in the cloud

Hosted UI Endpoint:
Test Your Hosted UI Endpoint:

Add Amplify Authentication Library to the Project

Before going to the code, you add the Amplify Authentication Library to the dependencies of your project. Navigate to the General tab of your Target application (Your Project > Targets > General) and click the plus (+) in the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section:

Targets General Tab

Select AWSCognitoAuthPlugin and click Add:

Add AWSCognitoAuthPlugin package

You will now see AWSCognitoAuthPlugin as a dependency for your project:

AWSCognitoAuthPlugin as a dependency

Configure Amplify Authentication library at runtime

Back to Xcode, open Backend.swift file. In the Backend class,

  • add an import statement for the AmplifyPlugins
  • add a line to the amplify initialization code we added in the previous section.

Complete code block should look like this:

// at the top of the file
import Amplify
import AWSCognitoAuthPlugin

private init () {
  // initialize amplify
  do {
     try Amplify.add(plugin: AWSCognitoAuthPlugin())
     try Amplify.configure()
     print("Initialized Amplify")
  } catch {
     print("Could not initialize Amplify: \(error)")

To verify everything works as expected, build the project. Click Product menu and select Build or type ⌘B. There should be no error.

Trigger Authentication at Runtime

The remaining code change tracks the status of user (are they signed in or not?) and triggers the SignIn / SignUp user interface when user is not signed in.

  1. Add signin and signout code

    Anywhere in Backend class, add the following three methods:

    // MARK: - User Authentication
    // signin with Cognito web user interface
    public func signIn() {
        Amplify.Auth.signInWithWebUI(presentationAnchor:!) { result in
            switch result {
            case .success(_):
                print("Sign in succeeded")
            case .failure(let error):
                print("Sign in failed \(error)")
    // signout
    public func signOut() {
        Amplify.Auth.signOut() { (result) in
            switch result {
            case .success:
                print("Successfully signed out")
            case .failure(let error):
                print("Sign out failed with error \(error)")
    // change our internal state, this triggers an UI update on the main thread
    func updateUserData(withSignInStatus status : Bool) {
        DispatchQueue.main.async() {
            let userData : UserData = .shared
            userData.isSignedIn = status
  2. Add an authentication hub listener

    To track the changes of authentication status, we add code to subscribe to Authentication events sent by Amplify. We initialize the Hub in the Backend.init() method.

    When an authentication event is received, we call the updateUserData() method. This method keeps the UserData object in sync. The UserData.isSignedIn property is @Published, it means the user interface is automatically refreshed when the value changes.

    We also add code to check previous authentication status at application startup time. When the application starts, it checks if a Cognito session already exists and updates the UI accordingly.

    In Backend.init(), add the following code after Amplify's initialization:

    // in private init() function
    // listen to auth events.
    // see
    _ = Amplify.Hub.listen(to: .auth) { (payload) in
        switch payload.eventName {
        case HubPayload.EventName.Auth.signedIn:
            print("==HUB== User signed In, update UI")
            self.updateUserData(withSignInStatus: true)
        case HubPayload.EventName.Auth.signedOut:
            print("==HUB== User signed Out, update UI")
            self.updateUserData(withSignInStatus: false)
        case HubPayload.EventName.Auth.sessionExpired:
            print("==HUB== Session expired, show sign in UI")
            self.updateUserData(withSignInStatus: false)
            //print("==HUB== \(payload)")
        // let's check if user is signedIn or not
        Amplify.Auth.fetchAuthSession { (result) in
            do {
                let session = try result.get()
                // let's update UserData and the UI
                self.updateUserData(withSignInStatus: session.isSignedIn)
            } catch {
                print("Fetch auth session failed with error - \(error)")
  3. Update the User Interface code

    The last change in the code is related to the User Interface, we add a ZStack to the ContentView. Depending on UserData.isSignedIn's value, the UI shows either a SigninButton or the main List view.

    Open ContentView.swift and replace body in ContentView struct:

    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
            if (userData.isSignedIn) {
                NavigationView {
                    List {
                        ForEach(userData.notes) { note in
                            ListRow(note: note)
                    .navigationBarItems(leading: SignOutButton())
            } else {

    In the same file, add a SignInButton and a SignOutButton view:

    struct SignInButton: View {
        var body: some View {
            Button(action: { Backend.shared.signIn() }){
                HStack {
                    Image(systemName: "person.fill")
                    Text("Sign In")
    struct SignOutButton : View {
        var body: some View {
            Button(action: { Backend.shared.signOut() }) {
                    Text("Sign Out")

    To verify everything works as expected, build the project. Click Product menu and select Build or type ⌘B. There should be no error.

  4. Update Info.plist

    Finally, we must ensure our app is launched at the end of the web authentication sequence, provided by Cognito hosted user interface. We add the gettingstarted URI scheme to the app's Info.plist file.

    In Xcode, navigate to the Info.plist file (Project > Targets > Info) and add URL types as a key:

    Add URL types to Info.plist

    Expand the URL types drop down and add URL Schemes to Item 0 ():

    Add URL Schemes to URL types

    Lastly add the value gettingstarted to Item 0 under URL Schemes:

    Add URI as value to URL Schemes

  5. Build and Test

    To verify everything works as expected, build the project. Click Product menu and select Run or type ⌘R. There should be no error. The app starts on the Sign In button.

Here is the full signup flow.

Landing View Consent to redirect Cognito Hosted UI
Signin button Open Web UI Consent Signin Page
Signup flow Verification Code Main View
Signup flow Verification Code Main View

Next : Add API & Database.