Fix offline map tile simulator #1809
GitHub Actions / React Client Test Output
Jan 3, 2024 in 0s
Jest Test Results
These are all the test results I was able to find from your jest-junit reporter
148 tests were completed in 26.157s with 148 passed ✔ and 0 failed ✖ tests.
Following tests failed, but could not be found in the source files:
- bubble charts Simple bubble chart > bubble charts Simple bubble chart
- bubble charts Stops are limited to 3 > bubble charts Stops are limited to 3
- bubble charts Bubble chart with static stroke style > bubble charts Bubble chart with static stroke style
- bubble charts Bubble chart with matching interpolated stroke style > bubble charts Bubble chart with matching interpolated stroke style
- bubble charts Bubble chart with non-matching expression-based stroke style > bubble charts Bubble chart with non-matching expression-based stroke style
- bubble charts Multiple bubble charts for different layers with filters > bubble charts Multiple bubble charts for different layers with filters
- bubble charts Multiple bubble charts for different facets (case) > bubble charts Multiple bubble charts for different facets (case)
- bubble charts Different facets with matching stroke facets > bubble charts Different facets with matching stroke facets
- bubble charts Different facets with non-matching stroke facets > bubble charts Different facets with non-matching stroke facets
- heatmaps Simple heatmap > heatmaps Simple heatmap
- heatmaps 2 Heatmaps filtered by type > heatmaps 2 Heatmaps filtered by type
- heatmaps 2 different heatmaps controlled by case statement > heatmaps 2 different heatmaps controlled by case statement
- Gradient panels Simple gradient panel > Gradient panels Simple gradient panel
- Gradient panels Gradient panel with unrelated expression > Gradient panels Gradient panel with unrelated expression
- Gradient panels Multiple gradients depending on filter > Gradient panels Multiple gradients depending on filter
- Gradient panels Multiple gradients depending on case > Gradient panels Multiple gradients depending on case
- Gradient panels Multiple gradients (case) with unrelated stroke expression > Gradient panels Multiple gradients (case) with unrelated stroke expression
- Step panels Simple step panel > Step panels Simple step panel
- Step panels Two step panels with different filters > Step panels Two step panels with different filters
- Step panels Two step panels with different case statements > Step panels Two step panels with different case statements
- Step panels Two step properties in one layer > Step panels Two step properties in one layer
- List panels Simple list panel based on match > List panels Simple list panel based on match
- List panels Simple list panel based on case > List panels Simple list panel based on case
- List panels Combined match and case expressions to form list of fill symbols > List panels Combined match and case expressions to form list of fill symbols
- List panels Previous state filter with reversed order of expressions > List panels Previous state filter with reversed order of expressions
- List panels Mis-matched case and fill expressions > List panels Mis-matched case and fill expressions
- List panels Nested under filter > List panels Nested under filter
- List panels Mis-matched case+match and unrelated expression > List panels Mis-matched case+match and unrelated expression
- List panels Case expression with mixed get expressions > List panels Case expression with mixed get expressions
- List panels Case expression with 'all' expression > List panels Case expression with 'all' expression
- List panels Case expression with 'any' expression > List panels Case expression with 'any' expression
- filter panels Numeric filters creating a choropleth > filter panels Numeric filters creating a choropleth
- Complex test cases Choropleth with california singled-out > Complex test cases Choropleth with california singled-out
- Complex test cases EEZ with complex expressions > Complex test cases EEZ with complex expressions
- Complex test cases EEZ with complex case+match expressions > Complex test cases EEZ with complex case+match expressions
- Complex test cases EEZ with complex case+filter expressions > Complex test cases EEZ with complex case+filter expressions
- Complex test cases EEZ (complex w/only filters) > Complex test cases EEZ (complex w/only filters)
- Complex test cases EEZ w/filter by country and default style > Complex test cases EEZ w/filter by country and default style
- groupByFilters simple output > groupByFilters simple output
- groupByFilters a few filters > groupByFilters a few filters
- groupByFilters deeply nested > groupByFilters deeply nested
- groupByFilters more branches and deeply nested > groupByFilters more branches and deeply nested
- groupByFilters 'all' expressions are 'exploded' > groupByFilters 'all' expressions are 'exploded'
- groupByFilters related filters are grouped into the same node > groupByFilters related filters are grouped into the same node
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Interpolated fill color > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Interpolated fill color
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Place names > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Place names
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Populated places (heatmap) > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Populated places (heatmap)
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Populated places (gradient) > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Populated places (gradient)
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Populated places (circle) > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Populated places (circle)
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Populated places (bubble chart) > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Populated places (bubble chart)
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Marker bubble chart > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Marker bubble chart
