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songpt is a Node.js package that generates tracks for music playlists fitting input prompts.

Input prompts may either be string prompts ("keywords") or a list of already present songs. songpt attempts to extract a common category among the given songs. Additionally, the package has functions to query the returned song title names against Spotify and to create playlists based on the generated suggestions.

CAUTION: songpt uses the experimental fetch introduced in Node.js v17. Usage of v18 LTS or above is required.

Try it out

You can find a web platform using songpt here: The platform allows you to generate playlists based on text input. It requires access to an OpenAI API key to work. The sources can be found in this repository: songpt-ai.

To try out the package locally, clone this repository. songpt comes preloaded with a script to try out the functionality. You can find it at test/tryout.js. To run the script, fill in the parameters in package.json:

"scripts": {
  "tryout": "node test/tryout.js <openai-api-key> <spotify-credentials> <spotify-refresh-token> <spotify-account-id>"


  • <openai-api-key> - Your key to use the OpenAI API. Can be found here. Required for generation of song suggestions.
  • <spotify-credentials> - The Base64 encoded credentials to your Spotify application. To use Spotify features, you will need to create a Spotify application and retrieve a client ID and secret. Can be found on the Spotify Developer Dashboard.
  • <spotify-refresh-token> - The refresh token to use to access the account that playlists should be created for. To generate this, log in to the Spotify application you created, and capture the refresh token. Make sure that the scopes given include playlist-modify-private and playlist-modify-public.
  • <spotify-account-id> - The account ID of your Spotify account. Make sure it is the same account as the one you used to generate a refresh token, as playlist will be generated using this account.

To try out the module, fill in the values above and run the following:

npm tryout

If the input you provided was valid, it will return the following (including your inputs):

> node test/tryout.js <openai-api-key> <spotify-credentials> <spotify-refresh-token> <spotify-account-id>

Created a Spotify playlist:
Created a Spotify playlist:

The playlist links generated are playlists in the account given generated based on the tryout.js script.


To use songpt in your Node.js application, run the following in your root project directory:

npm install songpt


The package exports multiple different functions to interact with OpenAI and Spotify to generate and store playlists.

Complete Process

These function represent the whole flow from start to finish to generate and store playlists based on certain inputs. Use these if you only want to generate Spotify playlists without worrying about the underlying logic.

  • generatePlaylistBasedOnKeywords Generates a new Spotify playlist based on the given keyword string.
generatePlaylistBasedOnKeywords("openAiApiKey", "spotifyCredentials", "spotifyRefreshToken", "spotifyAccountId", "A good playlist name", "A good playlist description", "Jazz music, but fast")
  • generatePlaylistBasedOnSongs Generates a new Spotify playlist based on the given list of song titles and artist names
generatePlaylistBasedOnSongs("openAiApiKey", "spotifyCredentials", "spotifyRefreshToken", "spotifyAccountId", "A good playlist name", "A good playlist description", ["Circles Post Malone", "Humble Kendrick Lamar", "Congratulation Post Malone"]) => {

Suggestion Generation

These functions return the names of songs and artists based on given inputs. This is the part of songpt that interacts with OpenAI and is used only for generating suggestions, without translating them to Spotify playlists or tracks.

  • generateSuggestionsBasedOnKeywords Generates a list of songs based on the given keyword string and topic. Topic is optional, and if not provided, will be extracted from the given keywords.
generateSuggestionsBasedOnKeywords("openAiApiKey", "Jazz music, but fast", "Jazz", 10, "gpt-4o-mini",)
  • generateSuggestionsBasedOnSongs Generates a list of songs based on the given list of song titles and topic. Topic is optional, and if not provided, will be extracted from the given songs.
generateSuggestionsBasedOnSongs("openAiApiKey", ["Circles Post Malone", "Humble Kendrick Lamar", "Congratulation Post Malone"], "Rap", 10, "gpt-4o-mini",)

Spotify Interaction

The following functions interact with Spotify, to query for generated tracks or to create playlists. The first two functions generate access tokens that are required for the usage of the latter functions.

  • getSpotifyAccessToken Generates an access token fitting the Spotify application created by you.
  • getSpotifyAccountAccessToken Generates an account access token fitting the Spotify application created by you, based on the account belonging to the given refresh token.
getSpotifyAccountAccessToken("spotifyCredentials", "spotifyRefreshToken")
  • searchSpotifyTracks Queries the Spotify tracks for songs fitting the given search term, for example, a song title, and returns all found tracks.
searchSpotifyTracks("Circles Post Malone", "accessToken")
  • getSpotifyTrackForTitle Queries the Spotify tracks for a given song title, and returns the most fitting result.
getSpotifyTrackForTitle("Circles Post Malone", "accessToken")
  • createSpotifyPlaylist Creates a Spotify playlist based on the inputs provided, including the Spotify songs carrying the given track IDs.
createSpotifyPlaylist("A good playlist name", "A good playlist description", ["1bM6X2PZUVCJvUGlSXaaqE", "3FtQes77xlbS9QTVts7p2u"], false, "spotifyAccountId", "spotifyAccountAccessToken")