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Places (by feature class) > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Places (by feature class)
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: EEZ (complex case+match) > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: EEZ (complex case+match)
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: EEZ (by country code) > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: EEZ (by country code)
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: EEZ (complex, case only) > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: EEZ (complex, case only)
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: EEZ (filter by country) > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: EEZ (filter by country)
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: EEZ (complex w/case+filters) > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: EEZ (complex w/case+filters)
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: EEZ (complex, only filters) > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: EEZ (complex, only filters)
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: EEZ (filtered lines w/shared fill) > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: EEZ (filtered lines w/shared fill)
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Populated places text label > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Populated places text label
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Places (circle-color step) > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Places (circle-color step)
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Places (case range w/no logical fallback) > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Places (case range w/no logical fallback)
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Places (case w/logical fallback) > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Places (case w/logical fallback)
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Places (text color by population) > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Places (text color by population)
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: state-data (choropleth, layer.metadata.label present) > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: state-data (choropleth, layer.metadata.label present)
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: state-data (very complex) > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: state-data (very complex)
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Places (single icon image) > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Places (single icon image)
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: state-data (choropleth, no metadata labels) > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: state-data (choropleth, no metadata labels)
- Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Geology (filter-based arcgis server layer) > Kitchen sink Kitchen sink: Geology (filter-based arcgis server layer)
- init > init
- Disallow duplicate keys > Disallow duplicate keys
- Disallows multiple strategies of the same type and query > Disallows multiple strategies of the same type and query
- Can be enabled and disabled by env setting > Can be enabled and disabled by env setting
- Requests not matching a strategy are passed through to fetch > Requests not matching a strategy are passed through to fetch
- Static strategy Returns cached results for subsequent requests > Static strategy Returns cached results for subsequent requests
- Static strategy New requests with different variables replace cache > Static strategy New requests with different variables replace cache
- lru strategy Limits size of cache to most recently used > lru strategy Limits size of cache to most recently used
- byArgs strategy Caches queries with specific arguments and ignores others > byArgs strategy Caches queries with specific arguments and ignores others
- no expression present > no expression present
- single get expression present > single get expression present
- single non-get expression present > single non-get expression present
- multiple get expressions conditional to a case statement > multiple get expressions conditional to a case statement
- multiple get expressions conditional to a case statement with a static fallback > multiple get expressions conditional to a case statement with a static fallback
- conditional static value falling back to the interpolation of interest > conditional static value falling back to the interpolation of interest
- match expression with multiple interpolations > match expression with multiple interpolations
- match expression with multiple interpolations and a static fallback > match expression with multiple interpolations and a static fallback
- match expression with fallback set to null > match expression with fallback set to null
- targetExpressionMustIncludeGet option > targetExpressionMustIncludeGet option
- renders without crashing > renders without crashing
- Ingress initial scenarios Invalid invitation > Ingress initial scenarios Invalid invitation
- Ingress initial scenarios Expired invitation > Ingress initial scenarios Expired invitation
- Ingress initial scenarios Anonymous user with invite sent to unregistered email > Ingress initial scenarios Anonymous user with invite sent to unregistered email
- Ingress initial scenarios Anonymous user with invite sent to known registered email > Ingress initial scenarios Anonymous user with invite sent to known registered email
- Ingress initial scenarios Signed in user with invite sent to self > Ingress initial scenarios Signed in user with invite sent to self
- Ingress initial scenarios Signed in user with invite sent to different email address > Ingress initial scenarios Signed in user with invite sent to different email address
- Ingress initial scenarios Signed in user with invite sent to different email address, for which an account already exists > Ingress initial scenarios Signed in user with invite sent to different email address, for which an account already exists
- Ingress initial scenarios Following thru with actions Anon users Signing in or registering redirects to confirmation page > Ingress initial scenarios Following thru with actions Anon users Signing in or registering redirects to confirmation page
- Ingress initial scenarios Following thru with actions Authenticated users Accepting invite as current user confirms invite and redirects to project homepage > Ingress initial scenarios Following thru with actions Authenticated users Accepting invite as current user confirms invite and redirects to project homepage
- Ingress initial scenarios Following thru with actions Authenticated users Accepting as another user logs out current session and redirects to confirmation page after authentication > Ingress initial scenarios Following thru with actions Authenticated users Accepting as another user logs out current session and redirects to confirmation page after authentication
- Ingress initial scenarios Confirmation page Confirms invite and redirects to project homepage > Ingress initial scenarios Confirmation page Confirms invite and redirects to project homepage
- Ingress initial scenarios email should be confirmed after accepting project invite (w/same email) > Ingress initial scenarios email should be confirmed after accepting project invite (w/same email)
- Ingress initial scenarios email should not be confirmed if accepting an invite to a different email > Ingress initial scenarios email should not be confirmed if accepting an invite to a different email
- Component renders with custom body > Component renders with custom body
- Has a button linking to the project url if linkToProject=true > Has a button linking to the project url if linkToProject=true
- Has a button to take survey again if promptToRespondAgain=true > Has a button to take survey again if promptToRespondAgain=true
- Respond Again link text can be customized > Respond Again link text can be customized
- Optional social sharing buttons > Optional social sharing buttons
- Component renders with custom body > Component renders with custom body
- Entering text updates the value > Entering text updates the value
- Required fields validate input after submission attempt > Required fields validate input after submission attempt
- minLength > minLength
- maxLength > maxLength
- Pressing return key advances to next field > Pressing return key advances to next field
- Renders form elements sorted by position > Renders form elements sorted by position
- Renders a default name for FeatureName if part of a survey > Renders a default name for FeatureName if part of a survey
- Displays validation errors if submissionAttempted is true > Displays validation errors if submissionAttempted is true
- Does not show validation errors if submissionAttempted is false > Does not show validation errors if submissionAttempted is false
- Hides elements that are hidden by logic rules > Hides elements that are hidden by logic rules
- Returns validation errors for required elements only if visible > Returns validation errors for required elements only if visible
- onChange only contains answers for visible elements > onChange only contains answers for visible elements
- Component renders with custom body > Component renders with custom body
- Entering text updates the value > Entering text updates the value
- Required fields validate input after submission attempt > Required fields validate input after submission attempt
- Pressing return+meta key advances to next field > Pressing return+meta key advances to next field
- Component renders with custom body > Component renders with custom body
- Entering text updates the value > Entering text updates the value
- validates entry > validates entry
- Component renders with custom body > Component renders with custom body
- selecting an option > selecting an option
- searching > searching
- Loading screen displays an svg indicator > Loading screen displays an svg indicator
- Project is visible if loaded and granted access > Project is visible if loaded and granted access
- Error is shown if project doesn't exist > Error is shown if project doesn't exist
- Unauthorized users are blocked by admin-only projects and given the support email > Unauthorized users are blocked by admin-only projects and given the support email
- Privileged access projects require a verified email > Privileged access projects require a verified email
- Invite-only projects deny access to unauthorized users > Invite-only projects deny access to unauthorized users
- Users with un-approved invite requests are blocked > Users with un-approved invite requests are blocked
- Component renders with custom body > Component renders with custom body
- selecting an option > selecting an option
- multipleSelect: selecting multiple options > multipleSelect: selecting multiple options
- Component renders with custom body > Component renders with custom body
- Clicking a star sets the value > Clicking a star sets the value
- Can increase number of stars > Can increase number of stars
- Component renders with custom body > Component renders with custom body
- Name should be populated with name from context, if available > Name should be populated with name from context, if available
- Facilitated surveys should have a place for facilitator name > Facilitated surveys should have a place for facilitator name
- Component renders with custom body and button text > Component renders with custom body and button text
- Clicking button proceeds to next page of survey > Clicking button proceeds to next page of survey
- Component renders with custom body > Component renders with custom body
- Clicking yes > Clicking yes
- Clicking no > Clicking no
- Component renders with custom body > Component renders with custom body
- Entering text updates the value > Entering text updates the value
- validates entry > validates entry
- Component renders with custom body > Component renders with custom body